Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh)

Dr. Dženita Karić

Teach@Tübingen Fellow (SS 2019 and WS 2019-20)

Dr. Dženita Karić is a researcher in postclassical Islamic intellectual history. In 2019/20, she was a Teach@Tübingen fellow at the Center of Islamic Theology, lecturing on ‘Mobilities in Global Islam’ and on ‘Women and Gender in Islamic History’. Having received her PhD from SOAS, University of London, she has been researching and teaching at several renowned universities. During her time at the  Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, she published the results of her PhD research in the book 'Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy' (2022). Since September 2023, Dr. Karić is assistant professor in religious studies and cultural heritage at the University of Amsterdam, teaching and further researching the Islamic heritage in Bosnia.

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