Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies


Book Release: "Proximity as Method. Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present"

Edited by Riccarda Flemmer, Bani Gill, Jacky Kosgei

Proximity as a Method (Routledge 2024)

Book Release: "The Routledge Handbook for Global South Studies on Subjectivities"

Edited by Sebastian Thies, Susanne Goumegou, Georgina Cebey

Routledge, 2024

Book Release: Subjetividades de la megaurbe mexicana: de la articulación estética a la participación política

By Ivonne Sánchez Becerril, Sebastian Thies, Arturo Alvarado

Google Books, 2024

Book Release: "Un-Mapping the Global South"

Gero Bauer, Nicole Hirschfelder, Fernando Resende (eds.)

Routledge, 2024

Book series: Transdisciplinary Souths (Routledge)

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Publication: Modos de Ser Sul - territorialidades, afetos e poderes

Fernando Resende, Roberto Robalinho, Diego Amaral

Rio de Janeiro: e-papers, 2020

Publication: Interkulturelle Bildung, Migration und die Flüchtlingsdebatte.

Russell West-Pavlov and Andrée Gerland (eds.)

Tübingen: Narr, 2019.

Publication: The Global South and Literature

Russell West-Pavlov (ed.)

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Publication: Mongameli Mabona - His Life and Work

Ernst Wolff

Leuven University Press, 2020.


Publication: Arquitectura del Fracaso (Ensayo)

Gina Cebey

575. Tierradentro. 2017.

Publication: On the Outskirts

John Kinsella

Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, 2017.

Publication: Consumption, Media and the Global South.

Mehita Iqani

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Publication: Miragens e estilhaços da guerra.

Roberto Robalinho Lima

Rio de Janeiro: Eduff, 2016.

Publication: Ähnlichkeit: Ein kulturtheoretisches Paradigma.

Anil Bhatti und Dorothee Kimmich

Konstanz: Konstanz University Press: 2015.

Publication: Ethnische Identitätspolitik im Medienwandel.

Sebastian Thies

Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015.

Wallstein Verlag

Publication: Temporalities.

Russell West-Pavlov

London: Routledge, 2012.

Publication: Spaces of fiction / fictions of space

Russell West-Pavlov

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Journal: Contracampo v. 36, n. 3 (2017)

Entangled Temporalities in the Global South I / Temporalidades enredadas no Sul Global I

Contracampo (Brazil) / E-ISSN 2238-2577

Journal: Contracampo v. 37, n. 1 (2018)

Entangled Temporalities in the Global South II / Temporalidades enredadas no Sul Global II

Contracampo (Brazil) / E-ISSN 2238-2577

Published Articles


Bystrom, Kerry: Reassessing South African Truth and Reconciliation: John Kani’s Missing and Performative Demands for Justice, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Byung-ook, Ahn: The Advancement of Truth Commissions on Past Affairs Along with Democratization in Korea: My Experiences as a Commissioner in Three Different Truth Commissions, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Dias, André: Memories about Truth: Journalistic Narratives, ‘True Stories’ and the Clash of Memories in Brazil’s National Truth Commission, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

El-Halawani, Amina: Imaginaries of the north and south in three Egyptian plays, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South -
Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents,
 Routledge India, 2019.

Glanvill, Baron: Ubu and the Truth Commission: The Multiple Contexts of the TRC and Ubu, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Goulart Ribeiro, Ana Paula: Between remembering and forgetting: memory, culture, and the nostalgia market in the Brazilian mediascape, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Harb, Zahera: Journalism cultures in Egypt and Lebanon: role perception, professional practices, and ethical considerations, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Iqani, Mehita; Resende, Fernando: Theorizing media in and across the global south: narrative as territory, culture as flow, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Ligaga, Dina: Popular culture, new femininities, and subjectivities: reading Nairobi Diaries, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Lozano de la Pola, Rían: Cuir visualities, survival imaginaries, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Matar, Dina: The struggle over narratives: Palestine as metaphor for imagined spatialities, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Mourão, Mônica: Notice Well: Memory and Reparation in the Brazilian Documentary Movies about the Dictatorship, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Oliveira, Luciana Xavier de: “Vem pro baile, vem pra rua”: Territorialidades, estilos e identidades em um baile black no Rio de Janeiro, in: Logos: Comunicação e Universidade, v.26 Nr.1

Oliveira, Luciana Xavier de: Disputas ideológicas, cultura negra e jornalismo cultural, in: Novos Olhares, v.8 Nr.1 

Oliveira, Luciana Xavier de: Black Memories of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship: The Repression of Black Dances During the 1970s and the State of Rio Truth Commission, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Paoli, Natalie: Literature as Witness:Failure of a TRC Following the Mass Rapes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Pereira de Sá, Simone: Cartographies of Brazilian popular and ‘peripheral’ music on YouTube: the case of Passinho dance-off, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Resende, Fernando; Kirk B. Sides: Truth Commissions and the Reinvention of the Past, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Robalinho, Roberto: Risking images: the political and subjective production of images in Brazil’s 2013 mass protests, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Romani, Luca: Concrete poetry in Brazil and Germany: the avantgarde reviews history through new media, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Schulze, Matthias Fritz José: ‘That’s the Bad Past We Want to Forget’: Partial Truths, Reconciliation and Memory in Namibia’s Post-Apartheid Democracy, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Shivadas, Priyanka: The Practice of Public Apology:Australia Says Sorry to the Stolen Generations, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.

