


"Debating Planetary Ethics" project awarded by the Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation

Innovative Digital Teaching Project Award

The project "Debating Planetary Ethics - A Podcast on the Planetary Boundaries" was awarded as an innovative digital teaching project by the Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation on 27 September 2023. Rector Prof. Dr. Karla Pollmann and Thomas Schwind (Chairman of the Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation) awarded the prize in the Historical Reading Room of the University Library.
The project is developing an English-language podcast in which Dr. Simon Meisch, together with Prof. Dr. Jeremy Schmidt from the Department of Geography at Durham University, discusses ethical issues related to the concept of planetary boundaries introduced in 2009. Among other things, this deals with climate change or ocean acidification. Each episode of the podcast will be dedicated to one of the nine planetary boundaries defined, engaging in an interdisciplinary debate with a wide range of scholars. The podcast is intended to function as a stand-alone learning unit with accompanying information, but can also be integrated as an ethics module in courses related to the planetary boundaries.

Contact: simon.meisch@uni-tuebingen.de
