Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kahle
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Stiftungsprofessor für Theorie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften
Universität Tübingen
Keplerstraße 2
72074 Tübingen
+49 (0)7071 29 75333
Sprechzeiten: n. V., Raum 108
- Mathematische und philosophische Logik
- Philosophie der Mathematik
- Sprachphilosophie
- Logikgeschichte
- Gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Wissenschaft
Curriculum Vitae
2019 | Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Stiftungsprofessor für Theorie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften an der Universität Tübingen |
2008 - 2018 | Professor für mathematische Logik an der Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
2015 - 2016 | Gastprofessor an der Universidade Aberta |
2008 | (Portugiesische) Habilitation in Mathematik Universidade de Coimbra |
2003 - 2008 | Professor für Mathematik an der Universidade de Coimbra |
2007 | Habilitation in Informatik Universität Tübingen |
1997 | Promotion in Informatik Universität Bern |
1993 | Diplom in Mathematik LMU München |
1987 - 1993 | Studium der Mathmatik, Philosophie und Informatik in Göttingen, Zürich und München |
Herausgegebene Veröffentlichungen
- Reinhard Kahle, Thomas Strahm, and Thomas Studer (editors): Advances in Proof Theory. Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic, vol. 28, Birkhäuser, 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle and Michael Rathjen (editors): Gentzen's Centenary: The quest for consistency. Springer, 2015.
- Erich Grädel and Reinhard Kahle (editors): Special Issue for the Conference on Computer Science Logic CSL 2009. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2009. Special issue.
- Erich Grädel and Reinhard Kahle (editors): Computer Science Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5771, Springer, 2009.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem (editors): Days in Logic '06. Textos de Matemática, vol. 38, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle and Peter Schroeder-Heister (editors): Proof-theoretic semantics. Synthese, 148(3), 2006. Special issue.
- Reinhard Kahle (editor): Intensionality. Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 22, ASL and AK Peters, 2005.
- Bernd Buldt, Volker Halbach, and Reinhard Kahle (editors): Reflections on Frege and Hilbert. Synthese, 147(1), 2005. Special issue.
- Wilfried Buchholz and Reinhard Kahle (editors): Festschrift on the occasion of Helmut Schwichtenberg's 60th birthday. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 133(1-3), 2005. Special issue.
- Reinhard Kahle, Peter Schroeder-Heister, and Robert Stärk (editors): Proof theory in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2183, Springer, 2001. Proceedings of a Dagstuhl seminar, October 2001.
- Reinhard Kahle: Is there a “Hilbert Thesis”?. Studia Logica, 107(1):145-165, 2019. Special Issue on General Proof Theory. Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister (Guest Editors).
- Inês Hipolito and Reinhard Kahle: Discussing Hilbert's 24th problem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 377:1-10, 2019. Introduction to the Theme issue The notion of simple proofHilbert's 24th problem compiled and edited by Inês Hipolito and Reinhard Kahle.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: What is Hilbert's 24th problem?. Kairos, 20(1):1-11, 2018.
- Paulo Guilherme Santos and Reinhard Kahle: Diagonalização, Paradoxos e o Teorema de Löb. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 73(3-4):1169-1188, 2017.
- Reinhard Kahle: A Logician's Sidelong Glance at Irony. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 122017. Commentary.
- Reinhard Kahle: The Logical Cone. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 4(4):1087-1101, 2017. Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Grigori Mints. Dov Gabbay and Oleg Prosorov (Guest Editors).
- Reinhard Kahle: Von Dedekind zu Zermelo versus Peano zu Gödel. Mathematische Semesterberichte, 64(2):159-167, 2017. Also published in a volume In Memoriam Richard Dedekind (1831-1916).
- Guillaume Bonfante, Reinhard Kahle, Jean-Yves Marion, and Isabel Oitavem: Two functions algebras defining functions in NCk boolean circuits. Information and Computation, 248:82-103, 2016. Development on Implicit Computational Complexity (DICE 2013).
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: O computador enquanto tecnologia ao serviço da investigação matemática. Educação e Matemática, 139-140:70-72, 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle: What is a proof?. Axiomathes, 25(1):79-91, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle, Isabel Oitavem, and Helena Rocha: Os Problemas de Hilbert. Educação e Matemática, 130:23-27, 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: Applicative theories for the polynomial hierarchy of time and its levels. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 164(6):663-675, 2013.
