Englisches Seminar

English Department

Founded in 1906, the English Department has a long history of excellence in teaching and research and ranks high in terms of student satisfaction and research impact.
With eleven full professors, an overall staff of about 70 people and more than 2500 students, we are one of the largest English departments in Germany. Members of the department are internationally acknowledged experts in their fields; they engage in a variety of collaborative research projects, and the media and other stakeholders regularly seek their expertise.
The English Department offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate programmes. Training future teachers is one of our most important tasks and we therefore offer a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Education in English. The staff of our Teaching English as a Foreign Language division collaborates closely with the prestigious Tübingen School of Education. Students can also choose between a more generally oriented Bachelor degree in English and American Studies (BA ‘Anglistik/Amerikanistik’) and a special Bachelor degree in Interdisciplinary American Studies. On the MA level, we offer degree programs in English Literatures and Cultures, American Studies, and English Linguistics.

Anti-Discrimination Statement

The English Department condemns every form of racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination on the basis, for instance, of belief, gender, sexual orientation, social status or class, language, dis/ability, or age, as specified in the German constitution (Grundgesetz, articles 3-5) and commits to addressing any instances of discrimination, whether singular or systemic.



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