Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW)



CfP, GAIA Special Issue: Sustainable Development and Ethics of Science – Mutual Impulses and Challenges

We ask for papers explicitly connecting Sustainable Development-research and ethics

Current environmental and social crises have renewed demands for science taking responsibility and actively contributing to Sustainable Development (SD). This implies challenges for ethics of research and normative epistemology as well as institutional and policy questions. The special issue encourages interdisciplinary contributions addressing ethical challenges and multiple views of transforming science for SD. We ask for papers explicitly connecting SD-research and ethics: Which parts of the scientific ethos and the more general ethics in science are – or should be – affected? And vice versa: What kind of ethical perspectives did sustainability research not consider enough so far?

For more information please click here.

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Deadline for abstracts: 15.10.2023
