Praktische Theologie II

Current information:

From 2020 a new international project will provide material for quality development of confirmation work based on the feedback of confirmands. See for details!

The following page is an archive of the previous studies from 2007-2008 (first international study) and 2012-2016 (second international study).

New project i-conf currently in preparation!

An online-tool for feedback in confirmation work

Starting from autumn 2019 the partner countries of the "International Network for Research and Development of Confirmation and Christian Youth Work" are planning a new tool for online-feedback in confirmation work. Under the name "i-conf" the tool provides questionnaires for a self-evaluation of confirmation work based on Smartphone-questionnaires. The data will provide a starting point for both: Development of confirmation work on the local level as well as scientific research in the field.

More information will be available on soon.

The International Study on Confirmation Work in Europe

Based on the results of the first study (data from 2007/2008) the second study on confirmation work in Europe scrutinizes the changes during the five years between the studies and offers the possibility to compare results from two studies in different times. But the focus of the second study is broader than just a repetition: Confirmands who are confirmed in 2013 received a questionnaire "t3" two years after confirmation. How is the confirmation experience perceived two years later? What is the perception of confirmation day in retrospect? What factors are decisive for motivating adolescents for voluntary work in confirmation work or in other fields? Questions like these could be answered on a broad empirical database.

Main results can be found in the following Powerpoint:

Main results of the second international study (pptx)

3-5 May 2017: International Conference on Confirmation Work in Erfurt/Germany

From 3-5 May 2017 the conference "Confirmation Work in Ecumenical and International Perspectives" took place in Erfurt/Germany. With 80 participants from 10 countries it was one of biggest international conferences in this field of research.

Overview of the conference programme

Documents from the Erfurt conference

Here you find a selection of lectures and workshops presented during the Erfurt conference. There will be no printed documentation from the conference, as the book "Confirmation, Faith, and Volunteerism" (2017) covers most of the topics presented during the conference.



April 2017: Volume 9 and 10 now available!

Here you find an overview on all publications from the second study on confirmation work.

volume 10:
Schweitzer, Friedrich / Schlag, Thomas / Simojoki, Henrik / Tervo-Niemelä, Kati / Ilg, Wolfgang (eds.) (2017): Confirmation, Faith, and Volunteerism. A Longitudinal Study on Protestant Adolescents in the Transition towards Adulthood. European Perspectives. Reihe Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen und gestalten Band 10. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
44,00 €, ISBN 978-3-579-08244-8

volume 9:
Beißwenger, Tobias / Härtner, Achim (2017): Konfirmandenarbeit im freikirchlichen Kontext. Der Kirchliche Unterricht in der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Studie 2012-2016. Reihe Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen und gestalten Band 9. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
49,99 €, ISBN 978-3-579-08231-8

Publication on t3-results in Germany: "Jugendliche nach der Konfirmation" (2016)

This book holds the results from the second study on confirmation work in Germany with special attention to the results from the survey t3 (two years after confirmation).

The book is available here:

Now available: The Study on Confirmation Work in Switzerland

Now available: The Second International Study on Confirmation Work in Europe

International research on confirmation work

Background: The first European study (2007-2009)

The first European study, published in 2010, covered seven European countries:

Schweitzer, Friedrich / Ilg, Wolfgang / Simojoki, Henrik (eds.) (2010): Confirmation Work in Europe: Empirical Results, Experiences and Challenges. A Comparative Study from Seven Countries. Gütersloh.

"The extensive and intensive both qualitative and quantitative study is an admirable piece of work ... and ... the result of an extraordinary form of cooperation" (book review in: Journal of Empirical Theology 24, 131).


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