
How to manage your studies

Academic skills workshops for international students

It can be overwhelming to study in another country, especially when there are differences in academic expectations!

We help you sail through the difficulties of your studies and provide you with useful study strategies and resources in practical workshops. Prepare yourself optimally for the demands of studies in Tübingen right at the beginning of your student career.

This offer is designed to make your studies easier by:

  • Helping you adjust to academic/work environments in Tübingen (i.e. managing your studies, self-management)
  • Learning new skills for university (i.e. independent learning, academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism)
  • Expanding on what you already know (i.e. critical thinking, reading and collaborating with others)
  • Building networks with other students

Take a breath!

Take some time in the middle of your studies to reflect on where you are and recalibrate your goals

Critical reading and note-making

How to develop an effective approach to academic reading

Time and exam management

Good study results through planning and preparation

Critical thinking

How to navigate skillfully through information, evidence, and argumentation

Learning impulse: Interval learning

How to increase your productivity through efficient time management

Self-management and goal focus

How to develop the potential for goal realization

Final steps of your studies

A workshop to help you successfully complete your degree

Events for ­inter­national students
(in English)

Critical thinking
Fri 07 June 2024, 9 am

Learning impulse: Interval learning
Fri 14 June 2024, 10 am

Self-management and goal focus
Fri 21 June 2024, 10 am

Final steps of your studies
Fri 28 June 2024, 9 am

Critical thinking
Fri 05 July 2024, 9 am