Tübingen Center for Digital Education

The Center

By founding the Tübingen Center for Digital Education (TüCeDE), the University of Tübingen has brought the topic of digital education into focus and anchored it sustainably. Structurally, TüCeDE is not assigned to any faculty as an interfaculty centre and has an interdisciplinary orientation. This means that numerous institutions are involved in TüCeDE, such as the Dr. Eberle Centre for Digital Competencies, the Hector Institute for Educational Science, the Machine Learning Cluster of Excellence and the Tübingen School of Education. In addition, TüCeDE has non-university partners such as the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media (IWM).

The members form the basis of TüCeDE. All academics with a doctorate from the University of Tübingen or cooperating institutions (with an official cooperation agreement) who conduct research in the field of digital education can become members. This means that TüCeDE has members with a wide range of expertise in the field of digital education, from formal digital education in schools and universities to informal digital education in museums and extracurricular learning spaces such as the AI Makerspace. In addition, members of TüCeDE conduct research in the field of media ethics and media studies. The members of TüCeDE elect the co-directors of TüCeDE every four years and advise on the direction of the projects.

The leadership of TüCeDE is constituted from the members of TüCeDe. This consists of a steering committee made up of eleven renowned academics from the institutions represented in TüCeDE and two co-directors. Together with the co-directors, the steering committee develops an overall strategy and works out project proposals. The co-directors decide on projects and the distribution of (third-party) funds. They are supported by the management and are always accountable to the steering committee and the rectorate. The Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of important international scientists in the field of digital education, advises the Steering Committee and co-directors on their actions.

In addition, TüCeDe has five research areas that are financed by the university budget and the Vector Foundation, as well as various third-party funded projects. In the three core work areas, researchers from different disciplines work on bringing scientific findings into educational practice and jointly developing them further (Transfer and professional development), integrating digital media into everyday school life on a research basis (Technology-enhanced Learning Environments), as well as developing and researching innovative future educational technologies (Innovative Educational Technologies). In doing so, the researchers are supported as a cross-sectional topic in the areas of software development, as well as ethics and diversity.