Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

EvE Seminar

WHEN?  Thursday at 16:15     WHERE?  Lecture hall 3M07 (GUZ)

After the seminar we usually have an Apéro with drinks and nibbles in a nearby lounge area (two corners from 3M07; same floor). 

The EvE Seminar is organised by Oliver Bossdorf and  Madalin Parepa, and the Hilgendorf Lectures by Max Schmid. Get in contact if you want to be added to the mailing list for annoucements. 

Summer 2025

17 Apr  
24 Apr  
1 May Public holiday
8 May  
15 May  
22 May  
29 May Public holiday
5 Jun                                                                                                                                                                                            
12 Jun Pentecost break
19 Jun Public holiday
26 Jun  
3 Jul  
10 Jul  
17 Jul  
24 JulHilgendorf LectureJerome Casas (Tours) - TBA

Guidelines for speakers

  • Please keep your presentation to a maximum of 45 minutes so that there is enough time for discussion.
  • Keep in mind that you have a rather broad audience, with a mix of students and more experienced reseachers, and people from different disciplines. Don't assume too much, explain terms, avoid specialized jargon.

Guidelines for hosts

  • Shortly introduce the speaker at the beginning of the seminar.
  • Encourage everybody to ask questions. Questions by students should be given priority. 
  • Particularly for external speakers: get in touch with them prior to the seminar, organise chats with students and postdocs, and organise a dinner. Ask other EvE groups that may be interested to participate.

Past seminars

Winter 2024/2025

24 Oct - Chris Baumann (Biogeology Tübingen) - Trophic ecology: using stable isotopes to study feeding behaviour in past and present

22 Nov - Denise Kühnert (MPI Jena) - Tracking the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease agents over months, years and millennia

28 Nov - Marina Semchenko (Tartu) - Plant-soil feedback as an ecological and evolutionary force

9 Jan - Torben Göpel (Göttingen) - Understanding arthropod hearts: form, function and evolution of an underestimated organ

16 Jan - Rachel Gunn - Marine cleaning mutualisms in a changing world

23 Jan - Katja Tielbörger - Benefits and risks of New Genomic Techniques - the EU Commission's deregulation proposal from the perspective of the ecological sciences

30 Jan - Ben Wielstra (Leiden) - Hybrid zone movement and a balanced lethal system in Triturus newts

6 Feb - Brendon Boudinot (Senckenberg Frankfurt) - History, novelty, and function: the case of the pincer wasps

Summer 2024

17 Apr - Madalin Parepa - Evolutionary ecology of global knotweed invasion

24 Apr - Thomas Potthast (IZEW Tübingen) - Rights of nature and ecology - [old and new] perspectives from biophilosophy

9 May - Sonja Bejarano (ZMT Bremen) - Researching coral reef functioning in a rapidly changing world

15 May - Katja Tielbörger - Fireworks of biodiversity - plant and animal stories from South-Western Australia

29 May - Yohay Carmel (Haifa) - Myth in ecology

5 Jun - Ingmar Werneburg (SHEP Tübingen) - Turtles and the diversity of land vertebrate skulls: modern perspectives from evolutionary morphology

12 Jun - Thomas Martin (Bonn) - Mammals from the age of dinosaurs – new insights and perspectives (Hilgendorf Lecture)

26 Jun - Terence Capellini (Harvard) - Evolutionary developmental genetics of the human pelvis (Hilgendorf Lecture)

4 Jul - Eva Knop (Zürich) - Plant-pollinator interactions in an increasingly illuminated world

10 Jul - Frank Schurr (Hohenheim) - Macrodemography - how large-scale biodiversity dynamics arise from the reproduction, mortality and dispersal of individuals

17 Jul - Nico Michiels - The need, challenge and reward of assessing marine fish species diversity in an extreme biodiversity hotspot

24 Jul - Olga Speck (Freiburg) - Self-repair of damage - a challenge that is solved by various plant species

Winter 2023/2024

15 Nov - Thomas Schwaha (Wien) - Animal microborers: evolution and diversity of endolithic bryozoans

22 Nov - Victoria Ferenc (Stuttgart) - The performance of and interactions between multiple co-occurring alien and native plant species

28 Nov - Koen Verhoeven (Wageningen) - Adaptive capacity of asexual plants under environmental change

8 Dec - Marc Naguib (Wageningen) - Birds in space and time: the role of communication and movement for understanding animal societies (Hilgendorf Lecture)

13 Dec - Sara Tomiolo - Effects of plastic contamination on soil and plants

10 Jan - Leonie John - Dynamic camouflage strategies in predatory fishes

17 Jan - Luisa Pallares (MPI Tübingen) - Exploring how genotype-phenotype maps are shaped by the environment, and why it matters for evolution

24 Jan - Christian Rabeling (Hohenheim) - Origin and evolution of social parasitism in ants: insights for speciation research

