01.09.2023 Mandy Hütter is appointed Associate Editor at the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition.
29.06.2023 The German Research Foundation grants the extension of our successful Research Unit “Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions”. Our group is involved with a project on “Abstraction Processes in Associative Learning” headed by Prof. Dr. Mandy Hütter, Prof. Dr. Barbara Kaup, and Dr. Michael Ramscar.
15.08.2022Dr. Zachary Niese and Prof. Dr. Reuven Dar are awarded a Research Grant by the German Research Foundation. The project will examine the relation between the thinking styles typical of people high in obsessive-compulsive tendencies and the thinking styles evoked by visual imagery from the first-person vs. third-person perspective.
26.04.2022Tobias Rebholz successfully defends his dissertation! Congratulations, Tobias!
07.12.2021 The German Research Foundation grants the extension of our successful Research Training Group “Statistical Modeling in Psychology”! For another 4.5 years we will train a new generation of psychologists in addressing substantive research questions using state-of-the-art statistical modeling.
01.12.2021Florian Scholten joins our lab as a research intern. For a period of three months, he will get to know our lab’s work and start a project with us on advice taking.
29.07.2021 Raphael Titt successfully defends his dissertation! Congratulations, Raphael!
19.07.2021 Birka Zapf successfully defends her dissertation! Congratulations, Birka!
04.07.2019 Our group welcomes international scholars to our Small Group Meeting on "Social Cognition & Decision Sciences" (July 4-7) held at the hotel Achalm.
01.06.2019Zachary Niese joins our team as a postdoctoral researcher.
01.03.2019 Marco Biella joins our team as a postdoctoral researcher.
14.12.2018 Katharina Berger succesfully defends her dissertation. Congratulations, Katharina!
01.06.2018 Chenghao Cai from the University of Glasgow joins our group as an Erasmus research intern.
29.12.2017 Mandy Hütter is appointed full professor for Social Cognition and Decision Sciences. This professorship is established within the Heisenberg program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
15.10.2017 Birka Zapf starts her PhD with us. She will be working on a joint project of Kai Sassenberg (IWM) and Mandy Hütter.
03.05.2017 Mandy Hütter travels to Berlin to officially receive her Heinz Maier-Leibnitz award. She meets up with the other awardees as well as with Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research.The DFG press announcement can be found here.
19.04.2017 Niels Kukken from the University of Nijmegen starts his stay as a guest researcher, working on a project on evaluative conditioning and relational information.
01.03.2017 Adrien Mierop joins us for a 6 months research stay from the Université catholique de Louvain.
23.02.2017 Mandy Hütter is awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Award of the German Research Foundation
01.10.2016 Our special issue on “Conceptual, theoretical, and methodological challenges in evaluative conditioning research” appears in Social Cognition.
01.05.2016 Maximilian Hennig joins our team as a research associate and doctoral candidate.
01.04.2016 Max Ihmels joins our team as a postdoctoral researcher.
12.11.2015 Mandy Hütter discusses the current situation of young academics with Theresia Bauer (minister for scientific affairs), Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler (university president), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (dean of the Faculty of Science), Prof. Dr. Joachim Ostwald and PhD candidate Kevin Körner.
01.10.2015 Katharina Berger joins our team as a research associate and doctoral candidate.
06.08.2015 Mandy Hütter presents part of our work to the general public at the Tübingen Summer University.
01.06.2015 John McGuire joins us for a 4 months research internship from the University of Glasgow (UK).
08.05.2015 Join us today at the Tübinger Fenster für Forschung!
09.12.2014 Mandy Hütter receives the prestigious Emmy-Noether grant from the German Research Foundation to build up her own research group.
01.08.2014 Mandy Hütter receives a grant in the framework of the junior professor program of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg for her work on attitude generalization.
01.10.2014 Fabian Ache joins our team as a research associate and doctoral candidate.
12.06.2014 Our Expert Meeting on Evaluative Conditioning starts today at the Hohentübingen Castle.
01.06.2014 Ivan Merazchiev joins us for a 3 months research internship from the University of Glasgow (UK).
01.04.2014 David Tigges joins our team as a research associate and doctoral candidate.
01.11.2013 Mandy Hütter starts her junior professorship for social psychology.