Ausgewählte Joint Publikationen
Engelbart L, Bieger S, Thompson K, Fischer L, Bader T, Kramer M, Haderlein S, Röhnelt A, Martin P, Buchner D, Bloch R, Rügner H, Huhn C (in print): In-situ formation of glyphosate and AMPA in activated sludge from phosphonates used as antiscalants and bleach stabilizers in households and industry. Water Research.
Röhnelt AM, Martin PR, Athmer M, Bieger S, Buchner D, Karst U, Huhn C, Schmidt TC, Haderlein SB (2025): Glyphosate is a transformation product of a widely used aminopolyphosphonate complexing agent. Nature Communications.
Haluska AA, Blendinger E, Rügner H, Buchner D, Duda J-P, Thiel V, Blumenberg M, Ostertag-Henning C, Kümmel S, Grathwohl P (2025): Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, and Organic Acids Generation by Ball Milling and Batch Incubation of Sedimentary Rocks. Applied Geochemistry, 106160.
Schaper JL, Cirpka OA, Lewandowski J, Zarfl C (2024): Electrical conductivity fluctuations as a tracer to determine time-dependent transport characteristics in hyporheic sediments. Journal of Hydrology, 643, 131914.
Haluska AA, Röhler K, Fabregat-Palau J, Alexandrino DAM, Abramov S, Thompson KJ, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Bugsel B, Zweigle J, Zwiener C, Grathwohl P (2024): Complementary Field and Laboratory Batch Studies to Quantify Generation Rates of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in a Contaminated Agricultural Topsoil with Unknown Precursors. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation.
Büchau YG, Leven C, Bange J (2024): A portable low-cost device to quantify advective gas fluxes from mofettes into the lower atmosphere: First application to Starzach mofettes (Germany). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196(2), 138.
Stock SC, Canessa R, et int., Kappler A, et int., Scholten T, Schweiger AH, Rehfeld K, et int., Oelmann Y, Tielboerger K, et int., Dippold MA (2024): Environmental versus litter traits as drivers of microbial decomposer functions. Preprint, BioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.07.26.605152
Schwientek M, Rügner H, Haderlein SB, Schulz W, Wimmer B, Engelbart L, Bieger S, Huhn C (2024): Glyphosate contamination in European rivers not from herbicide application? Water Research, 263, 1 October 2024, 122140.
Visser A-N, Martin JD, Osenbrück K, Rügner H, Grathwohl P, Kappler A (2024): In situ incubation of iron(II)-bearing minerals and Fe(0) reveals insights into metabolic flexibility of chemolithotrophic bacteria in a nitrate polluted karst aquifer. Science of the Total Environment, 926, 172062.
Ausgewählte Joint Publikationen (2021-2023)
Hembach N, Drechsel V, Sobol M, Kaster AK, Köhler, H-R, Triebskorn R, Schwartz T. (2023): Effect of glyphosate, its metabolite AMPA, and the glyphosate formulation Roundup® on brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) gut microbiome diversity. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 1271983.
Ershadi A, Finkel M, Susset B, Grathwohl P (2023): Applicability of machine learning models for the assessment of long-term pollutant leaching from solid waste materials. Waste Management 171, pp. 337–349.
Moss G, Visnjevic V, et int., Macke JH, Drews R (2023): Simulation-Based Inference of Surface Accumulation and Basal Melt Rates of an Antarctic Ice Shelf from Isochronal Layers. In arXiv, 2023, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.02997.
Nasrabadi T, Rügner H, Schwientek M, Ghadiri A, Hossein Hashemi S, Grathwohl P (2022): Dilution of PAHs loadings of particulate matter in air, dust and rivers in urban areas: A comparative study (Tehran megacity, Iran and city of Tübingen, SW-Germany). STOTEN
Ehlers TA, Chen D, et int., Dippold MA, et int., Mulch, A., et int., Zhu L (2022): Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost. Earth-Science Reviews 234, 104197, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104197.
Osenbrück K, Blendinger E, Leven C, Rügner H, Finkel M, Schulz H, Grathwohl P (2022): Nitrate reduction potential of a fractured Middle Triassic carbonate aquifer, Southwest Germany. Hydrogeol. J. 30/1, 163-180; DOI10.1007/s10040-021-02418-9.
Jakus N, Mellage A, Höschen C, Maisch, M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kappler A (2021): Anaerobic Neutrophilic Pyrite Oxidation by a Chemolithoautotrophic Nitrate-Reducing Iron(II)-Oxidizing Culture Enriched from a Fractured Aquifer, Environmental Science and Technology,
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Osenbrueck K, Straub D, Byrne JM, Wang Z, Gloeckler D, Elsner M, Lueders T, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S, Kappler A (2021): Nitrate removal by a novel autotrophic nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing culture enriched from a pyrite-rich limestone aquifer. Appl Environ Microbiol 2021, 27;87(16):e0046021. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00460-21. Epub 2021 Jul 27.