31 Jan - Jens-Christian Svenning (Aarhus) - Trophic rewilding as a key restoration approach – insights from and for macro- and paleoecology (Hilgendorf Lecture)

7 Feb - Andreas Schäffer (Aachen) - Pesticides as drivers for biodiversity loss

Summer 2023

3 May - Claudio Tennie (Archeology Tübingen) - Learning from the past: the cultural leap that made us human

10 May - Wayne Dawson (Durham) - Predicting invasions and their impacts in the Anthropocene

24 May - Dario Galanti - Genome-epigenome interactions shape natural variation in Thlaspi arvense

14 Jun - Daniel Wegmann (Fribourg) - Modern tools for ancient data: quantifying evolution using paleogenomics

21 Jun - Paweł Jałoszyński (Wroclaw) - Drillers, killers, can openers: Unique feeding habits of ant-like stone beetles (Scydmaeninae)

28 Jun - Lotte Korell (Leipzig) - Integrating experiments and synthesis to understand plant responses to climate change

5 Jul - Liesa Schnee - Effects of agri-environmental measures in intensively managed farmland on the soil seed bank, butterflies and carabid beetles in Germany

12 Jul - Ludovic Orlando (Toulouse) - The genomic history of the domestic horse

19 Jul - Till Luckenbach (Leipzig) - Hidden threats: how river pollution can affect seemingly resilient species

26 Jul - Hans Pohl (Jena) - The reproductive and mating strategies of the twisted-winged parasites (Insecta: Strepsiptera)

Winter 2022/2023

11 Oct - Alexandra Weyrich (Leipzig) - Epigenetic responses to environmental changes: in search of cross-species patterns

28 Oct - Eline Lorenzen (Copenhagen) - Arctic marine mammals in a post-Arctic world (Hilgendorf lecture)

2 Nov - Anja Buttstedt - Honey bees' major royals

9 Nov - Michel Milinkovitch (Geneva) - The unreasonable effectiveness of reaction-diffusion in vertebrate skin colour patterning (Hilgendorf lecture)

16 Nov - Hassan Salem (MPI Tübingen) - Beetle-microbe symbioses: Endless forms most functional

23 Nov - Max Schmid - Eco-evolutionary responses to a heterogenous environment

30 Nov - Matthias Liess (UFZ Leipzig) - Predicting combined stress effects in the freshwater macrofauna

7 Dec - Rachel Gunn - Drivers and consequences of behavioural variation in coral reef fish under environmental change

14 Dec - Honour McCann (MPI Tübingen) - The emergence and evolution of bacterial pathogens

11 Jan - Thomas Hickler (SBiK-F Frankfurt) - Interactions between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and climate - past, present and future (Hilgendorf lecture)

18 Jan - James Nebelsick (Geosciences Tübingen) - Death, decay and destruction:  reconstructing the past by using the fossil record

25 Jan - Lars Krogmann (SMNS Stuttgart) - Why dark taxa matter - Examples from parasitoid wasps

1 Feb - Ralf Sommer (MPI Tübingen) - What is wrong with evolutionary theory? The perspective of a plastic and environmentally responsive organism.

Summer 2022

Apr 26 - Katja Tielbörger  - Are plants intelligent? Learning and decision-making without a brain

May 17 - Jan Benda (Neurobiologie) - Secretly talking electric fish

May 24 - Manuela Sann (Hohenheim) - Evolutionary history and feeding ecology in Apoidea (apoid wasps and bees)

May 31 - Victoria Drechsel - Cadmium-induced molecular stress response in earthworms

Jun 14 - Uta Grünert - Digitization and current research in the Tübingen Herbarium

Jun 21 - Philip Schlüter (Hohenheim) - Pollination, genes and speciation: insights from deceptive orchids

Jun 28 - Guo Yaolin - Geographic variation in biotic interactions between invasive and native plants

Jul 5 - Anita Roth-Nebelsick (SMNS Stuttgart) - Function, functional morphology and biomimetics - How relevant is biology for bio-inspired technics?

Jul 12 - Matteo Santon & Nils Anthes - Demonstrating a versatile R-routine to guide linear modelling

Jul 26 - Thomas Knigge (Le Havre) - A crab is not a fish: Differences in endocrine systems and consequences for endocrine disruption by environmental chemicals in crustaceans

Winter 2021/22

Oct 19 - Vit Latzel (Prague) - How memory affects plant behavior

Nov 2 - Oliver Bossdorf - Plants gone wild

Nov 9 - Andreas Schweiger (Hohenheim) - Macrophysiology: Is it worth following Schimper‘s trail?

Nov 16 - Nico Michiels - Natural reward - a deterministic evolutionary force that drives macroevolution beyond natural selection?

