Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

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Developments in Global Sourcing: New book by Wilhelm Kohler and Erdal Yalcin (eds.)

Recent decades have seen a fragmentation of production processes across borders, as firms find it increasingly profitable to organize production on a global scale. This fragmentation occurs across national borders as well as across firm boundaries; companies must decide not only the location of production but also how much control to exert over the different production stages. Economists have responded to this shift by developing new models of global sourcing, generating important insights into the driving forces and economic effects of this new form of globalization. Many questions, however, remain unanswered. This book tries to fill this gap.

Developments in Global Sourcing


Pol Antràs, Sasan Bakhtiari, Sebastian Benz, Giuseppe Berlingieri, Johannes Boehm, Jeronimo Carballo, Huiya Chen, Alejandro Cuñat, Fabrice Defever, Swati Dhingra, Harald Fadinger, Ana P. Fernandes, Christian Fischer, Wilhelm Kohler, Bohdan Kukharskyy, Luca Marcolin, Antonio Minniti, John Morrow, Alireza Naghavi, Han (Steffan) Qi, Jens Suedekum, Deborah L. Swenson, Edwin L.-C. Lai, Anders Rosenstand Laugesen, Ngo Van Long, Heiwai Tang, Erdal Yalcin.

From CESifo Seminar Series

Edited by Wilhelm Kohler and Erdal Yalcin

MIT Press 2018