- Reinhard Kahle: The universal set and diagonalization in Frege structures. Review of Symbolic Logic, 4(2):205-218, 2011.
- Reinhard Kahle: Die Gödelschen Unvollständigkeitssätze. Mathematische Semesterberichte, 54(1):1-12, 2007. Reprinted in Facetten der Mathematik, Springer 2018.
- Reinhard Kahle: A proof-theoretic view of necessity. Synthese, 148(3):659-673, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle and Peter Schroeder-Heister: Proof-theoretic semantics Introduction. Synthese, 148(3):503-506, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle: Universes over Frege structures. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 119(1-3):191-223, 2003.
- Reinhard Kahle: Structured Belief Bases. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 10:49-62, 2002.
- Reinhard Kahle: Mathematical proof theory in the light of ordinal analysis. Synthese, 133(1-2):237-255, 2002.
- Volker Peckhaus and Reinhard Kahle: Hilbert's paradox. Historia Mathematica, 29(2):157-175, 2002.
- Reinhard Kahle and Thomas Studer: Formalizing non-termination of recursive programs. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 49(1-2):1-14, 2001.
- Reinhard Kahle: Truth in applicative theories. Studia Logica, 68(1):103-128, 2001.
- Gerhard Jäger, Reinhard Kahle, and Thomas Studer: Universes in explicit mathematics. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 109(3):141-162, 2001.
- Reinhard Kahle: N-strictness in applicative theories. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 39(2):125-144, 2000.
- Gerhard Jäger, Reinhard Kahle, Anton Setzer, and Thomas Strahm: The proof-theoretic analysis of transfinitely iterated fixed point theories. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 64(1):53-67, 1999.
- Reinhard Kahle: Frege structures for partial applicative theories. Journal of Logic and Computation, 9(5):683-700, 1999.
Referierte Buchbeiträge
- Reinhard Kahle: Structure and Structures. In Mario Piazza and Gabriele Pulcini (editors): Truth, Existence and Explanation. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 334, pages 109-120. Springer, 2018.
- Reinhard Kahle: Μηδεὶς ἀγεωμέτρητοϛ εἰσίτω. In Hassan Tahiri (editor): The Philosophers and Mathematics. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, vol. 43, pages 117-126. Springer, 2018.
- Reinhard Kahle and Gabriele Pulcini: Towards an Operational View of Purity. In Pavel Arazim and Tomáš Lávička (editors): The Logica Yearbook 2017. College Publications, 2018.
- Reinhard Kahle: From Hilbert to Bourbaki. In António Costa Canas, João Caramalho Domingues, and Luís Saraiva (editors): Actas/Anais do 7.º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. pages 585-594. Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 2018.
- Reinhard Kahle: Von Dedekind zu Zermelo versus Peano zu Gödel. In Katrin Scheel, Thomas Sonar, and Peter Ullrich (editors): In Memoriam Richard Dedekind (1831-1916). Schriften zur Geschichte der Mathematik und ihrer Didaktik, vol. 3, pages 174-185. WTM, Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien, Münster, 2017. Also published in the Mathematische Semesterberichte.
- Reinhard Kahle: Mathematical Truth Revisited: Mathematics as a Toolbox. In Evandro Agazzi (editor): Varieties of Scientific Realism. pages 395-406. Springer, 2017.
