The research group "Vertebrate Organ Development and Function" is headed by Prof. Alfred Nordheim and focusses on the molecular genetics of vertebrate (murine, human) organ development, organ function and pathologic organ dysfunction.
A recent focus of the groups research activities is directed toward cancer biology. Specifically a murine model for progression of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcioma, HCC) has been developed and is currently being analyzed by multi-omic technologies.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordheim
Department Head, Group Leader
Research Group
"Vertebrate Organ Development and Function"
Department of Molecular Biology
Interfaculty Institute of Cell Biology
University of Tuebingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 15
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Tel: (+49-7071) 297 8898
Fax: (+49-7071) 29 53 59
eMail: alfred.nordheimspam
PubMed, Wikipedia, CV, Relevant Publications
h-Index: 72
Speaker, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "From Molecules to Organisms", Tübingen
External Funding:
DFG: SFB/Transregio 209 "Liver Cancer - New mechanistic and therapeutic concepts in a solid tumor model (Project B02), July 2017 - June 2021.

DKTK: Coordinator, Joint Funding Consortium "Noncoding mutations (NonCoMs) in Cancer Genomes", Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2018.