Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik

MYRIAD: An N-body code for simulations of star clusters

This is a numerical code written in C++ for conducting collisional N-body simulations in star clusters. The code utilizes the Hermite 4th-order scheme with block time steps to advance the particles over time. The calculations for forces and neighboring particles are performed with the GRAPE-6 board. Special consideration is given to close encounters and binary or multiple subsystems that form dynamically or are present in the initial configuration. The code is structured in a modular fashion, allowing for the incorporation of additional physical phenomena, such as stellar and binary evolution, stellar collisions, and the evolution of close black-hole binaries. Furthermore, it can easily be modified so that the component of the code utilizing GRAPE-6 can be replaced with another module using alternate acceleration hardware, such as graphics processing units (GPUs). The compressed file includes not only the code itself, but also a variety of simulations.

The details of the code have been published in the following article:
S. Konstantinidis and K. D. Kokkotas "MYRIAD: a new N-body code for simulations of star clusters" Astronomy and Astrophysics, 522 (A70) 2010.

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