- Reinhard Kahle: Towards a proof-theoretic semantics of equalities. In Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister (editors): Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Trends in Logic, vol. 43, pages 153-160. Springer, 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle and Wilfried Keller: Syntax versus Semantics. In M. Antonia Huertas, João Marcos, María Manzano, Sophie Pinchinat, and François Schwarzentruber (editors): 4th International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic. pages 75-84. University of Rennes 1, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: After Hilbert and Brouwer: Bourbaki and Bishop. In Evandro Agazzi and Gerhard Heinzmann (editors): Pragmatism and the Practical Turn in Philosophy of Science. pages 190-200. FrancoAngeli, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: Gentzen's theorem in context. In Reinhard Kahle and Michael Rathjen (editors): Gentzen's Centenary: The quest for consistency. pages 3-24. Springer, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: Sets, truth, and recursion. In Dora Achourioti, Kentaro Fujimoto, Henri Galinon, and Jose Martinez (editors): Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science, vol. 36, pages 143-152. Springer, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: Poincaré in Göttingen. In M. de Paz and R. DiSalle (editors): Poincaré philosopher of science, problems and perspectives. The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, pages 83-99. Springer, 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle: The logical cone. In G. Mints and O. Prosorov (editors): Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014. pages 102-110. The Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle: David Hilbert and the Principia Mathematica. In Nicolas Griffin and Bernard Linsky (editors): The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
- Jesse Alama and Reinhard Kahle: Checking proofs. In Andrew Aberdein and Ian J. Dove (editors): The Argument of Mathematics. Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science, vol. 30, pages 147-170. Springer, 2013.
- Jesse Alama and Reinhard Kahle: Computing with Mathematical Arguments. In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel, and Gregory Wheeler (editors): New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, vol. 4, pages 9-22. Springer, 2013.
- Reinhard Kahle: Modalities without worlds. In S. Rahman, G. Primiero, and M. Marion (editors): The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics. Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science, vol. 23, pages 101-118. Springer, 2012.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: An applicative theory for FPH. In Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi, and Ulrich Berger (editors): Classical Logic and Computation 2010. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 47, pages 44-56. 2011.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: An applicative theory for PH. In Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi, and Ulrich Berger (editors): Classical Logic and Computation 2010. pages 51-67. Federated MFCS Ϻ CSL Conference, Brno, 2010.
- Guillaume Bonfante, Reinhard Kahle, Jean-Yves Marion, and Isabel Oitavem: Recursion Schemata for NCk. In M. Kaminski and S. Martini (editors): CSL 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5213, pages 49-63. Springer, 2008.
- Guillaume Bonfante, Reinhard Kahle, Jean-Yves Marion, and Isabel Oitavem: Towards an implicit characterization of NCk. In Zoltán Èsik (editor): CSL '06. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4207, pages 212-224. Springer, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle and Thomas Studer: A theory of explicit mathematics equivalent to ID1. In P. Clote and H. Schwichtenberg (editors): CSL 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1862, pages 356-370. Springer, 2000.
- Gerhard Jäger, Reinhard Kahle, and Thomas Strahm: On applicative theories. In A. Cantini, E. Casari, and P. Minari (editors): Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. Synthese Library, vol. 280, pages 83-92. Kluwer, 1999.
Eingeladene Beiträge
- Reinhard Kahle: Dual Axiomatics. In Michael Matthews (editor): Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift. Springer, in preparation.
- Reinhard Kahle: Belief Revision Revisited. In Ana Pato and Olga Pombo (editors): Epistemologia, Lógica e Linguagem. Colecção Documenta, Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, to appear.
- Reinhard Kahle: Die Gödelschen Unvollständigkeitssätze. In Jörn Steuding and Klaus Volkert (editors): Facetten der Mathematik. pages 235-246. Springer, 2018. Reprint of the paper published in the Mathematische Semesterberichte in 2007.
- Reinhard Kahle: Dialoge als Semantik. In Jürgen Mittelstraß and Christopher von Bülow (editors): Dialogische Logik. pages 43-54. Mentis, 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: Hilbert and Poincaré and the paradoxes. In Hassan Tahiri (editor): Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics: Intuition, Experience, Creativity. Cadernos de Filosofia das Ciências, vol. 11, pages 79-93. Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 2011.
- Reinhard Kahle and Anton Setzer: An extended predicative definition of the Mahlo universe. In Ralf Schindler (editor): Ways of Proof Theory. Mathematical Logic, pages 315-340. Ontos Verlag, 2010.
- Reinhard Kahle: The Universal Set - A (never fought) Battle between Philosophy and Mathematics. In Olga Pombo and Ángel Nepomuceno (editors): Lógica e Filosofia da Ciência. Colecção Documenta, vol. 2, pages 53-65. Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.
- Reinhard Kahle: Against possible worlds. In C. Degremont, L. Keiff, and H. Rückert (editors): Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things. Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman. Tributes, vol. 7, pages 235-253. College Publications, 2008.
