International Summer School "Reconstructing past climate: lessons for today?" (25.07.-03.08.2022, Spain). Together with Ana-Belén Galán-Abellán (UAM Spain) and Sebastiaan van de Velde (ULB Belgium). Funded by the European Civic University Alliance (CIVIS), the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), & the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)


DFG Emmy-Noether Research Project “Reaching for life in the distant past – deciphering the geobiology of modern and ancient hydrothermal sulfides” (DU 1450/7-1)


DFG Research Project “Kerogen in Archean rocks: Biotic vs abiotic signatures – Pt. II” (DU 1450/3-2; part of the DFG SPP 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth", https://habitableearth.uni-koeln.de/)


DFG Research Project “Paleoecology vs taphonomy: Unraveling the molecular fossil record of the Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda Lagerstätte (SE Siberia, Russia)” (DU 1450/5-1; DFG-RFBR-Call 2017)


DFG Research Project “Kerogen in Archean rocks: Biotic vs abiotic signatures” (DU 1450/3-1; part of the DFG SPP 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth", https://habitableearth.uni-koeln.de/)


Start-up fund “Causes and triggers for early metazoan evolution: Deciphering the geobiology of Ediacaran carbonate ecosystems”; Research Department, University of Göttingen