Vorlesung Theorie der Informatik II (INF2410, 9 ECTS / 6 SWS)
formale Sprachen und Automaten; Berechenbarkeit; Komplexität
Prof. Dr. Philipp Hennig
Vorlesungen immer Dienstags 12ct-14 und Donnerstags 10ct-12, Hörsaal N7 im HSZ auf der Morgenstelle.
Administrative Informationen und Klausuranmeldung auf Alma, Inhalte im Kurssystem. Der Kurs wird über Ilias verwaltet, alle teilnehmenden Studierenden sollten dort beitreten.
Seminar Deep Learning Research Kitchen (ML4501, 3 ECTS / 2 SWS)
Dr. Antonio Orvieto, Dr. Jonas Geiping, Dr. Frank Schneider & Prof. Dr. Phlipp Hennig
Thursdays 14ct-16, in A301 on the Sand
Deep Learning is increasingly an engineering discipline. Science and math inform the models and concepts, but getting models to train and perform in practice takes practical experience and "secret recipes". This seminar is an opportunity to get hands-on experience with all these practical, technical aspects of deep learning. This seminar is about all this. Model tweaks, algorithm tuning, hardware, scheduling, etc.
After two introductory lectures by the organizers in the first weeks, students will prepare and present their own hands-on experience with deep learning engineering.
Due to high expected demand, the seminar is unfortunately restricted to students of the Machine Learning MSc. However, everyone is welcome to attend the sessions of the seminar without credit.
Limited places available, specifically for ML MSc students. Registration is exclusively via Ilias and opens on 29. March 2024, 12noon. If you were unable to get a place, please still join the waiting list, and attend the opening session on Thursday, 18 April, 14-16, where the seminar will be introduced, topics announced and distributed.