Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik

Unveiling XRB population in our Galaxy with eROSITA

Artur Avakyan, HEA, IAAT — June 3, 2024

The first data release by eROSITA all-sky X-ray survey (eRASS DR1) has been made public on 31st of January 2024. The talk will focus on the methods used to search for new X-ray binaries (XRBs) in our Galaxy among almost a million of eRASS DR1 sources.
Specifically, how the plausible counterparts in other bands for eRASS
DR1 sources were
selected, and by what means the classification of XRB candidates was done. And finally, how machine learning (ML) methods relate to any of the above. The aim of all this search is to obtain the first self-consistent estimate of XRB numbers observable by eROSITA, expand the sample of low-luminosity XRBs and provide a basis for subsequent dedicated follow-up observations.