Englisches Seminar

Applied English Linguistics (Kurt Kohn)

INCA Project

Development of a framework, diagnostic tool and record of competence for the assessment of intercultural competence integrated with language competence and subject knowledge competence

Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union), 2001-2004

Companies in the engineering industry have identified a need for 'cultural awareness' training for trainees and employees. In the present climate of increasing globalisation, operations may often be carried out in an international environment, with staff from one country and social or work culture working with staff from another country and culture. Mismatches in expectations and a lack of appreciation of and tolerance for difference can lead to less effective and efficient working practices. They can also exacerbate xenophobia and racism. Some employers have realised the need for training to raise awareness among the workforce. This has generally taken shape as a requirement for language trainers to deliver 'cultural awareness' or 'European awareness' training integrated with language skills.

There is an urgent need for a framework to underpin training and assessment in this field. There is also a need for an effective and efficient diagnostic tool to support assessment, benchmarking, recruitment and employee development.

This project aims to link the Council of Europe's Common European Framework (1997) framework for intercultural competence learning to the needs of industry, and produce thereby a framework for delivery and assessment suitable for use in promoting intercultural awareness and understanding as part of a vocational languages programme. The project will also develop an associated diagnostic tool and record of competence.

Kurt Kohn