Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)


Knowledge based design of complex synthetic microbial communities for plant protection

Complex microbial communities that populate surfaces of higher organisms such as plants critically impact health of their host by either fighting disease, promoting it or even causing disease. How, why and when communities shift from one state to the other is crucial to develop synthetic microbial communities that can be used as plant protective agents. The goal of DeCoCt is therefore to dissect, design and reconstitute microbial communities form natural field data that are competitive to natural communities and capable of reverting a disease causing community into a protective.


Main investigator: Prof. Dr. Eric Kemen


attempto online 30.11.2018

Zwei Consolidator Grants des Europäischen Forschungsrats gehen an Tübinger Forschende
Die Biochemikerin Ana Jesus García-Saéz erforscht den programmierten Zelltod; der Biologe Eric Kemen arbeitet an neuen Methoden für den Pflanzenschutz auf Basis des Mikrobioms. Beide erhalten jeweils 2 Millionen Euro für die Konsolidierung ihrer Forschungsgruppe.

ATTEMTO Ausgabe/Issue 51/ 2019

Mikroben im Dienst der Landwirschaft/ Microbes at the service of agriculture

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