dear applicants,
below you will find some postdoc and PhD opportunities at the University of Tübingen and partners.
Deadlines and information are the responsibility of each institution. Good luck!
DWIH São Paulo is hiring a Head of Programme for a full-time position (40h/week), with an expected start date of 1 April 2025. The selected candidate will be responsible for managing the local programme, overseeing strategic planning, and representing the DWIH at events in Brazil and abroad.
Key requirements include:
✔ Extensive experience in scientific cooperation, innovation funding, and event management
✔ Excellent command of German, English, and Portuguese (spoken and written)
✔ In-depth knowledge of the science and innovation landscapes in Brazil and Germany
✔ Availability for frequent travel
✔ Experience in moderating and presenting events and workshops
DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Brazil, which manages the DWIH São Paulo, offers an attractive salary, professional development opportunities, and a dynamic, multilingual work environment.
PhD Researcher in Theoretical or Experimental Pragmatics / Cognitive Science (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics
The following position is available at the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities beginning June 2nd 2025 or after.
More information!
Post-Doctoral Researcher in Theoretical or Experimental Pragmatics / Cognitive Science (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 100%)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics
The following position is available at the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities beginning June 2nd 2025 or after.
More information!
Junior Group Leader / Post-Doctoral Researcher Computational Linguistics/Cognitive Science (m/f/d, E 14 TV-L, 100%)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics
More information!
Three-year position for a researcher in Archaeo- and Palaeoproteomics (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 39,5 h/week)
Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Department Geosciences
More information!
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: PhD position, Focus: STEM Education for Gifted Students (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L*, 75%, fixed-term contract for 3 years).
More information!
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: PhD position, Focus: Learning Behaviour, Self-Regulated Learning, or STEM Identity (m/f/d, E13 TV-L*, 75%, fixed-term contract for 3 years).
More information!
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: Postdoctoral Researcher, Focus: Learning Analytics (m/f/d, E 13* TV-L, 100%, fixed-term contract until July 31, 2030).
More information!
PostDoc position to develop methods and computational tools to evaluate computational models of vision (m/f/d; E13 TV-L; 100%)
We seek a postdoctoral fellow (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 100%) as part of the DFG-funded Cooperative Research Center (CRC) on “Robust Vision”.
More information!
Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Physics (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L)
Faculty of Science, Theoretical Astrophysics Group
More information!
Application deadline: 31.03.2025
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: PhD Position in Cooperative Learning in Small Groups (m/f/d, TV-L E13, 75%, limited to three years)
More information!
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: PhD Position in AI-Supported Analysis and Enhancement of Teaching Quality (m/f/d, TV-L E13, 75%, limited to three years)More information!
The Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology at the University of Tübingen invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible: PhD Position in “Automated Assessment of Teaching Quality” (m/f/d, TV-L E13, 100%, limited to three years)
Application deadline: 30.04.2025
The Fleischer Lab from the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Tübingen, invites applications for the position of PhD student / doctoral candidate (m/w/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%) for the duration of three years, starting in October 2025. The remuneration is based on the German TV-L statutory salary scale.
Deadline: 30.12.2024
Capes oferece bolsas na modalidade Cátedra, na Universidade de Tübingen, por intermédio do Centro Brasileiro e Latino-Americano nas áreas da Física Quântica (edição 2024/2025), Geo-ciências (2025/2026) e História Moderna (2026/2027).
Cada edição do edital selecionará 1 (um) bolsista da modalidade Cátedra, o qual poderá indicar 1 (um) bolsista de Pós-doutorado e 1 (um) bolsista de Doutorado Sanduíche para promover a colaboração em educação e pesquisa entre Alemanha e o Brasil, assim como em aperfeiçoar o conhecimento sobre o Brasil na Alemanha. A duração da bolsa varia entre 6 (seis) e 12 (doze) meses.
A chamada 2024/2025, na área da Física Quântica, já está aberta e o deadline é 30 de dezembro de 2024! Detalhes aqui!
Deadline: 05.12.2024
Der DAAD hat 7 Lehrassistenzen und 10 GTA- Stipendien ab Herbst 2025 in Brasilien ausgeschrieben. Gesucht werden Absolventinnen und Absolventen (Bachelor, Master, 1. Staatsexamen Lehramt) aus den Fachbereichen Germanistik, Deutsch als Fremdsprache oder einer Regionalphilologie, die für 10 Monate Unterrichtspraxis in Brasilien sammeln wollen. Mehr Infos!
Application deadline: 06.03.2025
PhD Position (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%, limited)
Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI)
The Drug-Microbiome and Microbiome-Host Interactions groups of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) at the University of Tübingen advertise a PhD Position (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%) in Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited to three years.
More information!
Doctoral position in Biomedicine (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 65%)
The University of Tübingen, Faculty of Science, DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2381), has an open call for fully funded PhD positions in Biomedicine (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 65%) starting July 1, 2025. The initial fixed-term contract will be for 3 years.
More information!
PhD position ( f/m/d, E13 TV-L 13, 65%, 3 years)
Department of Korean Studies
The Korean Department of the University of Tübingen seeks to fill a Ph.D. position that will start on April 14, 2025. The salary is about 33,000 to 37,400 euros/ per year, depending on work experience. More information here!
The AI & Data Science Fellowship Program, a cooperation between the University of Tübingen, distinguished as excellent by the Federal Government of Germany, and Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading pharmaceutical company, is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow – AI & Data Science (f/m/d; E13 TV-L, 100%) to work on cutting-edge and exciting AI & data science research topics that generate real added value for human and animal healthcare. More information!
