Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Career Options

Students acquire professional skills in text and media analysis and obtain practical media qualifications through their study project. Moreover, they are trained in various professional fields and can pursue careers in:

  • Communication and journalism (print media, radio, television, publishing)
  • Cultural management (theater, museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions)
  • Public relations
  • International development
  • Internationally operating business organizations and consultancies
  • Intercultural communication
  • European and international educational institutions

Consultancy and internships

The university's Career Service provides advice on career orientation and career entry. You can find internships and jobs in the internship portal.

Alumni & Alumnae Experiences

"Thanks to the academic formation I received as part of the Master's degree in Cultures of the Global South, I have acquired valuable competencies and skills that I find very useful for my job. As a project coordinator in the field of education and school at the Global Ethic Foundation (Stiftung Weltethos), I am involved in educational, interreligious, and intercultural work to promote peaceful and humanistic coexistence in society. Within the framework of the Master's degree, I gained social and intercultural competencies that enable me to adopt a self-reflective and self-critical change of perspective in every work situation. In addition, I have learnt to work in a team and to manage projects on an international scale thanks to our master's project Sunqullay (listen on Spotify or find more Information). The variety of courses offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French allowed me to optimize my foreign language skills and use them in projects at (inter)national level for the Global Ethic Foundation."

Alice Kroll, graduated 2024

"La sólida base académica de la maestría fue fundamental para conseguir un empleo en una empresa de mediación (Consensus Group) donde mi principal responsabilidad es trabajar en proyectos que buscan el consenso entre diferentes partes en diferentes lugares. La maestría me dotó de habilidades críticas y analíticas, así como de una sensibilidad intercultural, esenciales para entender y valorar las distintas posiciones y contextos de participantes involucrados en los procesos de mediación. Gracias a esta formación, puedo facilitar el diálogo y la negociación de manera efectiva, promoviendo soluciones que consideren las necesidades y perspectivas de todxs lxs involucradxs. La capacidad de abordar los problemas desde una comprensión profunda de las diversidades culturales y socioeconómicas adquirida en la maestría, ha sido clave para mi éxito en esta empresa de mediación."

Mariana Contreras Leal, graduada en 2024

"Im Masterstudiengang Cultures of the Global South habe ich vor allem durch den Podcast Sunqullay, ein im Team erarbeitetes Projekt zur Wiedereingliederung indigener Identitäten in Lateinamerika, und die im Studiengang angebotenen Summer Schools grundlegende Kenntnisse zu Perspektivwechsel und unterschiedlichen rassismuskritischen Sichtweisen gewonnen, die ich in der friedenspädagogischen Arbeit bei der gemeinnützigen Nichtregierungsorganisation Berghof Foundation einsetzen kann. Die in meiner Masterarbeit erworbenen theoretischen Kenntnisse über Graphic Novels als Aufarbeitung gesellschaftlicher Ereignisse dienen als Grundlage für meine jetzige bildungspolitische Projektarbeit. Das Projekt „ErinnerungsZeit“ dient zur Aufarbeitung marginalisierter Erinnerungen an den Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland und Kontinuitäten von Diskriminierung."

Anna Wunderlich, Abschluss 2022

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