Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

International Forum 2023: Un/thinking the “Crisis”: Knowledge, Art, Politics

November 6th - 17th, 2023 (Online)

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Organizers: Bani Gill, Louis Nana, and Edivaldo González (all University of Tübingen)

Un/thinking the “Crisis”: Knowledge, Art, Politics

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies at the University of Tübingen in cooperation with its partner universities invite scholars, activists, and artists to present their work at the International Forum 2023. This year, the Forum encourages epistemological, theoretical, artistic, and practice oriented interventions that explore various notions and dimensions of “crisis”.

In recent years the concept of “crisis” has been increasingly invoked in various debates and reflections across diverse disciplines to address a paradigm shift that not only questions the approach to study phenomena or the validity of regulating institutions, but also the self-critique we apply to interpretive frameworks themselves. Yet, it seems as if “crisis” is only ‘discovered’ and attains urgency when theorised from dominant perspectives. Bringing into dialogue temporal and scalar dimensions of “crisis” across different disciplines and geographies, the Forum seeks to “un/think the crisis” as a pivotal moment for reconsidering analytical categories, exposing new actors, and exploring novel ways of thinking about practices and knowledges of everyday living. In other words, beyond using the term “crisis” merely as an adjective applicable to economic, geopolitical, sociocultural, aesthetic or ecological matters, the Forum seeks contributions that address the contestation(s) within “crisis” that rearrange, establish, and ultimately sets in motion transformation(s).

“Crisis” lays bare pre-existing structures and redistributes practices and ways of acting in the commons. In major scholarships, the crisis has been seen in relation to the production of political violence (Mbembe and Roitman, 1995) and violence on imagination as concepts as of afrodystopia (Tonda, 2021) suggest. In this way, “crisis” provokes us to explore the vulnerability of humankind in various ways; but it is equally an opportunity to think in terms of possibilities of the pluriverse (Arturo Escobar, 2020) and the creation of another culture of the arts (Ladagga, 2006). In this sense the Forum seeks to engage in dialogue with the propositions that have emerged in recent years to rethink relationships and the formation of subjectivities, communities and agencies, and invites proposals from across disciplines that address the “crisis” through questions such as:

  • How is “crisis” experienced, explored and conceived from the Global South (for example, in relation to rapid urbanism, migration and mobility, or in ecological “crisis” and climate change, etc.)?
  • What new actors, processes, concepts and perspectives have been imagined to propose new modes of action in relation to "crisis" (for example, rights of nature)?
  • What have been the products, representations and artistic proposals emerging in relation to "crisis", both in their reflection on cultural institutions and in the proposal of new aesthetic paradigms?
  • What subjectivities, affects, and ways of living are set in motion during times of “crisis”?  How do these influence the formation of communities and patterns of socialization?
  • How can we “un/think crisis” in terms of the socio-economic conflicts and power dynamics that have developed in contemporary societies (for example, war, conflict, rising costs of living)?
  • How have disciplines articulated and, in turn, been rearticulated given the paradigm shift of “crisis”? What are the challenges and transformations emerging in and through possibilities of “un/thinking crisis”?

Call for Panels

We invite scholars, practitioners, activists, and artists to submit their proposals, which should not exceed 400 words. The accepted languages are Spanish, English, or French.

Call for Papers (english) 

Convocatoria (español) 

Appel à panels (français)

Call for Papers Release:  August 28, 2023.

Deadline for proposals: September 18, 2023.

Approval information: September 29, 2023.
Format: Online

Languages: French, English, and Spanish.

Proposal submissions: unthinkingthecrisisspam


Organizers & Contact

Bani Gill, Louis Nana, and Edivaldo González (all University of Tübingen)




MONDAY, 06th November

Welcome address and Introduction

14.00 - 14.45 (CET)

Susanne Goumegou, Tübingen University

Ivonne Sánchez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Edivaldo González, Tübingen University

Bani Gill, Tübingen University

Louis Nana, Tübingen University

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Keynote (English): Reflections on Cultural Work in the Present: Policy, Institutions, and the Aesthetics of Suffocation

15:20 - 16:50 (CET)

Prof. Anita Cherian Ambedkar, University, Delhi

Chair: Bani Gill, Tübingen University

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Panel 1: La pensée africaine face à la crise

17:10 - 18:10 (CET)

