Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh)



Fotoausstellung: Moscheen in Europa – Europäische Moscheen?!

17. Juni bis 31. Juli 2014 Bonatzbau der Universitätsbibliothek

A photo documentation about Islam in Europe which
includes the Islamic architecture (contemporary and
historical mosques) and portraits of Muslims. The aim of
the project is to show the diversity of Islamic expressions
and how Islam is interpreted in the physical space by
European Muslims.
Ahmed Krausen is freelance photographer based in
Copenhagen, Denmark. He has worked successfully for
over a decade as a professional photographer whose
source of artistic inspiration is the physical
manifestations of Islam in Europe. The artistic angle has
been inspired by his position as a European Muslim
convert. Therefore, starting in 1997, Ahmed began his
photographic project “Islam in Europe”.
Ahmed Krausen is associated partner of the exhibition
project “Islam it’s also our history” Fourteen centuries of
relations between Europe and the Muslim World at
Bruxelles based Museum of Europe. This project is in
cooperation with Tempora/Musée de l’Europe and The
European Union.