Klingler S, Martin S, Cirpka OA, Dietrich P, Leven C (2021): Kombination geophysikalischer und hydrogeologischer Methoden zur gezielten Erkundung feinkörniger Talfüllungen. Grundwasser (in press).
Muller ME, Zwiener C, Escher BI (2021): Storm Event-Driven Occurrence and Transport of Dissolved and Sorbed Organic Micropollutants and associated effects in the Ammer River, Southwestern Germany. Environ Toxicol Chem 40:88-99. DOI: 10.1002/etc.4910.
Spohn M, Aburto F, Ehlers TA, Farwig N, Frings PJ, Hartmann H, Hoffmann T, Larsen A, Oelmann Y (2021): Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements. Biogeochemistry.
Visser A-N, Lehmann MF, Rügner H, D'Affonseca FM, Grathwohl P, Blackwell N, Kappler A, Osenbrück, K (2021): Fate of nitrate during groundwater recharge in a fractured karst aquifer. Hydrogeology Journal.
Ausgewählte Joint Publikationen (2018-2020)
Glaser C, Zarfl C, Rügner H, Lewis A, Schwientek M. (2020): Analysing particle-associated pollutant transport to identify in-stream sediment processes during a high flow event. Water 12(1794): 1-16.
Müller ME, Werneburg M, Glaser C, Schwientek M, Zarfl C, Escher B, Zwiener C (2020): Influence of emission sources and tributaries on the spatial and temporal patterns of micropollutant mixtures and associated effects in a small river. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39(7), 1382-1391, doi:
Finkel M, Baur A, Weber TKD, Osenbrück K, Rügner H, Leven C, Schwientek M, Schlögl J, Hahn U, Streck T, Cirpka OA, Walter T, Grathwohl P (2020): Managing collaborative research data for integrated, interdisciplinary environmental research. Earth Science Informatics, 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s12145-020-00441-0.
Patzner MS, Mueller CW, et int., Scholten T, et int., Kappler A, Bryce C (2020): Iron mineral dissolution releases iron and associated organic carbon during permafrost thaw. Nature Communications 11 (1), 6329, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20102-6.
Li S, Kappler A, Zhu Y, Haderlein SB (2020): Mediated electrochemical analysis as emerging tool to unravel links between microbial redox cycling of natural organic matter and anoxic nitrogen cycling. Earth Sc. Rev. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103281.
Wimmer B, Pattky M, Zada LG, Meixner M, Haderlein SB, Zimmermann H-P, Huhn C (2020): Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for the direct analysis of glyphosate: method development and application to beer beverages and environmental studies. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.; 1-17, doi: g/10.1007/s00216-020-02751-0.
Ruegner H, Schwientek M, Milacic R, Zuliani T, Vidmar J, Paunovic M, Laschou S, Kalogianni E, Skoulikidis NT, Diamantini E, Majone B, Bellin A, Chiogna G, Martinez E, López de Alda M, Díaz-Cruz S, Grathwohl P (2019): Particle Bound Pollutants in Rivers: Results from Suspended Sediment Sampling in Globaqua River Basins. STOTEN,
Guillet G, Knapp JLA, Merel S, Cirpka OA, Grathwohl P, Zwiener C, Schwientek M (2019): Fate of wastewater contaminants in rivers: Using conservative-tracer based transfer functions to assess reactive transport. Science of the Total Environment 656: 1250-1260, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.379.
Bernhard N, Moskwa LM, et int., Dippold MA, Ehlers TA, et int., Neidhardt H, et int., Oelmann Y, et int., Tielbörger K, Übernickel K, Scholten T, Seguel O, Wagner D, Kühn P (2018). Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: new insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. Catena, 170, 335-355,
Gauglitz G, Wimmer B, Melzer T, Huhn C (2018): Glyphosate analysis using sensors and electromigration separation techniques as alternatives to gas or liquid chromatography. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2018, 410, 725-746
Huhn C (2018): More and enhanced glyphosate analysis is needed. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2018, 410, 3041-3045.
Kshirsagar P, Martina M, Jones P, Buckenmaier S, Kraushaar U, Chassé T, Fleischer M, Burkhardt CJ (2018): Semitransparent carbon microelectrodes for opto- and electrophysiology, accepted by the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2018).
Nasrabadi T, Ruegner H, Schwientek M, Bennett J, Valipour SF, Grathwohl P. (2018): Bulk metal concentrations versus total suspended solids in rivers: Time-invariant & catchment-specific relationships. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(1): e0191314.