1. « L’intelligence de la crise » chez les philosophes Fabien Eboussi Boulaga et Yves-Valentin Mudimbe

Ibrahima Ndiaye, Tübingen University / UCAD

2. Face à la crise, réactiver l’archive africaine

Louis Nana, Tübingen University

Chair: Prof. Bacary Sarr, UCAD

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TUESDAY, 07th November

Objets africains en Allemagne: conversation sur un patrimoine

10.00 - 12.00 (CET)

Table ronde avec: 

Jean-Marie Teno (cinéaste)

Mèhèza Kalibani (Tübingen University/SHMH)

Mikaél Assilkinga (TU Berlin)

Chair : Louis Nana, Tübingen University

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Panel 2 : The Everyday Crisis of Citizenship in Contemporary India

15.30 - 17.00 (CET)

1. National Borders among Families: Removal and ‘Bare Life’ in India

                  Salah Punathil, University of Hyderabad

2. Living through Crisis: Unpacking the ‘lasting scars’ of the Registry test of Citizenship in Assam.

                  Debasreeta Deb, University of Hyderabad

3. Documented Yet Fearful: A Crisis on the Loom at the India-Bangladesh Border

                  Ritapriya Nandy, University of Hyderabad

Chair: Bani Gill, Tübingen University

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Panel 3: ¿Futuros en crisis? Panoramas desde la Ciencia Ficción latinoamericana

17.00 - 18.45 (CET)

1. La crisis siempre ha estado allí. Las recreaciones ficcionales en Ustedes brillan en lo oscuro de Liliana Colanzi y Semente exterminadora de Pedro Neves Marques

Mtra. Susana del Rosario Castañeda Quintero,  Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ)

2. La ficción especulativa como vía para repensarnos desde el “mundo en crisis”

Mtra. Carla Alicia Suárez Félix, Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ)

3. Tecnocolonialismo y neoextractivismo en La mirada de las plantas

Dr. León Felipe Barrón Rosas, Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ)

4. Todavía el fin del mundo. Los apocalipsis de larga duración en la Ciencia Ficción afrocaribeña. El caso de La mucama de Omicunlé

Dr. Samuel Lagunas Cerda Autonomous, University of Querétaro (UAQ)


Chair : Prof. Dr. Armando Velázquez, UNAM

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WEDNESDAY, 08th November

Panel 4: Documenting and narrating the crisis

15.00-16.30 (CET)

1. “We are unable to count the bodies”: Analysis of the Photographs of Hunger and Yanomami

Gabriela Mendes, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF-PPGCOM)

2. Experiences of Crisis in the Bildungsroman of the Global South

Ana Vallarta, Tübingen University

3. The Myth of Feminist Solidarity in the Global South: Reading Women-Centric Protests as Text

Dr. Fathima M, Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore, India


Chair: Prof. Dr. Felipe Trotta, UFF

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Panel 5: Repensar los paradigmas desde el feminismo decolonial

17.00-18.30 (CET)

1. Cuerpo-territorio como formas de lucha anticapitalista y antineoliberal: reflexiones desde el feminismo comunitario boliviano

Elkin Fabián Martínez, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

2. “La crisis del paradigma eurocéntrico en los movimientos sociales: El feminismo como terreno de transformación descolonizadora”

Viridiana Espinosa Hernández, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

3. Crisis de paradigmas: María Lugones, espacio, movilidad y colonialidad de género

Dra. Gabriela González Ortuño, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


Chair: Ximenta Taborga, UNAM

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THURSDAY, 09th November

Im memoriam Cyprien Bidy Bodo

13.00 -14.00 (CET)

Prof. Jean-Marie Kouakou, Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou, Dr. Nicolas Heslault, et d’autres collègues rendront hommage au Prof. Cyprien                      Bidy Bodo, décédé le 19 octobre 2023.

