School of Business and Economics



3 University of Tübingen Professors to present at the NBER Summer Institute

The University of Tübingen is proud to announce that three of our distinguished professors will…

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Dual leadership for the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Taiga Brahm and Dominik Papies will take over the leadership of the Faculty of Economics and Social…

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Distinguished guest professor at the School of Business and Economics: Professor Volker Schöer

Strategic partnership between the University of Tuebingen and the University of the Witwatersrand

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The Unicorn and FX Trading - Inaugural Lecture by Hon. Prof. Andreas Schrimpf

Hon. Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrimpf introduced himself to the faculty on October 25th in his inaugural…

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Tax Policy and its Effect on Firm Behaviour

Ferdinand Springer, M.Sc., dissertation consists of three self-contained essays and contributes to…

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Using Machine Learning Methods to study research questions in health, labor and family economics

Over the last decades, machine learning became increasingly popular as a toolbox of methods for…

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The department in figures