Probral / Capes: "Discomforting Territories: Images, Narratives, and Objects of the Global South“


This is a four-year international bilateral cooperation project funded by the DAAD PPP / CAPES PROBRAL initiative (2019 – 2022).

The project “Discomforting Territories: Images, Narratives and Objects of the Global South” brings together researchers from anthropology, cultural and media studies from Universidade Federal Fluminense and University of Tübingen. The research focus is on how Global South societies, marked by economic and political asymmetries as well as the longue durée of postcolonial legacies, produce what we call “discomforting territories” – that is particular conjunctures of territorialities, subjectivities, affectivities, and corporalities that evoke ill-being, trauma and conflict. From its interdisciplinary point of vantage, the project looks at how images, narratives, social and symbolic practices configure and express these “discomforting territories” and bring to the surface colonial remains and violence, buried and alternative histories that contest and challenge social and political hegemony.

Territorialities in this sense are not understood as homogeneous containers. Following Hasbaert’s notion of multiterritoriality, they can rather be conceived of as complex layers of disputed geographical and virtual spaces. They speak of ongoing political struggles, wars, climate and other crisis, and of the impossible politics of belonging and identity that lead to what Rogoff’s defines as "exhausted geographies".  Mbembe’s notion of the “becoming black of the world” shows us how these “discomforting territories” are expressed through bodies, human and non-human subjectivities related to lived temporalities of “multiple durées” that unveil unwanted and alternative temporalities.


Prof. Dr. Fernando Resende (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brasil)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)


Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niterói, Brasil):

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Polivanov
Prof. Dr. Felipe Trotta
Dr. Roberto Robalinho Lima
Prof. Dr. Renata de Sá Gonçalves
Prof. Dr. Simone Vassallo

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen:

Prof. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov
Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou
Suzana Vasconcelos de Melo, M.A.
Kim Tiveron da Costa, M.A.


Upcoming Events

  • Round table in the international conference “Wellbeing and subjectivities across the Global South / Futures under construction” organized by Tübingen University: “Discomforting Territories: images, narratives and objects of the Global South” with Prof. Dr. Fernando Resende, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Prof. Dr. Renata Gonçalves and Dr. Roberto Robalinho. Monday 20 of July, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (CEST) – 10:00 am to 12:00 am (Brazilian Time). Link
  • Round table in the international conference “Wellbeing and subjectivities across the Global South / Futures under construction” organized by Tübingen University: “Fake News, Social Media and Subjectivities: Effects on Society and Politics in Brazil”. With Jean Wilys and Dr. Fernanda Bruno (UFRJ) and moderation by Dr. Beatriz Polivanov (UFF). Tuesday, 21st of July, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (CEST) – 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Brazilian Time). Link
  • Interview with rector Dr. Antônio Cláudio Nôbrega in the international conference “Wellbeing and subjectivities across the Global South / Futures under construction” organized by Tübingen University: “The role of public universities in the pandemia scenario in Brazil” with moderation of Prof. Dr. Fernando Resende and interviewers Heidrun Sturm and Fabiano Tonaco. 23rd of July / 16:00 (CEST) / 11:00 (Brazil). Link
  • Round table in the international conference “Wellbeing and subjectivities across the Global South / Futures under construction” organized by Tübingen University: “Epistemes of Global South: Education, Academia and Wellbeing” with Prof. Dr. Thaiane Oliveira, Oscar Eybers (University of Pretoria) and Tom Krippner (Tübingen University). Thursday, 30th of July: 7:30 p.m. New Delhi  / 4:00 p.m. Tübingen, Pretoria (CEST) / 11 a.m. Rio de Janeiro. Link

Past Events

  • Brazilian film debate “Petra Costa´s film the edge of democracy and debate with Roberto Robalinho”, in the Brazilian Zentrum in Tübingen, December 2019. Flyer
  • Autumn School – “Trauma, Conflito e Memória na Literatura e Cultura Brasileira e Hispano-Americana”,  Tübingen University, October 2019, organized by Prof. Dr. Cleusa Rios Pinheiro Passos (USP, Catedrática JGR), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Dr. Nadja Lobensteiner (UT) in cooperation with DAAD / CAPES PROBRAL “Discomforting Territories: images, narratives and objects of the Global South”, funded by DAAD and CAPES. Flyer
  • 1st PROBRAL Seminar - “Discomforting territories: images, narratives and objects of the Global South”. Niterói Federal Fluminense University, 02 to 03 of October 2019, organized by Post Graduation in Communications Program of the Federal Fluminense University (PPGCOM – UFF). Programme


  • “Quando a imagem é corpo: modos de sobreviver à máquina colonial”, by Fernando Resende, Roberto Robalinho and Diego Amaral, in Revista CMC: Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo vol. 16, n. 47, 2019, . Link
  • "A ciência e a política como vocação - o discurso de Merkel e a pandemia de Covid-19 na Alemanha", by Renata de Sá Gonçalves, in Biblioteca Virtual do Pensamento Social. Link
  • Modos de Ser Sul: territorialidades, afetos e poderes, organized by Fernando Resende, Roberto Robalinho and Diego Amaral, Rio de Janeiro, E-papers, CAPES / CNPQ funding. (to be published July 2020)
  • “Geographies of the South: unfolding experiences and narrative territorialities”, by Fernando Resende, in: Navigating the Planetary, organized by Hildegund Amanshauser and Kimberley Bradley, Viena, Verlag für moderne Kunst. (to be published July 2020)
  • “The paths of Little Africa in Rio de Janeiro - subjective territorial experiences in question” , by Renata de Sá Gonçalves, in: Vibrant Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, ISSN: 1809-4341. (to be published)
  • “Viver é muito perigoso: o entremeio de Riobaldo e as imagens das jornadas de junho de 2013”, by Roberto Robalinho, in Explorando os Entremeios, organized by Cleusa Rios Pinheiro Passos, Sebastian Thies, Suzana Vasconcelos de Melo and Kim Tiveron da Costa, São Paulo, Hucitec. (to be published August 2020).

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