Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh)


The Chair of Islamic doctrine has a strong interdisciplinary and interfaith profile, which also translates into the teaching of its team members. In addition to courses on systematic theology, Prof. Dr. Lejla Demiri offers a number of courses in cooperation with scholars of Christian theology. Students from different religious backgrounds study their Scriptures and theological traditions together, learning with and from each other. Furthermore, the research expertise of ChID’s team members enriches the teaching, bringing in topics from the fields of mystical traditions, apologetic literature, philosophy of education, and literary and historical studies. In addition to the regular curriculum, ChID has organized study trips and lecture series to engage contemporary questions with theological perspectives. These teaching activities offer students unique opportunities to reflect critically on their contexts, which are shaped by religious and cultural pluralism. Given the international academic network that ChID members bring with them, they often invite scholars from abroad to specific course sessions, thereby offering students a broad range of perspectives and a global expertise. 

Senior Research Seminar

Since 2017 the Chair of Islamic Doctrine has been offering the Senior Research Seminar for advanced MA students to guide them in their academic study and research. The seminar further provides a vibrant platform for PhD and Habilitation (postdoctoral) candidates to present and discuss their ongoing research and to offer feedback on others’ ideas. In recent years (since 2020) the seminar has been organized in cooperation with the Chair for Religious Studies and Jewish Studies (Faculty of Protestant Theology) Prof. Dr. Holger Zellentin. For this semester's programme, please see the poster.

Scriptural Reasoning

‘Scriptural Reasoning’ (SR), a practice which originally developed as a Jewish intra-faith activity, has become a prominent and especially rich method for interfaith dialogue between Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Be it in schools, parishes, or in academic settings, people of Abrahamic faiths read and reflect upon their respective Scriptures together. Committed to Scriptural Reasoning since 2004, Prof. Dr. Lejla Demiri was a member of the SR group at the University of Cambridge. Since then she has been an active participant in various SR events and at the University of Tübingen she has offered yearly Scriptural Reasoning seminars in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwöbel (from 2015  to 2021), thereby introducing a central interfaith practice into Tübingen’s academic university setting. Students engage with Scriptural passages selected according to a specific theme  and learn from the ‘other’ tradition and gain fresh perspectives on their ‘own’. The annual Scriptural Reasoning seminars are an integral and much valued part of the courses taught by the Chair of Islamic Doctrine.

Study Trips

In 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017, Prof. Dr. Lejla Demiri organised study trips (Summer Academy on Muslim-Christian Dialogue) to Rome in cooperation with the Lay Center at Foyer Unitas and Cambridge Muslim College (CMC). Students spent several days in Rome, where they visited places such as St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican museums, and monasteries. They attended a General Audience with the Pope and Sunday mass to get an impression of Christian spirituality. An important element of these study trips were personal encounters with scholars of religion, diplomats, and people committed to interfaith dialogue. These study trips gave students from Tübingen, Cambridge, and Rome unique opportunities to meet, to gain insights into religion in Italy, and to learn about Christian and Muslim perspectives on specific topics.

Selected Courses taught by ChID team members

Summer Semester 2024

  • Seminar: Ottoman Writings on the Bible (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Seminar. Scriptural Reasoning: Prayer - Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Seminar: Islam und Philosophie (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Lecture: Systematische Theologie und Philosophie (Dr. Serkan Ince)

For more information, please see the course program on alma.

Winter Semester 2023/24

  • Seminar: Muslims and the Bible (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Lecture: Einführung in die Glaubensgrundlagen (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Seminar: Grundbegriffe der Islamischen Seelsorge (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Seminar: Religion(en) und Moderne(n)  Trialog. Jüdisch-Christlich-Muslimisches Gespräch (Joint Seminar of Catholic Faculty and ZITh) (Dr. Serkan Ince)

For more information, please see the course program on alma.

Summer Semester 2023

  • Seminar: Religion and Nature: Environment in Arabic Sources (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)

  • Seminar: Scriptural Reasoning: Prophethood - Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)

  • Seminar: Was ist 'Ilm/Wissen? Islamische Perspektiven (Dr. Claire Gallien)

  • Lecture: Systematische Theologie und Philosophie (Dr. Serkan Ince)

  • Seminar: Systematische Theologie - Mit Ausrichtung auf pädagogisch-analytisches Verstehen und Lernen (Dr. Serkan Ince)

  • Seminar: RVL Textautoritäten (Joint Seminar of Protestant Faculty and ZITh) (Dr. Serkan Ince)

  • Lecture: Islam, Mystik und Spiritualität (Dr. Amina Nawaz)

  • Seminar: Academic English for Islamic Theology (Dr. Mujadad Zaman)

  • Seminar: Stages of Human Existence in Islamic Thought (Dr. Mujadad Zaman)

For more information, please see the course program on alma.

Winter Semester 2022/2023

  • Seminar: Jesus in Islam (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Seminar: Decolonising the Study of Islam (Dr. Claire Gallien)
  • Lecture: Einführung in die Glaubensgrundlagen (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Seminar: Morallehre und Kalam (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Seminar: Pilgrimage and Retreat in Islamic Devotions (Dr. Amina Nawaz)
  • Seminar: Academic English for Islamic Theology (Dr. Mujadad Zaman)

For more information, please see the course program on alma.

Summer Semester 2022

  • Lecture: Ash‘ari and Maturidi Theologies: A Comparative Perspective (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Seminar: Scriptural Reasoning: Hope. Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri)
  • Seminar: What is ‘Ilm/Knowledge? Islamic Perspectives (Dr. Claire Gallien)
  • Seminar: Islam und Philosophie (Dr. Serkan Ince)
  • Seminar: Islam and Other Religions (Dr. Amina Nawaz)
  • Seminar: Psychology, Philosophy and Pedagogy: Understanding Islamic Education (Dr. Mujadad Zaman)

For more information, please see the course program on alma.

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