- Reinhard Kahle: Konstruktivismus und Semantik. In J. Mittelstraß (editor): Der Konstruktivismus im Ausgang der Philosophie von Wilhelm Kamlah und Paul Lorenzen. pages 197-212. Mentis, 2008.
- Reinhard Kahle: Os teoremas de incompletude de Kurt Gödel. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 55:63-76, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle: Unendlichkeit. In W. Spohn, P. Schroeder-Heister, and E. Olsson (editors): Logik in der Philosophie. Philosophische Impulse, vol. 6, pages 337-348. Synchron, 2005.
Elektronische Artikel (referiert)
- Reinhard Kahle: Towards the Structure of Mathematical Proof. In Matthew England, James H. Davenport, Andrea Kohlhase, Michael Kohlhase, Paul Libbrecht, Walther Neuper, Pedro Quaresma, Alan P. Sexton, Petr Sojka, Josef Urban, and Stephen M. Watt (editors): Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress track at CICM. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 1186, 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle: Proof-theoretic notions for software maintenance. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 40:206-219, 2001. Special issue of MFCSIT2000, The First Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology.
- Reinhard Kahle: The applicative realm. Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät für Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Universität Tübingen, 2007. Volume 40 Textos de Matemática, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra.
- Reinhard Kahle: Applikative Theorien und Frege-Strukturen. PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bern, 1997.
- Reinhard Kahle: Einbettung des Beweissystems LAMBDA in eine Theorie von Operationen und Klassen. Master thesis, Universität München, 1992.
- Reinhard Kahle, Review of:
- Freek Wiedijk (editor): The Seventeen Provers of the World. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3600, Springer, 2006.
- Reinhard Kahle, Review of:
- Edwin D. Mares: Relevant Logic. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
- Reinhard Kahle, Review of:
- V. Hendricks, S. Andur Pedersen, and K. F. Jørgensen (editors): Proof Theory. Synthese Library, vol. 292, Kluwer, 2000.
- Reinhard Kahle, Review of:
- W. Burr and V. Hartung: A characterization of the Σ1-definable functions of KPω + (uniform AC). Archive for mathematical logic, 37(3):199-214, 1998.
- W. Burr: A Diller-Nahm-style functional interpretation of KPω. Archive for mathematical logic, 39(8):599-604, 2000.
- Reinhard Kahle, Review of:
- P. Mancosu (editor): From Bouwer to Hilbert. Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Nuno Jerónimo and Reinhard Kahle: Alguns destaques da correspondência de Hugo Baptista Ribeiro. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, (Suplemento) to appear. Resumo alargado do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle: Some historical considerations concerning Hilbert's 24th Problem. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, (Suplemento) to appear. Resumo alargado do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle: O fim da Grundlagenkrise. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Número especial 2016. Resumo alargado do Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem: Towards recursion schemata for the probabilistic class PP. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Número especial 2016. Resumo alargado do Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle: Hilbert vindicated. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 21(1):103, 2015. Abstract (given by title) for the Logic Colloquium 2014.
- Reinhard Kahle: Classifying proofs. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 20(2):214, 2014. Abstract of an invited talks in the Special Session on Logical Analysis of Mathematical Proofs at the Logic Colloquium 2013.
- Reinhard Kahle: Os interlocutores científicos de Hugo Ribeiro. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 69 (Suplemento) 2013. Resumo alargado do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática 2013.
- Reinhard Kahle: A correspondência de Hugo Ribeiro com lógicos estrangeiros - uma primeira leitura. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 67 (Suplemento) 2012. Resumo alargado do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática 2012.
- Reinhard Kahle: A Herança de David Hilbert na Filosofia da Matemática. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 65 (Suplemento) 2011. Resumo alargado do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática 2011.
- Reinhard Kahle: Understanding functional self-application. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 15(1):118-119, 2009. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium 2008.
- Reinhard Kahle: David Hilbert and the paradoxes. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 12(2):354-355, 2006. Abstract given by title for the Logic Colloquium 2005.
- Reinhard Kahle and Thomas Studer: Least fixed points in applicative theories. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 9(1):94, 2003. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium 2002.
