Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

International Forum on Global South Studies 2021

June 29 to July 9 2021 (Online via Zoom)

hosted by the ICGSS Tübingen and its partner universities UFF, UNAM, UCAD, UFBH, Wits, UP, JNU and University of Melbourne in cooperation with the project "Território, mídia e conflito no Sul Global" (CAPES / PRINT - UFF / UT / UCAD)

You can download the draft programme here:

Draft programme

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to register for the conference to receive regular updates and Zoom links for all of the panels.


Please note that all times are given in CEST (Central European Summer Time).
Tengan en cuenta que los horarios del programa se refieren a la hora local alemana - CEST (horario de verano de Europa Central).
Por favor, notem que os horários da programação se referem ao horário local da Alemanha - CEST (Horário de Verão da Europa Central).

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou (ICGSS director), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies and Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov (co-convenors of the ICGSS)

Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 4:15pm

“Améfrica Ladina” y decolonialidades: una perspectiva crítica

Opening Panel with:

Flávia Rios (UFF - Brazil)

Mara Viveros-Vigoya (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Fernando Resende (UFF - Brazil)

Chair: Sebastian Thies (University of Tübingen)

Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 4:30-6:30pm

“Modes of being South” - Panel on bibliographic production around the Global South


Amina ElHalawani

Armando Velázquez

Diego Amaral

Roberto Robalinho

Chair and opening remarks: Russell West-Pavlov

Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 6:30-8:30pm

Du Sud au Nord: Écriture, Traduction et Trajectoires


Panel 01 with:

Krithika S.

Pankhuri Bhatt

Manmeet Singh

Richa Sharma

Chair: Vijaya Rao / N. Kamala 

Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 2-4 pm CEST

Lenguas indígenas, desafíos y miradas desde el Nord y el Sur Global


Panel 04 with:

Karolina Grzech

Genner Llanes Ortiz

Ebany Dohle

Marcus Vinicius Garcia

Chair: Carlos Correa

Thursday, 1 July 2021, 2-4pm

City, South, Surrounds


Panel 19 with:

AbdouMaliq Simone

Fernando Resende

Roberto Robalinho

Chair: Russell West-Pavlov

Friday, 2 July 2021, 12-14pm

Constructions and reconstructions to think about the future of the relationship between children and the media


Panel 07 with:

Delphine Munos

Maahenn Ahmed

Thiago Falcão

Wagner Dornelles

Chair: Ariane Holzbach

Monday, 5 July 2021, 2-4pm

Tecendo redes antiracistas: África(s), Brasil e Portugal


Panel 10 with:

Eufémia Rocha

Leandro Santos Bulhões de Jesus

Renísia Cristina Garcia Filice

Felipe Sotto Maior Cruz

Chair: Carla Cerqueira

Wednesday, 7 July 2021, 2-4pm

Global Songs from the South: three samples from Brazil


Panel 13 with:

Christina Richter-Ibáñez

Felipe Trotta

Simone Pereira de Sá

Chair: Glaucia Peres da Silva

Thursday, 8 July 2021, 2-4pm

Portable Cities


Panel 20 with:

Keyvan Allahyari

Amina El Halawani

Chair: Russell West-Pavlov

Friday, 9 July 2021, 12-2pm

Paulo Freire e educar com a mídia na pandemia. Em comemoração ao centenário do patrono da educação brasileira


Panel 16 with:

Aristóteles Berino

Alice Akemi Yamasaki

Adriana Barbosa da Silva

Luciana Diláscio Neves

Chair: Gauthier Figueiredo Netto

Friday, 9 July 2021, 2-4pm

Procesos y prácticas comunicativas desde el horizonte de la decolonialidad de/en el Sur Global


Panel 02 with:

Erick Torrico

Verônica Lima

Eloína Castro Lara

Chair: Esteban Morera Aparicio

Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 4-6 pm CEST

Crossing and building borders: visibility and invisibility in transnational migrations


Panel 05 (roundtable) with:

Tânia Tonhati

Denise Cogo

Kassoum Dieme

Fábio Agra

Chair: Karin Fusaro

Thursday, 1 July 2021, 4-6pm

Multiple Global Souths within Latin America and Africa: Diasporic Bodies and Territories in Intersection


Panel 08 with:

Saliou Dione

Beatriz Polivanov

Beatriz Medeiros

Deborah Santos

Ahmed Correa

Ludmila Morales Alfonso

Chair: Ivonne  Sanchez

Monday, 5 July 2021, 4-6pm

Violent narratives – from colonial media to art’s insurgencies


Panel 11 with:

Jorge Iván Jaramillo Hincapié

Lieli Loures

Verônica Maria Alves Lima

Sara Vakili 

Chair: María José Prieto

Wednesday, 7 July 2021, 4-6pm

Shared memories, global communities? Implications of memory work in the transnational space


Panel 14 with:

Elizabeth Jelin

Silvana Mandolessi

Fazil Moradi

Chair: Verónica Abrego

Thursday, 8 July 2021, 4-6pm

Antislavery Arts and Cultural Heritages


Panel 17 with:

Charlotte Hammond

Cristiano Gianolla

Márcia Chuva

Chair: Renata de Sá Gonçalves

Friday, 9 July 2021, 4-6pm

Acervos, aspiraciones y amenazas: mirando el presente de Santiago de Chile a través de su futuro y su pasado


Panel 03 with:

Eduardo Bernal Bravo                       

Millaray Castillo Caripan       

Santiago Castillo              

Pedro Palma Calorio             

Chair: Damián Omar Martínez

Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 6-8 pm CEST

Concepção de natureza, colonialidade e extrativismo no contexto latino-americano


Panel 06 with:

Claudete Daflon

Thayane Marins

Kristell Pech Oxte

Bruna Freitas Figueiredo

Chair: Kim Tiveron da Costa

Thursday, 1 July 2021, 6-8pm

Género y movilidad en las migraciones contemporáneas sul-norte


Panel 09 with:

Beatriz Padilla

Maria Lidola

Thais França

Glauco Vaz Feijó

Chair: Glaucia de Oliveira Assis

Monday, 5 July 2021, 6-8pm

Nuevas miradas para (re)comenzar: percepciones y análisis no contemplativos en la labor científica en red desde el sur global


Panel 12 with:

Rosimeire Barboza

Gersiney Santos

Matías Soich

Daiane Silva Santos

Chair: Glauco Vaz Feijó

Wednesday, 7 July 2021, 6-8 pm

International and minority students in Higher Ed: when the Global South is in the Global North


Panel 15 with:

Beatriz Padilla

Glenda Vaillant Cruz

Joel Ramirez

Alphonse Opoku

Shuvechha Ghimire Sharma

Raquel Matias

Chair: Lucia Stavig

Thursday, 8 July 2021, 6-8pm

Haciendo mundos posibles: salidas fértiles para la vida en medio a catástrofes, distopías y colapsos


Panel 18 with:

Frei Gilberto Teixeira da Silveira

Renato Moreira

Teresa Castellanos Ruiz

Chair: Guilherme Eugênio

Friday, 9 July 2021, 6-8pm

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