

The wide range of classes concerning transdisciplinary competencies enables you to put together your own course portfolio. In this way, you can individually build up or expand your study profile and get a taste of new topics. In many professional contexts – regardless whether in academia or elsewhere – evidence of an individual and freely chosen focus beyond the set field of study is an advantage.
Whether you choose classes in such a way that content focuses are formed which lead to a certificate is entirely up to you. From winter semester 19/20 onwards an overview of currently creditable classes for the specific (non-degree) certificate can be found in the last part of the respective course programs (“Orientation Guide”).
The certificate programs are structured differently and usually comprise 12 to 18 Credit Points. Please ask the relevant coordinator if you have any questions regarding the content of specific offers.
Interested? Then, please choose your (non-degree) certificate program below:

[Translate to Englisch:] Audioproduktion

Audio Production

Education Against Antisemitism and Anti-Muslim Racism

Gender and Diversity

Management and Leadership

[Translate to Englisch:] Rhetorik & Kommunikation

Rhetoric & Communication


Entrepreneurship & Business

Global Awareness

[Translate to Englisch:] Medienproduktion

Media Production

Studio Literature and Theater

Studio Literature and Theater

[Translate to Englisch:] Data Literacy

Data Literacy

[Translate to Englisch:] Ethik in der Praxis

Ethics in Practice


[Translate to Englisch:] Bewegtbildproduktion

Motion Picture

[Translate to Englisch:] Studium Oecologicum

Studium Oecologicum

Certificates from other institutions

Faculty of Law


Refugee Law Clinic

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Weltethos in Unternehmen und Organisationen

Center for Teaching and Learning

Tutor:innen und Mentor:innen