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Panel 6: Crise, histoire et subjectivités africaines (panel dédié au Prof. Cyprien Bidy Bodo)

14.00-15.30 (CET)

1. L’appel au picaresque. Raconter la crise dans le roman africain d’expression française.

Carina Stickel, Tübingen University

2. Le concept de cocoaїans de Gauz, reflet esthétique d’un paradigme de crise interculturelle entre Afrique et Occident

AffI Krou, Université Houphouet-Boigny de Côte d’Ivoire

3. Le « microbesque » : nouvelle approche de la crise ivoirienne

Jeline Kouakou, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Cocody Abidjan


Chair: Edivaldo González Ramírez, Tübingen University

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Roundtable: Similarities and Proximities: Un/thinking the Crisis

16:00-17:30 (CET)

Adelio Oduma (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK)

Prof. Dr. Suman Gupta (Open University, UK)

Prof. Dr. Stephen Muecke (Notre Dame University, AUS)

Dr. Ponni Arasu (Batticaloa, Sri Lanka)


Chair : Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov, Tübingen University

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Keynote (French): Interventions, légitimités et production du savoir au Sahel: les effets de la "guerre contre le terrorisme"

17:00-18:30 (CET)

Isaline Bergamaschi (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Chair: Louis Nana, Tübingen University

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Roundtable Co-Laboratorio América Latina: Labor für den Aufbau kollektiven Wissens. Science and Innovation Days of the University of Tübingen

19.00-20.30 (CET)

Prof. Stefan Laufer

Prof. Riccarda Flemmer

Prof. Sebastian Thies

Prof. Marcos Tatagiba

Dr. Márcia Ines Goettert

Raquel Cayap Tapuy (Unternehmer)

Pia Träger Silva (Gymnasiallehrerin)

Chat GPT


Chair: Esteban Morera Aparicio, Tübingen University

FRIDAY, 10th November

Panel 7: Crisis en el patrimonio o patrimonio en crisis: la guerra, la política y la herencia colonial en la disputa de los bienes culturales

14.00-15.30 (CET)

1. El patrimonio arqueológico de oriente medio en crisis

Prof. Dr. Jorge López Quiroga, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

2. El expolio, máxima en la Crisis del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. El agente humano: creador y depredador
Natalia Figueiras Pimentel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

3. Crisis en la normativa y el Derecho Internacional. El desafío del Sur Global a partir de la restitución de los bienes culturales

Ingrid Torres Contreras, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Chair: Kristell Pech Oxte, Universität Tübingen

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Panel 8: Argentina, Cuba y Colombia: un panorama político, social y cultural de América Latina

15.40-17.20 (CET)

1. Repensar las crisis de la narración desde la experiencia transgeneracional del exilio argentino en México

Ulises Valderrama Abad, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

2. Cuba: diferentes formas de afrontar las crisis

Mirian Keidel Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

3. La voz poética de Helí Ramírez en el cine social de Víctor Gaviria. Poesía y cine en la ciudad estallada

Néstor Felipe Espitia, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

4. Corpo-espacialidades en crisis: Masacre y desplazamiento en la novela Un mundo huérfano de Giuseppe Caputo (2016)

Jesús Alexander Navia, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


Chair: Dr. Gabriela González, UNAM

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Panel 9: Presentación de antología: Colección «Contemporáneas», una apuesta a la diversidad literaria

17:30 -19:00 (CET)

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)

Dra. Liliana Pedroza, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)

Elma Correa (escritora)

Nylsa Martínez (escritora)

Gabriela Conde Moreno (escritora)

Ana Fuente (escritora)

Libia Brenda (escritora)


Chair: Prof. Dr. Ivonne Sánchez, UNAM

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TUESDAY, 14th November

Panel 10: Responding to social and ecological turmoil in the Global South

14.00-15.30 (CET)

1. Caste, Dalit Environmentalism and Gambhira Performance

Dolon Sarkar, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

2. Rethinking Crisis: Perspectives from the Global South

Emmanuel Jeremia Mganda

3. Manipur Violence in India: a multi-layered conflict zone

Mercy Vungthianmuang Guite (Assistant Professor), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)


Chair : Jacky Kosgei, Tübingen University

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Panel 13. Rebeliones en tiempos de crisis: sujetos y procesos de precarización en Argentina. Una aproximación a la obra de Samanta Schweblin y Mariana Enríquez

19:00 - 21:00 (CET)

Edivaldo González Ramírez, Tübingen University

Chair: Armando Velázquez, UNAM

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Panel 11: Héroines, migrantes, androgynes

17.00-18.30 (CET)

1. D’une crise à une autre : Conflits sociaux et dynamiques d’émancipations dans la région de Kayes. Les femmes esclaves par ascendance face à la question de leur statut

Fatoumata Keita, Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Bamako

2. Jeux et enjeux du corps féminin dans la migration

Astou Sagna, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD)

