Pharmacy in Global Health
40. Gabel J, Häfele-Abah C, Heide L (2024) Universität Tübingen unterstützt kirchliche Gesundheitseinrichtungen in Nigeria. Pharmazeutische Zeitung 169 (21), 1433.
39. Gabel J, Lächele M, Sander K, Gnegel G, Sunny-Abarikwu N, Ezinwanne Ohazulike R, Ngene J, Chioke JF, Häfele Abah C, Heide L (2024) Quality of essential medicines from different sources in Enugu and Anambra, Nigeria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 111: 179-195. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.23-0837
38. Gabel J, Gnegel G, Kessler W, Sacré PY, Heide L (2023) Verification of the active pharmaceutical ingredient in tablets using a low-cost near-infrared spectrometer. Talanta Open 8, 100270
37. Hagen N, Hauk C, Heide L (2022) Trade in substandard and falsified medicines. In: Brombacher D, Maihold G, Müller M, Vorrath J, eds.: Geographies of the illicit. Linking the Global South and Europe. Reihe ‘Weltwirtschaft und internationale Zusammenarbeit’, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.
36. Hauk C, Boss M, Gabel J, Schäfermann S, Lensch HPA, Heide L (2022) An open-source smartphone app for the quantitative evaluation of thin-layer chromatographic analyses in medicine quality screening. Sci Rep 12:13433
35. Gnegel G, Häfele-Abah C, Neci R, Difäm-EPN Minilab Network, Heide L (2022) Surveillance for substandard and falsified medicines by local faith-based organizations in 13 low- and middle-income countries using the GPHF Minilab. Sci Rep 12:13095
34. Masinia T, Macéb C, Heide L, Hamill H, Hampshire K, Newton PN, Ravinetto R (2022) Out of the boxes, out of the silos: The need of interdisciplinary collaboration to reduce poor-quality medical products in the supply chain. Res Social Adm Pharm 18: 3694-3698
33. Hauk C, Hagen N, Heide L (2021) Identification of substandard and falsified medicines: Influence of different tolerance limits and use of authenticity inquiries. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 104(5): 1936–1945
32. Bizimana T, Hagen N, Gnegel G, Kayumba PC, Heide L (2021) Quality of oxytocin and misoprostol in health facilities of Rwanda. PLoS ONE 16(1):e0245054
31. Hauk C, Schäfermann S, Martus P, Muzafarova N, Babaley M, Waning B, Heide L (2020) Quality assurance in anti-tuberculosis drug procurement by the Stop TB Partnership - Global Drug Facility: Procedures, costs, time requirements, and comparison of assay and dissolution results by manufacturers and by external analysis. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243428
30. Hagen N, Bizimana T, Kayumba PC, Khuluza F, Heide L (2020) Stability of oxytocin preparations in Malawi and Rwanda: Stabilizing effect of chlorobutanol. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 103(5): 2129–2141
29. Hagen N, Bizimana T, Kayumba PC, Khuluza F, Heide L (2020) Stability of misoprostol tablets collected in Malawi and Rwanda: Importance of intact primary packaging. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238628
28. Bizimana T, Kayumba PC, Heide L (2020) Prices, availability and affordability of medicines in Rwanda. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0236411
27. Heide L (2020) Fälscher nutzen Corona-Pandemie (Counterfeiters take advantage of Corona pandemic; in German). Pharmazeutische Zeitung 165: 1628-1629
26. Gnegel G, Hauk C, Neci R, Mutombo G, Nyaah F, Wistuba D, Häfele-Abah C, Heide L (2020) Identification of falsified chloroquine tablets in Africa at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 103(1): 73–76
25. Schäfermann S, Hauk C, Wemakor E, Neci R, Mutombo G, Ndze EN, Cletus T, Nyaah F, Pattinora M, Wistuba D, Helmle I, Häfele-Abah C, Gross H, Heide L (2020) Substandard and falsified antibiotics and medicines against noncommunicable diseases in western Cameroon and north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 103(2): 894–908
24. Newton P, Bond KC, Heide L and 50 further signatories (2020) COVID-19 and risks to the supply and quality of tests, drugs, and vaccines. Lancet Glob Health 8(6):e754-e755
23. Hagen N, Felix Khuluza F, Heide L (2020) Quality, availability and storage conditions of oxytocin and misoprostol in Malawi. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2020) 20:184
22. Schäfermann S, Neci R, Ndze EN, Nyaah F, Pondo BV, Heide L (2020) Availability, prices and affordability of selected antibiotics and medicines against noncommunicable diseases in western Cameroon and northeast DR Congo. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227515
21. Newton PN, Bond KC, Heide L and 156 further signatories (2019) Global access to quality-assured medical products: the Oxford Statement and call to action. Lancet Glob Health. 7(12):e1609-e1611
20. Eberhart B (2019) Harmful medicines. Pharmaceutical scientist Lutz Heide and his team from the University of Tübingen are investigating the occurrence of substandard and falsified medicines in African countries. Attempto University of Tübingen Magazine 50: 28-34
19. Schäfermann S, Wemakor E, Hauk C, Heide L (2018) Quality of medicines in southern Togo: Investigation of antibiotics and of medicines for non-communicable diseases from pharmacies and informal vendors. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 29;13(11):e0207911 .