DWIH sucht für sein Programmteam voraussichtlich zum Anfang 2025 oder früher eine/n Programmsachbearbeiter/in (20 Stunden pro Woche)!
Bewerbungsfrist: Es gibt keine feste Bewerbungsfrist, da DWIH eingehende Bewerbungen fortlaufend prüft und lädt qualifizierte Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten zeitnah zu Gesprächen ein. Deshalb wurde eine frühzeitige Bewerbung empfohlen. Erfahren Sie mehr!
Es werden nur Bewerberinnen und Bewerber berücksichtigt, deren Muttersprache Deutsch ist und die mindestens mittlere Sprachkenntnisse in Portugiesisch (B1) und Englisch (B2) aufweisen. Erfahren Sie mehr!
The Archaeometry Research Group of the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen seeks to fill a 3-year PhD position – Archaeometry of ancient lime mortars m/f/d, remuneration according to the German salary scale 13 TV-L (65%). More information!
Postdoctoral Research Fellow – AI & Data Science (f/m/d, E 13 TV-L, 100%)
University of Tübingen and Boehringer Ingelheim AI & Data Science Fellowship Program. More information!
Post-doc position in Quantum Information Theory (f/m/d, E13 TV-L, 100%)
The Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University Tübingen is looking to fill a post-doc position in Quantum Information Theory. The position will be offered initially until the end of June 2025 with the possibility of extension for two more years depending on extension of funding. More information!
Postdoctoral position (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 100%)
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a postdoctoral position (m/f/d, salary level E 13, 100%) limited for two years. More information here!
Deadline: 11.09.2024
Professores e cientistas brasileiros têm até 11/09 para se candidatar ao programa de estadias de pesquisa do DAAD. O programa viabiliza o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa por um a três meses numa instituição alemã em qualquer área do conhecimento. Detalhes aqui!
Deadline: 11.09.2024
Estão abertas até o dia 11/09 as inscrições ao novo edital do Programa de Bolsas de Doutorado do DAAD na Alemanha. A chamada é destinada a pesquisadores de todas as áreas do conhecimento e oferece as modalidades Doutorado Pleno, Doutorado Sanduíche ou Doutorado Sanduíche com Cotutela. Detalhes aqui!
Deadline: 06.08.2024
Postula hasta el martes 6 de agosto a la convocatoria 2024 del concurso ANID-DAAD. Esta es tu oportunidad de estudiar tu doctorado en Alemania y contribuir al desarrollo de Chile. Más información aquí!
PhD student / doctoral candidate in Eco-Evolutionary Modeling (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 65%)
Faculty of Science, Institute of Evolution and Ecology (EvE). The position is limited for three years.
More information here!
Postdoc (w/m/d, E 13 TV-L, 100%, befristet auf 3 Jahre)
Hector-Institut für Empirische Bildungsforschung
More information here!
Deadline: 01.07.2024
Applications are open for the CAPES/DAAD - Probral Program call, a cooperation between CAPES and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). CAPES will invest in 30 joint projects of higher education institutions in Brazil and Germany. More infos...
PhD student / doctoral candidate in Materials Science (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 50-75%)
Faculty of Science, Institute of Applied Physics.The position is limited for three years.
More information here!
PhD student / doctoral candidate (m/w/d, E 13 TV-L, 50 %)
Faculty of Science, Institute of Organic Chemistry
More information here!
PhD student/ doctoral candidate in Physics (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 50-75%)
Faculty of Science, Institute of Applied Physics
More information here!
Post-Doctoral Researcher / Junior Group Leader Linguistics / Computational Linguistics / Cognitive Science (m/f/d; E 14 TV-L, 100%)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics
More information here!
2 PhD positions in Theoretical / Computational Linguistics / Cognitive Science (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Linguistics
More information here!
Two Positions for Doctoral Studies (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L, 66%)
Faculty of Science, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
The High-Energy Astrophysics (HEA) group of the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Tübingen (IAAT) invites applications for
Two Positions for Doctoral Studies (m/f/d, E13 TV-L, 66%)
1. "Multiwavelength modelling of the gamma-ray binary PSR B1259-63"
2. “Studies of Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants exploiting the eROSITA Survey”
More information here!
PhD Position (f/m/d, E 13 TV-L, 65%)
Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences
The Department of Geosciences of the University Tübingen is internationally known for its research in the environmental sciences. In this context, the Geophysics Group at the Geo- and Environmental Center (GUZ) announces the vacancy of a PhD Position (f/m/d, E13 TV-L, 65%)*.
More information here!
PhD student (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L)
Faculty of Science, Bosch Industry-on-Campus (IoC) Lab
The Bosch Industry-on-Campus (IoC) Lab, a research collaboration between the University of Tübingen and Bosch Center for AI, is in search of a highly motivated PhD student (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L) to address the challenges of out-of-distribution (OoD) generalization in computer vision tasks.
More information here!
PhD student (f/m/d, E13 TV-L, 65%)
Faculty of Science, Department of Geoscience
More information here!
Postdoc Position in Antibiotics and Bacterial Immunity (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 100%)
The Systems Biology of Antibiotics group of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) at the University of Tübingen advertises a Postdoc Position (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 100%) in Antibiotics and Bacterial Immunity to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited to three years.
More information here
PhD Position in Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 65%)
Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI), research group Systems Biology of Antibiotics
The Systems Biology of Antibiotics group of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) at the University of Tübingen advertises a PhD Position (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 65%) in Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited to three years.
More Information here!
Postdoc Position in Computational Microbiology (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 100%)
Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI), Systems Biology of Antibiotics group
The Systems Biology of Antibiotics group of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) at the University of Tübingen advertises a Postdoc Position in Computational Microbiology to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited to three years.
More information here!
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