Abstract submission guidelines
All submissions should be made through the symposium’s platform. The Symposium Organization Committee will not accept submissions via any other means.
Abstract submission deadline: December 6, 2023.
Abstracts submission deadline extended to January 07, 2024!
► Note: ***Spots left for the Poster Sessions*** For questions, please contact: symposium@bralat.uni-tuebingen.de |
The abstract decision will be informed by the Symposium Organization Committee directly to the corresponding author.
The presentations – oral or poster – must be in English.
- It is mandatory to submit the Abstracts in English.
- Abstracts should include:
- Title;
- Authors, eg. Müller, Otto; Santos, Laura;
- Affiliation/Contact: Institute, Department, City, Country, E-mail of corresponding author;
- Max 2500 characters including spaces.
- Abstracts must be submitted using our online application form (on Submit a Paper) .
- Authors should indicate the preferred thematic session of the submission, and the preferred format (oral or poster). The final decision is to be made by the Program Committee.
By submitting an abstract to our platform, the author is agreeing to have it published as part of the Book of Abstracts, if accepted.