Siyabonga Koba, Yolo: They are us: race, porn, and viewing patterns in South Africa, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South -
Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents,
Routledge India, 2019.

Staden, Cobus van: Helper and threat: how the mediation of Africa-China relations complicates the idea of the global south, in: Mehita Iqani and Fernando Resende (eds.): Media and the Global South - Narrative Territorialities, Cross-Cultural Currents, Routledge India, 2019.

Tadjo, Véronique: The Gacaca Courts: Collective versus Personal Memory and Trauma of the Genocide in Rwanda, in: Véronique Tadjo (ed.): The Culture of Dissenting Memory - Truth Commissions in the Global South, Routledge India, 2019.


Oliveira, Luciana Xavier de: Políticas de estilo nas cenas musicais: contribuições teórico-metodológicas, in: LATITUDE, vol. 12, n.2

Oliveira, Thaiane: Cartografias da pesquisa-ação: em busca de deslocamentos da epistemologia do Sul, in: Comunicação Sociedade 33, 2018.

Oliveira, Thaiane: Midiatização da ciencia: Reconfiguração do paradigma da comunicação científica e do trabalho academico na era digital, in: Matrizes 12, 2018. 16

Polivanov, Beatriz: Disputas sobre performance nos estudos de Comunicação: Desafios teóricos, derivas metodológicas, in: Intercom 41, 2018.

Resende, Fernando: Temporalidades enredadas no Sul Global, in: Revista Contracampo 36, 2018.

Sánchez Becerril, Ivonne: Desplazamientos de repertorio y tensiones del sistema literario mexicano reciente, in: Cuadernos Americanos: Nueva Época 166, 2018.

Umejei, Emeka Lucky: Chinese Media in Africa. Between Promise and Reality, in: African Journalism Studies 39, 2018.

Umejei, Emeka Lucky: Hybridzing Journalism: Clash of two „Journalism“ in Africa, in: Chinese Journal of Communication 11, 2018.

Velázquez Soto, Armando: Cuerpos migrantes, cuerpos inermes, in: alter/nativas, 2018.

Velázquez Soto, Armando: Compromiso ético: documentales sobre migración de México, in: Cuadernos Americanos 5, 2018.


Goumegou, Susanne: Ritmos enredados da vida em Dakar. Sujeito, communidade e tempo em La poubelle (1984), da Pape Pathé Diop, in: Contracampo 36/3, 2017.

Nyanda, Josiah: Valorização, culto à personalidade e a militarização do estado-nação sob o governo de um civil no Zimbábue: um olhar da midia público-privada, in: Contracampo 36/3, 2017.

Mbembe, Achille: O Tempo em Movimento, in: Contracampo, 36/3, 2017.

Mishra, Sudesh: On Seeing a Bull's Skull in a Bicycle Seat: Innovative Archaism, in: Contracampo 36/3, 2017.

Taha, Amir: Hala Lofty's Coming Forth by day Towards a New Egyptian Cinema, in: Mise-en-Scèn 2/2, 2017.

Sánchez Becerril, Ivonne: Insólitos Estados de Guerra: La Fiesta Vigilada de Antonio José Ponte, y La Transmigración de los Cuerpos de Yuri Herrera, in: La Posición Sesgada. Miradas a la narrativa reciente en América Latina, Mexico D.F., 2017.

Thies, Sebastian; Vasconcelos de Melo, Suzana: Discurso ecolólogico, polarização ideológica estetização do político: a (contra)visualidade no documentário Belo Monte - Anúncio de uma Guerra (2012) de André D'Elia, in: Brasiliana - Journal for Brazilian Studies 5/2, 2017, 29-49.

Oury Ba, Amadou: Jenseits des Postkolonialismus: Neue Einblicke in die Nord-Süd-Konstellation in Djibril Diop Mambetys Film hyènes (1992), in: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik (GIS) 14, 2017


Nyanda, Josiah: More lasting then bronze: Judith Todd's Through the darkness as a competing and self-empowering narrative, Scrutiny 2. Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa 21/1, 2016.

Nyanda, Josiah: Nostalgia and Self-Authenticifation in Lawrence Vambe's An Ill-fated People: Zimbabwe before and after Rhodes, in: English Studies in Africa 59/2, 2016.

Oliveira, Luciana Xavier de: O Baile Black Bom: políticas de estilo, performance e identidade em uma cena musical carioca, in: Proceedings – International Congress of Communication and Consumption, 2016.

Schulze, Matthias Fritz José: Moving History. Contested Spaces. Fragmented Discourses. Exploring Namibian Memory cultures with regard to the Equestrian Monument in Windhoek, in: Journal NWG 64, 2016.

Tiveron da Costa, Kim: Generos Em Convulsao: Perspectivas do Künstlerroman de Autoria Feminia na Obre de Clarie Lispector, in: Revista Digital, Publicacoes 18, 2016.

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