
Educational Leave (According to the Bildungszeitgesetz)

On July 1, 2015, the Bildungszeitgesetz Baden-Württemberg (BzG BW, educational leave act) came into force. Employees in Baden-Württemberg are now entitled to take up to five days a year off work for further training. Those who regularly work less than five days a week are entitled to correspondingly fewer days of educational leave.

The leave of absence is subject to continued remuneration. Bildungszeit (educational leave) is referred to in other federal states as "Bildungsfreistellung", "Bildungsurlaub" or "Arbeitnehmerweiterbildung".

Requests for educational leave must be submitted in writing to the employer at least eight weeks before the start of the training program. The required form is available on HR's download page.

If a request is rejected, please contact the staff council.

Updated: 06/2020

 Further information (in German) is available at:
