PD Dr. Marco Gemmer


Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Soil Science and Geomorphology
Rümelinstraße 19-23
D-72070 Tübingen

Office: National Climate Center (NCC) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) 46, Zhongguancun Nandajie 100 081 Haidian, Beijing VR China

Tel.: +49(0)7071-29-72-400

E-Mail: marco(at)gemmeronline.de

Research Topics:

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

Climate Trends and Extremes

Flood and Drought Risk Management

Weather index-based Insurance

Climate and Environmental Policy

Remote Sensing


Regional Interests:

South and East Asia


CV and Education:

* 1975

04/2011 Habilitation in Geography, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Germany),
supervised by Prof. Dr. Th. Scholten

Habilitation: Detection of Climate Trends, Weather Extremes and their Hydrological Responses and Impacts in China. Habilitation colloquium: Wind Energy Resources in China and their Utilization

07/2004 Dr. rer. nat. in Natural Science, Predicate ‚summa cum laude’
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, supervised by Prof. Dr. L. King
Thesis: Decision Support for Flood Risk Management at the Yangtze River by GIS/RS-based Flood Damage Estimation.
Honored with the PhD award of Justus Liebig University Giessen

03/2001 M.Sc. in Geography, Political Science and Botany (passed with distinction),
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. Thesis: Rural Urbanization and Land Use Changes at the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River.

07/94-06/95 Compulsory Military Service

Work Experience

since 08/2008 Head of Unit and Visiting Professor on Climate Change
National Climate Center (NCC) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), Beijing, China

09/06–07/08 Attaché, External Relations of the European Union
European Commission Delegation to China and Mongolia, Beijing, China

02/05-09/06 Researcher
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy,
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)

05/99–02/05 Researcher
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, Department of Geography and Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU)

01/98-04/99 Consultant
Planungsbüro Damm Lahnau and Fernwald, Germany

02/99-today short-term consultancies on environmental topics on projects in Germany, Georgia, New Zealand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and China

Academic Services

since 2010 Journal Editor of ‘Advances in Climate Change Research’

since 2010 Reviewer for ‘Journal of Climate’, ‘Natural Hazards Journal’,
‘Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres’

since 2010 Reviewer for the Programme ‘Scholarships for Chinese PhD students in Germany‘ of the German Academic Exchange Service and the Chinese Academy of Science

since 2009 Reviewer for journals ‘Nature’ and ‘Climatic Change’

since 2006 Reviewer for environmental programs of the European Commission in China

since 2006 Reviewer for ‘Water and Environment Journal’, ‘Hydrological Processes’ and ‘Journal of Hydrology’

since 2001 Member of the Working Group ‘Natural hazards and risks’ and Working Group ‘East Asia’, German Association of Geographers

1999-2004 Board Member, Center for International Development and Environmental Research, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

since 1999 Sino-German Association for Research Promotion

since 1994 Wilinaburgia Society, Weilburg, Germany

Refereed Papers, Books and Book Chapters

Manuscripts in Review

Cao, L., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: Adaptation to climate change in China: policy, action and progress. China Meteorological Administration (ed.): China Green Book on Climate Change. In review at Earthscan.

Fischer, T., M. Gemmer, L. Liu & T. Jiang: Change-points in climate extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin, South China, 1961-2007. in review, Climatic Change

Tao, H., M. Gemmer, J. Jiang, X. Lai & Z. Zhang: Assessment of CMIP3 Climate Models and Projected Changes of Precipitation and Temperature in the Yangtze River Basin, China. In review, Climatic Change

Yin, Y., M. Gemmer, Y. Luo & J. Zhai: Regional Characters of Typhoons making landfall on China’s mainland. Submitted to Journal of Tropical Meteorology (Chinese with English abstract)


Gemmer, M., A. Wilkes & L.M. Vaucel: Governing Climate Change Adaptation in the EU and China: an analysis of formal institutions. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2 (1): 1-11

Gemmer, M., T. Fischer, T. Jiang, B. Su & L.L. Liu: Trends of Precipitation Extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin, South China. Journal of Climate, 24: 750-761.

Gemmer, M., Y. Yin, Y. Luo & T. Fischer: Tropical Cyclones in China: County-Based Analysis of Landfalls and Economic Losses in Fujian Province. Quaternary International, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.03.021

Schweers, W., et al.: Identification of potential areas for biomass production in China: Discussion of a recent approach and future challenges. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35: 2268-2279.

Tao, H., M. Gemmer, T. Jiang & W. Mao: Trends of Streamflow in the Tarim River Basin during the past Fifty Years: Human Impact or Climate Change? Journal of Hydrology, 400 (1-2): 1-9.

Wang, Y., B. Liu, B. Su, J. Zhai & M. Gemmer: Trends of calculated and simulated actual evaporation in the Yangtze River basin (1961-2007), China. Accepted, Journal of Climate, journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2011JCLI3933.1


Fischer, T., M. Gemmer, L.L. Liu & B. Su: Temperature and Precipitation Trends and dryness/wetness pattern in the Zhujiang River Basin, South China, 1961-2007.
Quaternary International, article in press dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.08.010

Fischer, T., M. Gemmer, B. Su & L.L. Liu: Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin, South-China (1961-2007). Advances in Climate Change Research, 1 (2): 63-70.

Gao, C., M. Gemmer, X. Zeng, B. Liu, B. Su & Y. Wen: Projected Streamflow in the Huaihe River Basin (2010-2100) using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 24: 685-697. DOI 10.1007/s00477-009-0355-6

Yin, Y., M. Gemmer, Y. Luo & L. Wang: Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Rainfall in Fujian Province, China. Quaternary International, 226 (1-2): 122-128.

Yin, Y., M. Gemmer, B. Su, Y. Luo, Y. Wang & R. Wang: Preliminary Study of Technique on Weather Index Insurance’s Foundation for Typhoon Disasters.
In press, Journal of Natural Disasters (Chinese with English Abstract)

Yin, Y., Y. Luo, M. Gemmer, X. Zeng & X. Li: BP neural network technology based prediction of the Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone frequency. Journal of Tropical Meteorology 5: 614-619 (Chinese with English Abstract)


Schweers, W., et al.: Assessing the Potential of Energy Crop Production in China by Remote Sensing. ERSEC International Conference Proceeding: Sustainable Land Use and Ecosystem Conservation, UNESCO, Beijing, p. 200-209.

Zhang, Q., C.Y. Xu, M. Gemmer, Y.D. Chen & C. Liu: Changing properties of precipitation concentration in the Pearl River basin, China.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 23 (3): 377-385.


Gemmer, M. & T. Jiang: BMU CDM-JI Initiative Country Study China of the CDM Service Unit China. Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Environment

Gemmer, M., T. Jiang, B. Su, Z.W. Kundzewicz: Seasonal precipitation changes in wet season and their influence on flood/drought hazards in the Yangtze River basin, China.
Quaternary International 186 (1): 12-21.

Jiang, T., B. Su & M. Gemmer: Trends in Precipitation Extremes of the Yangtze River Basin
Advances in Water Science 19 (5): 650-655. (in Chinese with English Abstract)

Su, B., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: Spatial and temporal variation of extreme precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin. Quaternary International 186 (1): 22-31.

Su, B., M. Gemmer, T. Jiang & G.Y. Ren: Probability distribution of precipitation extremes over the Yangtze River Basin during 1960-2005. Advances in Climate Change Research 8 (4): 27-31.

Tao, H., M. Gemmer, D. Song & T. Jiang: Eco-hydrological responses on water transportation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, China. Water Resources Research 44 W08422, doi:10.1029/2007WR006186

Zhang, Q., M. Gemmer & J. Chen: Climatic changes and flood/drought risk in the Yangtze Delta, China, during the past millennium. Quaternary International 176-177: 62-69.


King, L., M. Gemmer & R. Wang: Hochwasserkatastrophen und Hochwassermanagement am Yangtze.
In: Glaser, R. & K. Kremb (eds.): Planet Erde, Band 2 Asien: 183-194.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt

Su, B, M. Gemmer, T. Jiang & G.Y. Ren: Probability distribution of precipitation extremes over the Yangtze River Basin during 1960-2005. Advances in Climate Change Research 3 (4): 208-213.
(In Chinese with English abstract)


Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation Trends in the Yangtze River Catchment. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 20 (6): 435-444.

Gemmer, M., G. Wang & T. Jiang: Dynamic inundation risk identification and estimation of the potential loss in Honghu flood diversion area, China. Journal of Lake Science 18 (5): 464-469. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Seebach, D., N. Filippi, M. Pizziolo, G. Bertolini, A. Poschinger, J. Fortuny-Guasch & M. Gemmer: Identifying Risk Areas for Soil degradation in Europe by Landslides. Chapter 6 of Eckelmann, W. et al.: Common Criteria for Risk Area Identification according to Soil Threats. European Soil Bureau Research Report No.20, EUR 22185 EN, 94pp. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.


Su, B., T. Jiang, Y. Guo & M. Gemmer: GIS raster data-based dynamic flood risk simulation model and its application. Journal of Natural Sciences 33 (4): 370-374. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang, Q., T. Jiang, M. Gemmer, & S. Becker: Precipitation, temperature and runoff analysis from 1950 to 2002 in the Yangtze basin, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal 50 (1): 65-80.


Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: Climate Change in China and its Contribution to Yangtze River Floods. In: Jiang, T., L. King, M. Gemmer & Z. Kundzewicz (eds.): Climate Change and Yangtze Floods: 2-15. Science Press, Beijing.

Gemmer, M.: Decision Support for Flood Risk Management at the Yangtze River by GIS/RS-Based Flood Damage Estimation. Shaker, Aachen. 219 pp.

Gemmer, M., S. Becker, & T. Jiang: Observed Monthly Precipitation Trends in China 1951-2002. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 77 (1-2): 39-45.

Gemmer, M. & L. King: New Demands for Flood Protection in the Yangtze River Catchment. In: Jiang, T., L. King, M. Gemmer & Z. Kundzewicz (eds.): Climate Change and Yangtze Floods: 342-355. Science Press, Beijing.

Jiang, T., L. King, M. Gemmer & Z. Kundzewicz: Climate Change and Yangtze Floods.
Science Press, Beijing. 453 pp.

King, L., H. Hartmann, M. Gemmer & S. Becker: Der Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm am Yangtze - Ein Großbauprojekt und seine Bedeutung für den Hochwasserschutz.
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 148 (5): 28-35.

Su, B., T. Jiang, Y. Shi, S. Becker & M. Gemmer: Rainstorm and Precipitation Trends in the Yangtze River Catchment 1951-2002. In: Jiang, T., L. King, M. Gemmer & Z. Kundzewicz (eds.): Climate Change and Yangtze Floods: 101-121. Science Press, Beijing.

Su, B., T. Jiang, Y. Shi, S. Becker & M. Gemmer: Observed precipitation trends in the Yangtze River catchment from 1951 to 2002. Journal of Geographical Sciences 14 (2): 204-218.


Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: Observed and Interpolated Precipitation Trends and Variability in the Yangtze River Catchment. Journal of Lake Science 15 (3): 123-130.

Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang: 20th Century Precipitation Trends in China. World Meteorological Organization (ed.): International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC): 194-198. WMO/TD-NO. 1172. China Meteorological Press, Beijing.

Gemmer, M.: GIS/RS-based Flood Risk Mapping for the Eastern Honghu Flood Diversion Area. Journal of Lake Science 15 (Suppl.): 166-172.

Gemmer, M.: Transferability of European Flood Impact Estimation Techniques to the Yangtze River Catchment and Possible Adaptations. Journal of Lake Science 15 (Suppl.): 173-183.

Gemmer, M. & L. King: Human and Climatic Change Impacts on Yangtze River Floods. World Meteorological Organization (ed.): International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC): 58-61. WMO/TD-NO. 1172. China Meteorological Press, Beijing.

Gemmer, M. & L. King: Chinas Kampf mit dem Wasser: Natürliche und anthropogene Hochwasserursachen am Yangtze. In: Opp, C. (ed.): Wasserressourcen - Nutzung und Schutz: 116-133. Marburger Geographische Schriften, Marburg.

Su, B., T. Jiang, Y. Shi, S. Becker & M. Gemmer: Analysis of Precipitation Trends in 1990s in the Yangtze River Catchment. Journal of Lake Science 15 (Suppl.): 38-48.


King, L., M. Gemmer & M. Metzler: Das Drei-Schluchten-Projekt am Yangtze, VR China. Spiegel der Forschung 19 (1): 38-45.


Gemmer, M.: Restrictions to the Implementation of Flood Protection Planning at the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River. In: King, L., M. Metzler & T. Jiang (eds.): Flood Risks and Land Use Conflicts in the Yangtze Catchment, China, and at the Rhine River, Germany: Strategies for a Sustainable Flood Management: 177-180. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt.

King, L., M. Gemmer & R. Wang: Hochwasserschutz und Landnutzung am Yangtze.
Geographische Rundschau 53 (10): 28-34.


Wang, R., T. Jiang, L. King & M. Gemmer: Review on Global Natural Catastrophes in the 20th Century. Journal of Natural Disasters 9 (4): 9-15 (In Chinese with English abstract)


Jiang, T., H.M. Xu, B.D. Su, C.K. Wang, C.Y. Zhang, M. Gemmer & D.K. Zhang (2009): Manual for Climate Change Impact Analysis, Version 1. National Climate Center Publication Series, Beijing, 62pp (in Chinese). China Meteorological Press, Beijing.

Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang (2003): 20th Century Precipitation Trends in the Yangtze River Catchment. Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ed.): Discussion Papers 14, Giessen.

Gemmer, M., S. Becker & T. Jiang (2003): Detection and Visualization of Climate Trends in China. Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ed.): Discussion Papers 15, Giessen.

Chen, J., M. Gemmer, T. Jiang, L. King & M. Metzler (2001): Visualization of Historical Flood and Drought Information (1100-1940) for the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Valley, P.R. China. Zentrum für internationle Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ed.): Discussion Papers 4, Giessen.

Gemmer, M. (2000): Hochwasserschutz und Landnutzungsänderungen am Yangtze-Mittellauf, VR China. Satellitenbilddokumentierte Entwicklung der Metropole Wuhan und des Jingjiang-Hochwasserrückhaltebeckens als Beispiel für die wachsende Bedeutung und limitierte Umsetzbarkeit einer bestehenden Hochwasserschutzplanung. Department of Geography, Justus Liebig University, Giessen.

Consultancy and Technical Reports, Published Conference Papers

Jiang, T. et al. (2010): Integration of Climate Information into Existing Ecosystem Management. Background Paper for the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. Beijing, China, 50 pages.

Jiang, T., L. Vaucel, M. Gemmer, T. Fischer, B. Su, L. Cao & X. Li (2010): Weather Index-based Insurance in China: The Challenges of Dealing with Data. Proceedings of the 6th Microinsurance Conference. 9 to 11 November 2010, Manila, Philippines.

King L., M. Gemmer& T. Jiang (2009): Origin of Floods and Strategies for Flood Mitigation at the Yangtze River, China. In: Gavardashvili, G., A. Borthwick, L. King (eds.): FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES. ISSN 1512-2344. [International Symposium on Floods and Modern Methods of Control Measures, Tbilisi, Georgia, SEP 23-28, 2009] 8 pages

Jiang, T., M. Gemmer, L. Vaucel, B. Su & T. Fischer (2009): Weather Insurance Pre-Feasibility Study: Drought and Cold Waves in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, and Heilongjiang. Report for GTZ Head Office Beijing.

Jiang, T., M. Gemmer, L. Vaucel & B. Su (2009): Weather Insurance Pre-Feasibility Study: Fujian Pilot site assessment for Typhoon Risks. Report for GTZ Head Office Beijing.

Jiang, T., M. Gemmer, L. Vaucel & B. Su (2008): Weather Insurance Pre-Feasibility Study, national level. Report for GTZ Head Office Beijing.

Jiang, T., M. Gemmer, L. Vaucel & B. Su (2008): 3rd International Symposium on Larger Asian Rivers: Climate Change, River Flow and Watershed Management, 14th-20th November 2008, Urumqi, Xinjiang AR, PR China, Urumqi Workshop: 15th-16th November, Aksu/Alaer Field Excursion: 17th-19th November. Report for GTZ Head Office Beijing.

King, L. & M. Gemmer (2001): Methodical Approaches for Flood Research as Part of Sustainable Development in the Yangtze River Valley, P.R. China. In: Stoecker, B., W. Grosse & W. Li (eds.): Ecosystem Service and Sustainable Watershed Management towards Flood Prevention, Pollution Control, and Socio-Economic Development in North China. Proceedings of the International Conference in Beijing, China, August 23-25, 2000: 153-168. Cologne, Germany.

King, L., M. Gemmer & R. Wang (1999): Extreme Hochwasserereignisse im Yangtze-Einzugsgebiet Ost- und Mittelchinas 1931 bis 1998. Survey and Report for Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft. Department of Geography, Justus Liebig University, Giessen.

Gemmer, M. & U. Lasch (1998): Städtebauliche Untersuchung als Konzept für eine nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung im Sinne einer “Lokalen Agenda 21”. Gutachten für die Gemeinde Lahntal, Hessen. Planungsbüro Damm, Fernwald.

Gemmer, M. (1998): Ethnographische Strukturen in den Northern Areas von Pakistan. In: Giese, E. & I. Mossig (eds.): Materialien zu Nordpakistan/Xinjiang (VR China). Department of Geography, Justus Liebig University, Giessen.

Selected Conference Papers

Gemmer, M. & J. Fortuny-Guasch (2006): Early Warning and Information Services to Support the Management of Landslide Risks. Chinese-German Workshop on “Environmental Impacts of Large-Scale Hydraulic Engineering”. 01-08 March 2006, Xinshan, China.

Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang (2003): Precipitation Trends and Variability in China. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC). 31 March - 3 April, 2003, Beijing, China.

Becker, S., M. Gemmer & T. Jiang (2003): Precipitation Trends in the Yangtze River Catchment. Proceedings of the Chinese-German Workshop on Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. 4-8 April 2003, Nanjing, China.

Gemmer, M. (2003): Yangtze Flood Decision Support System (YFDSS). Proceedings of the Chinese-German Workshop on Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. 4-8 April 2003, Nanjing, China.

Gemmer, M., L. King, & T. Jiang (2003): Climatic Change Impact on Yangtze River Floods. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC). 31 March - 3 April, 2003, Beijing, China.

Gemmer, M., L. King, & T. Jiang (2003): Human Impact on Yangtze River Floods. Proceedings of the Chinese-German Workshop on Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. 4-8 April 2003, Nanjing, China.

Gemmer, M. & L. King (2002): Flood Risks and Flood Protection at the Middle/Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River, P.R. China. Mitigation of Climate Induced Natural Hazards (MITCH, EU Concerted Action): Floods, Droughts and Landslides – Who plans, who pays? Translating Research Advances into Practical Benefits: 31. MITCH Workshop Abstracts, 24-26 Nov 2002, Potsdam, Germany.

Gemmer, M. (2002): GIS-based Flood Risk Mapping at the Yangtze River-The Basis of Decision Support in Flood Risk Management? Proceedings of the Sino-German Symposium on Sustainable Land Use, Flood Risks and Watershed Ecosystem Management, April 8-14: 38-40. East China Normal University, Shanghai.

Gemmer, M. (2001): Restricted Implementation of Flood Protection Planning at the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River. Proceedings of the German-Chinese Symposium on Flood Risks and Land Use Conflicts in the Yangtze Catchment, China, and at the Rhine River, Germany: Strategies for a Sustainable Flood Management, 31 August - 02 September 2000, Walberberg, Germany.