
Teaching Jun.-Prof. Graf

SS 2025
Seminar "Afrika aus Ost und West" (mit Nadja Klopprogge) (ALMA)

WS 2024-25
BA seminar "Einführung ins Chinesische und in die Sinologie" (ALMA)
BA seminar "Einführung in die Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur" (ALMA)
Vorlesung "Global Approaches to Health and Care in China and Taiwan" (with Yu-chin TSENG) (ALMA)

SS 2024
MA HS Seminar: “Art, Ethics and History in Medicine: Current Debates in China” (ALMA)
MA Seminar “Research Approaches in Sinology: Topics and Methods in History, Philology, and Culture Studies” (ALMA)

WS 2023-24
MA colloquium: History and Culture of China (ALMA)
MA text-reading "Transgressing Worlds of Heath: Reading Can Xue’s Anti-realist 'Barefoot Doctor'" (ALMA)
BA seminar "Einführung in die Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur" (ALMA)

SS 2023
MA colloquium: History and Culture of China (ALMA)
BA seminar “A History of Medicine in China: A History of Knowledge, a History of Ignorance” (ALMA)

WS 2022-23
MA seminar (Grundkurs) “Diskurse und Theorien der kulturwissenschaftlichen Chinastudien”

SS 2022
MA seminar “A History of Medicine in China: A History of Knowledge, a History of Ignorance”

WS 2021-22
MA seminar “The Museum Landscape of the PRC and Taiwan: Worldmaking and the Production of Knowledge”

WS 2019-20
MA seminar "China and Global Health: The Making and Unmaking of Barefoot Doctors (1960s-present)”

SS 2019
MA seminar “Conflicting Memories in China: Texts, Images, and Institutions”

SS 2018
MA seminar (Übung: Textlektüre und Analyse) “Voicing Criticism in China Today: The Novelist Yan Lianke”

SS 2017
MA seminar (Übung: Textlektüre und Analyse) “Remembering and Forgetting: Lu Xun and Cultural Politics in the PRC”

SS 2013
MA seminar (Übung: Textlektüre und Analyse) “Founding Fathers of Modern Chinese and Taiwanese Literature: Lu Xun and Lai He”

WS 2012-13
BA seminar (Übung: Textlektüre) “Die Sakralisierung Lu Xuns”