"I had the great opportunity to be able to do an exchange semester at the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil as part of my master studies at the University of Tübingen through ISAP. I can say that this exchange changed my life. I was fortunate to be able to work with great professors, discuss with brilliant students and learn from all of them. This allowed me to strengthen my academic interests and define the direction of my research, and I was able to broaden my knowledge of indigenous peoples and Latin American cultural diversity. The day-to-day life in Brazil allowed me to get to know other landscapes, other musical rhythms, to experience other social situations and to apply my knowledge of Portuguese. This stay not only provided me with an academic support network in Niterói, it also left me with great friends and confirmed my interest and love for this country. It is an experience that I highly recommend."
Kristell Pech Oxte, exchange student at UFF