Oeser RA, Stroncik N, et int, Dippold MA, Ehlers TA, et int., Scholten T, Spielvogel S, Spohn M, Übernickel K, Tielbörger K, Wagner D, von Blanckenburg F (2018): Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Catena, 170, 183–203.
Ausgewählte Joint Publikationen (2014-2017)
Horrer A, Haas J, Freudenberger K, Gauglitz G, Kern DP, Fleischer M (2017): Compact plasmonic optical biosensors based on nanostructured gradient index lenses integrated in microfluidic cells, Nanoscale 9, 17378-17386 (2017).
Lorenz CS, Wicht AJ, Guluzada L, Crone B, Karst U, Lee HJ, Triebskorn R, Haderlein SB, Huhn C, Köhler HR (2017): Nano-sized zeolites as modulators of thiacloprid toxicity on Chironomus riparius. Peer J. 2017, 18, 5:e352.
Lorenz CS, Wicht AJ, Guluzada L, Luo L, Jäger L, Crone B, Karst U, Triebskorn R, Liang Y, Anwander R, Haderlein SB, Huhn C, Köhler HR (2017): Nano-sized Al2O3 reduces acute toxic effects of thiacloprid on the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius. PLoS ONE 2017, 12, e0176356.
Müller, M, Oelmann Y, Schickhoff U, Böhner J, Scholten T. (2017): Himalayan treeline soil and foliar C:N:P stoichiometry. Geoderma 291: 21-32.
Schwientek M, Ruegner H, Scherer U, Rode M, Grathwohl P (2017): A parsimonious approach to estimate PAH concentrations in river sediments of anthropogenically impacted watersheds. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.208.
Seidensticker S, Zarfl C, Cirpka OA, Fellenberg G, Grathwohl P (2017): Shift in mass transfer of wastewater contaminants from microplastics in presence of dissolved substances. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51(21), 12254–12263.
Thellmann P, Kuch B, Wurm K, Köhler H-R, Triebskorn R (2017): Water quality assessment in the "German River of the Years 2014/2015": How a case study on the impact of a storm water sedimentation basin displayed impairment of fish health in the Argen River (Southern Germany). Environ Sci Eur 29(10): 1-22.
Wang J, Gürdal E, Horneber A, Dickreuter S, Kostcheev S, Meixner AJ, Fleischer M, Adam PM, Zhang D (2017): Carrier recombination and plasmonic emission channels in two-photon photoluminescence, accepted by Nanoscale (2017).
Nasrabadi T, Rügner H, Sirdari ZZ, Schwientek M, Grathwohl P (2016): Using total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity as proxies for evaluation of metal transport in river water. Applied Geochemistry 68 (2016) 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.03.003.
Peschke K, Burmester J, Hermann M, Köhler HR, Reitter K, Scheurer M, Wurm K, Triebskorn R (2016): Reaktionen von Flohkrebsen und Makrozoobenthos auf die Nachrüstung einer Kläranlage mit einer Pulveraktivkohlestufe. gwf - Wasser/Abwasser 157(4): 370-379.
Schwientek M, Guillet G, Rügner H, Kuch B, Grathwohl P (2016): A high-precision sampling scheme to assess persistence and transport characteristics of micropollutants in rivers. Science of The Total Environment. 08/2015; 540. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.135.
Triebskorn R (2015): Viele Stoffe - großes Risiko? Warum Wirktests helfen zu entscheiden. Sonderpublikation zum 11. Langenauer Wasserforum: 38-39.
Vincze K, Scheil V, Kuch B, Köhler HR, Triebskorn R (2015): Impact of wastewater on fish health: A case study at the Neckar River (Southern Germany) using biomarkers in caged brown trout as assessment tools. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(15): 11822-11839.
Zarfl C, Lumsdon AE, Berlekamp J, Tydecks L, Tockner K (2015): A global boom in hyd-ropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences 77, 161-170.
Broschure- Die Plattform Umweltsysteme im Porträt (gwf Wasser/Abwasser, Heft 11/2015, DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH)
Harter J, Krause HM, Schuettler S, Ruser R, Fromme M, Scholten T, Kappler A, Behrens S (2014): Linking N2O emissions from biochar-amended soil to the structure and function of the N-cycling microbial community. ISME J. 8, 660-674.
Rügner H, Schwientek M, Egner M, Grathwohl P (2014): Monitoring of event-based mobilization of hydrophobic pollutants in rivers: Calibration of turbidity as a proxy for particle facilitated transport in field and laboratory. Sci. Tot. Environ. 490, 191–198.