Nov 23 - Klaus Harter (Tübingen) - The cyanobacterial herbicide 7dSh - from the molecular mechanism of action to prospects for application

Nov 30 - Yoko Matsumura (Greifswald) - The penetration mechanics of intromittent organs in insects

Dec 7 - Katharina Peschke - Gammarids as monitoring organisms for wastewater impact on streams and rivers

Dec 14 - Rolf Beutel (Jena) - The evolution of insect systematics - from Hennig to transcriptomes

Dec 21 - Franziska Bucher (Jena) - Plant adaptations to climate chage - how and why to shift phenology

Jan 11 - Dario Galanti - Genetic and environmental determinants of large-scale epigenetic variation in Thlaspi arvense

Jan 18 - Leonida Fusani (Wien) - The art of crossing seas and deserts: A Passerine perspective

Jan 25 - Anne Kempel (WSL Davos) - Plant-enemy interactions in a changing world

Feb 1 - Jinlong Wang - An evolutionary perspective on the shifting defense hypothesis in invasive plants

Feb 8 - Johannes Kamp (Göttingen) - Farmland birds in Germany 1990-2018: population trends, landscape context and drivers of change

Summer 2021

Apr 27 - Zhijie Zhang (Konstanz) - Coexistence of alien and native plants

May 4 - Christoph Ratzke (CMFI Tübingen) - Ecological systems biology - Ecological theory meets microbial model systems

May 11 - Margarita Yavorskaya - Evolution of head structures in beetles with special emphasis on the feeding apparatus and miniaturized forms

May 18 - Nadja Simons (Darmstadt) - Drivers of insect decline in grasslands - Mechanisms and solutions

Jun 1 - Marzieh Safari - Plant-associated microbes and their impact on crop-environment interactions

Jun 8 - Heinz Köhler - Solar radiation stress in terrestrial snails - from thermodynamics to microevolution

Jun 15 - Alexey Polilov (Moscow) - The current state and future of the study of insect miniaturization

Jun 29 - Rafaella Canessa Mesías - Plant-soil interactions along the Chilean coastal range

Jul 6 - Bernd Pelster (Innsbruck) - Living in an acidic and often hypoxic environment - physiological adaptations of Amazonian fishes

Jul 13 - Robert Rauschkolb - Back to the Future - Seed banks as a tool to investigate recent adaptation to global change

Jul 20 - Wolfgang Fiedler (MPI Radolfzell) - Movements of southwest German Red Kites: tracking a "politically relevant" raptor

Jul 27 - Andreas Nieder (Neurobiologie Tübingen) - Number crunching in animals – from adaptive value to neuronal mechanisms

Winter 2020/21

Nov 3 - Uta Grünert - Multi-strain responses of calcifying algae to lake carbon dynamics

Nov 10 - Oliver Betz - Linking insect functional morphology to ecology, evolution and biomimetics

Nov 17 - Holger Schielzeth (Jena) - Evolutionary ecology of a widespread green-brown polymorphism in grasshoppers

Nov 24 - Isolde van Riemsdijk - Searching for moving hybrid zones in amphibian species with big genomes

Dec 1 - Göran Bengtsson (Lund) - "So soll es sein, so wird es sein" - on the scientific support for the odd interaction between Sweden and the Corona virus

Dec 22 - Ramona Irimia - Plant performance traits and invasion - a global field survey of Japanese knotweed

Jan 19 - Anke Stepphuhn (Hohenheim) - The many layers of defence against herbivores in solanaceous plants

Jan 26 - Robert Junker (Marburg ) - The emergence and functionality of multidiversity in alpine succession

Feb 2 - Jake Soscha (Virgina Tech) - Organismal biomechanics & bioinspired engineering

Feb 9 - Mona Schweizer - Why pH is crucial - Toxicity assessment and modelling approahc of ionisable substances using the Fish Embryo Test (FET)

Feb 16 - Leonie Fischer (Stuttgart) - Urban nature: where people and biodiversity meet

Feb 23 - Christian Voolstra (Konstanz) - The metaorganism frontier - we are not alone

Summer 2020

Apr 14 - Sara Tomiolo - Fight, flight or encroach: how do abiotic stress and biotic interactions affect plant growth and behaviour?

May 12 - Philip Steinhof (Greifswald) - Lifestyle matters: Functional role and plasticity of brain areas in spiders

May 19 - Sara Heshmati - Effect of white clover and perennial ryegrass population on the productivity and yield stability of grass-clover and grass-clover-forb mixtures

Jun 23 - Gesche Blume-Werry (Greifswald) - Invasive earthworms unlock plant nitrogen limitation in arctic tundra

Jun 30 - Nils Anthes - Evidence-based conservation approaches for farmland birds

Jul 7 - Catherine Peichel (Bern) - Genetics of adaptation in sticklebacks

Jul 14 - Oliver Bossdorf - Understanding the secret microbes in plants: effects of a common endophytic fungus on invasive knotweed and its native competitors

Jul 21 - Joscha Beninde (UCLA) - Connectivity and gene flow in urban areas