
Job advertisements


Student/Scientific Assistant (m/f/d, 40 hours/month)

Cluster of excellence „Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections”

Application deadline: 07.06.2024

Our team:

The ‚Bacterial Metabolomics‘ research group, led by Prof. Dr. Hannes Link, is developing novel metabolomics methods with applications in various research areas such as Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering. More detailed information about our group can be found at https://www.linkmetabolism.com and https://www.cmfi.uni-tuebingen.de.

Project and Responsibilities:

The project to be supported aims to develop strategies to make the production of bioplastics more efficient. We use E. coli strains whose metabolism can be regulated by temperature changes.

The position includes the following tasks:

  • Optimization of metabolic pathways for bioplastic production
  • Performing cloning work for plasmids in E. coli
  • CRISPR genome editing
  • Metabolomics analyses with mass spectrometery

Your profile:

  • Enrolled student with a background in the life sciences (biology, biochemistry or similar)
  • Responsible and self-organized work
  • Experience with cloning work and general laboratory work


Please send a short application by email to:

hannes.linkspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Prof. Dr. Hannes Link

Universität Tübingen

M3 Forschungszentrum für Malignom, Metabolom und Mikrobiom

Otfried-Müller-Straße 37, 72076 Tübingen