3. L'Animisme, une ontologie subversive de la décolonisation de la pensée de genre : exploration anthropologique de Crépuscule du tourment 2 : Héritage de Léonora Miano

Ndeye M. Diouck, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD)


Chair: Aminata Samb, UCAD

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Panel 12: Tiempo, territorios e identidades en crisis: un acercamiento desde la literatura

17.00-18.30 (CET)

1. La crisis corpo-territorial en La Mucama de Onmicunlé, de Rita Indiana: de la modernidad capitalista a la distopía caribeña

Moisés Mayén Alfaro, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

2. “Crisis de Identidad: Representación de liminalidad en la identidad en The Prophet’s Camel Bell: A Memoir of Somaliland de Margaret Laurence” 

Estefanía Vázquez Chávez, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

3. “La representación del tiempo profundo en La Compañía de Verónica Gerber Bicecci”

Emmanuel Juárez, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


Chair: Néstor Espitia, UNAM

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WEDNESDAY, 15th November

Panel 14: Pensar, fotografiar y confrontar la crisis desde/en América Latina

14.00-15.30 (CET)

1. Crisis como fin del mundo: reacciones y reflexiones desde la vida maya y krenak

Kristell Pech Oxte, Tübingen University

2. Finitud e impotencia: un estudio sobre el papel de las fotografías en la prensa durante el período de crisis del COVID 19 en Brasil

Ana Clara Alves De Oliveira, UFF/Tübingen University

3. “Sanación feminista” durante el confinamiento por la pandemia del Coronavirus: el caso de una escritora de crónicas en Guayaquil – Ecuador     

Valeria López Alvaro, Tübingen University


Chair : Dr. Glauco Vaz Feijó, Instituto Federal de Brasília

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Panel 15: Propuestas estéticas frente a la crisis: otras formas de narrar, crear y pensar la identidad

17.00-18.30 (CET)

1. Identidades en crisis en el Sur Global a partir de una lectura de Achille Mbembe

Diana Ivetd Carpio Camarillo, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

2. Legados racistas, genealogías blanqueadas: la intertextualidad subversiva en The City We Became, de N.K. Jemisin, y The Ballad of Black Tom, de Victor LaValle 

Zal del Águila, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

3. Literaturas nacionales en crisis: poéticas migrantes en la narrativa mexicana reciente

Prof. Dr. Armando Octavio Velázquez Soto, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


Chair: Marco Polo Taboada, COLSAN

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THURSDAY, 16th November

Panel 16: Crise climatique au Sahel

14.00-16.00 (CET)

1. La perception de la crise climatique chez les fermiers suisses et les paysans peuls du Diamaré : une étude comparée des représentations mentales

Jean-Pierre Boutché, Université de Maroua

2. Stratégies de survie des éleveurs transhumants face à la crise climatique dans le Sahel camerounais

Jules Balna, Université de Maroua

3. Dégradation des terres et adaptation aux changements climatiques dans la zone soudano-sahélienne du Cameroun

Benjamine Anguessin, Université de Maroua

4. Crise écologique et survie de la communauté des Dida dans la région du Lôh-Djiboua, en Côte d’Ivoire

Louis Obou, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan


Chair: Ibrahima Ndiaye, Tübingen University

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Poetry Reading and Discussion with John Kinsella and Charmaine Papertalk-Green

16.15-17.45 (CET)

Chair : Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov & Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Tübingen University

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Keynote (Spanish): Todo se pudría, también nosotros. Avatares de la catástrofe en Mugre rosa, de Fernanda Trías

19:00-21:00 (CET)

Prof. Dr. Alejandra Amatto Cuña, UNAM

Chair: Edivaldo González, Tübingen University

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FRIDAY, 17th November

Panel 17: Forged in Crisis

13:00-14:30 (CET)

1. Subjectivities forged in crisis, bringing mimesis (back) in

Prof. Dr. Karin Amos, Tübingen University

2. Migration without Crisis: A View for the Global South

PD Dr. Pavan Malreddy, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main


Chair : Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov, Tübingen University

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Roundtable: “The role of universities in political crises”

17.00-19.00 (CET)

Danai Mupotsa, University of the Witwatersrand

Bacary Sarr, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar

René Ramirez, UNAM

Salah Punathil, University of Hyderabad

Fernando Resende, UFF


Chair: Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou, Tübingen University

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