- Reinhard Kahle and Anton Setzer: Extended predicative universes. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 8(1):141, 2002. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium 2001.
- Reinhard Kahle: Name induction in explicit mathematics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 7(1):121, 2001. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium 2000.
- Reinhard Kahle and Volker Peckhaus: Hilbert's Paradox. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 7(1):122, 2001. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium 2000.
- Reinhard Kahle: A proof-theoretic view of intensionality. In Paul Dekker (editor): Proceedings of the 12th Amsterdam Colloquium. pages 163-168, Amsterdam University, 2000. Extended Abstract.
- Reinhard Kahle: A proof-theoretic view of necessity. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 6(1):115, 2000. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium '99.
- Reinhard Kahle: Supervaluation in applicative theories. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 5(1):114-115, 1999. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium '98.
- Reinhard Kahle: Uniform limit in explicit mathematics with universes. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 4(1):91-92, 1998. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium '97.
- Reinhard Kahle: Frege structures over applicative theories. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 3(2):264-265, 1997. Abstract for the Logic Colloquium '96.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
- Reinhard Kahle: Is there a “Hilbert Thesis”?. In Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister (editors): General Proof Theory. Celebrating 50 Years of Dag Prawitz's Natural Deduction. Proceedings of the Conference held in Tübingen, 27-29 November 2015. pages 8, 183-190. University of Tübingen, Tübingen, 2016.
- Reinhard Kahle: Axioms as Hypotheses. In Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister (editors): Proceedings of the Conference on Hypothetical Reasoning, 23-24 August 2014, Tübingen. pages 47-54. University of Tübingen, Tübingen, 2015.
- Arnold Beckmann, Ulrich Berger, Birgit Elbl, Reinhard Kahle, Karl-Heinz Niggl, Oliver Kullmann, Monika Seisenberger, and Anton Setzer (editors): PCC 2007, Proof, Computation, Complexity, International Workshop, Swansea, 13--14 April, 2007. Computer Science Report Series, CSR 3-2007, University of Wales Swansea, 2007.
- Reinhard Kahle: David Hilbert über Paradoxien. Pré-Publicações, Preprint Number 06-17,Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra, 2006.
- Karl-Heinz Niggl, Reinhard Kahle, and Birgit Elbl (editors): 5th International Workshop on Proof, Computation, Complexity, PCC '06. Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2006.
- Birgit Elbl, Reinhard Kahle, and Isabel Oitavem (editors): 4th International Workshop on Proof, Computation, Complexity, PCC '05. Conference Reports, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2005.
- Reinhard Kahle, Isabel Oitavem, and Helena Rocha: A correspondência de Hugo Ribeiro. In Jaime Silva (editor): CiEMeLP 2015, Conferência Internacional do Espaço Matemático em Língua Portugesa, Conferência Regional da ICMI; Grupos de Discussão. pages 2. 2015.
- Reinhard Kahle: Towards Reverse Proofs-as-Programs. In Arnold Beckmann, Costas Dimitracopoulos, and Benedikt Löwe (editors): Logic and Theory of Algorithms, Fourth Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2008, Local Proceedings. pages 224-233. University of Athens, 2008.
- Jeannette Bohg, Reinhard Kahle, and Alexandre Miguel Pinto: International Tele-Teaching, A Progress Report. In Volker Dötsch, Klaus Hering, and Florian Schaar (editors): Auf dem Weg vom Hype in die Konsolidierung?, Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Learning 2005, HTWK Leipzig, 11.-12. Juli 2005. Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (FH), Fachbereich Informatik, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, 2005.
- Reinhard Kahle: Estudo da Matemática na Alemanha. O Ábaco, 10:8-9, 2005.
- Reinhard Kahle: Uniform limit in explicit mathematics with universes. Technical Report, IAM-97-002,IAM, Universität Bern, 1997.
- Luís Moniz Pereira and Reinhard Kahle: Cooperation of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Technische Universität at Dresden in the field of Computational Logic. Computational Logic Newsletter, 3:26, 2003.
- Reinhard Kahle: Bologna at the basis. In Reinhard Kahle: Governance and Management Models is Higher Education - A Global Perspective. Conference CD, Coimbra Centre for Innovative Management and Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, 2008.