Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Pre-Announcement: Tübingen Research Takeoff 2023 - Call for Applications

New Research Cooperations with Colombia and Peru

The Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the University of Tübingen is pleased to announce the second Call for the Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT) program, addressing this time emerging research cooperations with Colombia and Peru

The aim is to promote new scientific cooperations between the University of Tübingen and its partners, namely: Universidad de Antioquia - UdeA, Universidad de los Andes - Uniandes), Universidad Icesi, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - UNAL and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru - PUCPE.

 The official announcement with full details on eligibility requirements, application process and deadlines will be published on October 1, 2023.

Please approach your (potential) research partners in time. The applications must be submitted by the researcher who is member of the University of Tübingen. The selected projects will receive financial support (seed money) for two years to initiate the cooperation and establish lasting scientific ties.

For further information and advice, please feel free to contact our Research Officer Hispano-America, Mr. Esteban Morera Aparicio, esteban.moreraspam

!!! Initiate a joint research project and become a member of the Latin America Network of the University of Tübingen!!!