18. Seeger K, Heide L (2018) Substandard and falsified medicines in developing countries [Minderwertige und gefälschte Arzneimittel in Entwicklungsländern] (Review). Pharmakon 6 (5), 371-378 .
17. Haefele-Abah C, Heide L (2018) Kurs „Pharmacy in Global Health“ an der Universität Tübingen. Pharmakon 6 (5), 400 .
16. Petersen A, Held N, Heide L, on behalf of the Difäm-EPN Minilab Survey Group (2017) Surveillance for falsified and substandard medicines in Africa and Asia by local organizations using the low-cost GPHF Minilab. PLoS One. 12(9):e0184165
15. Khuluza F, Heide L (2017) Availability and affordability of antimalarial and antibiotic medicines in Malawi. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0175399 .
14. Khuluza F, Kigera S, Heide L (2017) Low prevalence of substandard and falsified antimalarial and antibiotic medicines in public and faith-based health facilities of Southern Malawi. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 96: 1124–1135 .
13. Khuluza F, Kigera S, Jähnke RWO, Heide L (2016) Use of thin-layer chromatography to detect counterfeit sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine tablets with the wrong active ingredient in Malawi. Malaria J 15: 215 .
12. Ndalama A, Dzabala N, Heide L (2015) Study of Pharmacy at the College of Medicine, University of Malawi. PharmJournal, Kenyatta University Pharmacy Students Association, Edition 01 May - August 2015, 35-36.
11. Weber M, Daniels R, Mwale C, Dzabala N, Heide L (2015) Als Studentin nach Afrika. Herstellung und Qualitätskontrolle von Dermatologika in Malawi. Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung 155: 3234-3236.
10. Dzabala N, Heide L (2014) Pharmaziestudium in Malawi. Pharmazeutische Zeitung 159: 4336- 4343.
9. Heide L (2006) Artemisinin in traditional tea preparations of Artemisia annua (Letter). Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg.100: 802 .
8. Mueller MS, Runyambo N, Wagner I, Borrmann S, Dietz K, Heide L (2004) Randomised controlled trial of a traditional preparation of Artemisia annua L. (Annual Wormwood) in the treatment of malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 98: 318-321 .
7. Räth K, Taxis K, Walz G, H. Gleiter CH, Li S-M, Heide L (2004) Pharmacokinetic study of artemisinin after oral intake of a traditional preparation of Artemisia annua L. (Annual Wormwood). Am J Trop Med Hyg 70: 128-132 .
6. Heide L, Müller M (2001) Malaria in Afrika: Wie hilfreich sind Arzneipflanzen? Z. Phytother. 22: 77-81.
5. Heide L (1993) Traditionelle Arzneipflanzen in der Gesundheitsversorgung der Dritten Welt: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung 133, 2067-2077.
4. Heide L (1990) Pflanzliche Schneckengifte. Eine neue Chance zur Bekämpfung der Bilharziose? Deutsche Apothekerzeitung 130, 1723-1728.
3. Heide L (1987) Plant tissue culture and herbal medicines for developing countries. Plant Tissue Culture Letters 4, 48.
2. Heide L (1987) Medical supplies management in the cholera epidemic in Somalia 1985. Disasters 11, 205‑213 .
1. Shire Jama A, Heide L, Petersen A (1985) Colour coding of labels for essential drugs. Tropical Doctor 15, 195 .