Plant Biogeochemistry

Welcome to the Plant Biogeochemistry Group!

Our research broadly focuses on the interplay of roots with soil minerals and microorganisms and what impact that has on the environment, food production, soil quality or the global carbon cycle. If these topics interest you, contact us!

Our lab, most field studies and experimental setups are based at the UFZ in Leipzig and the associated research station Bad Lauchstädt. Check out our main website of the UFZ for more information. 



November 2024

Unsere Gruppe begrüßt drei Gymnasiasten aus Erfurt, um gemeinsam ein naturwissenschaftliches Schulprojekt durchzuführen. Alexandra, Friedrich und Anton werden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels (mit Schwerpunkt auf Temperatur- und Kohlendioxidänderungen) auf die Cd-Mobilität und Cd-Aufnahme in Spinat untersuchen.

November 2024

Wir haben unseren Teamtag, einschließlich Gruppenworkshops und einem Friendsgiving-Dinner. 

November 2024

Die Gruppe Pflanzenbiogeochemie war auf der International Soils Conference in San Antonio, Texas (CANVAS – Where Crop, Agronomic, Environmental, and Soil Sciences connect). 
Aleksandra, Natalia und Marie präsentierten Vorträge und Karolin ein Poster.

November 2024

Auszeichnungen bei der CANVAS International Soil Conference in Texas! 
Karolin erhielt den Posterpreis und Aleksandra eine lobende Erwähnung für ihren Vortrag. 

November 2024

Sören's research paper reaches the radio
In this interview with the German Radio SWR, Marie explained how climate change could mobilize the toxic metals that occur naturally in soil and bring them into the human food chain through agriculture.

November 2024

We have a new postdoc in our group! We warmly welcome Aria Duncan! She will track metal transfer from soil into carrot under climate change conditions, including imaging metals across the tuber and investigating the microbiome along the tuber.

November 2024

We warmly welcome Drishti Agarwalas as a new intern. Drishti will work on the wheat project with Jill, performing DNA extraction and ITS sequencing to understand how fungal activity affects metal bioavailability under future climatic conditions.

October 2024

We are thrilled to announce a new publication!!
Sören published his work about the impact of climate change on cadmium mobility in a Nature journal!
Access to the press release and paper are available at the above links.

October 2024

Aleksandra and Marie went to the Helmholtz Topic Meeting 7 at Jülich and gave two talks that sparked interest in climate change. They had super interesting tours of photovoltaics with agriculture and fully climate-controlled agricultural studies, and new research collaborations might arise.

October 2024

Jill and Marie presented talks at the Soil Health Conference in Crete, Greece.

October 2024

Marie gave a talk at the Geo-Biosphere Interaction Department of the University of Jena, entitled "Climate impacts on metals in crops - and what to do about it"

August-September 2024

Jill was at the University of Minnesota at Rene Boiteau's lab and a conference. Thanks to this collaboration, Jill could use state-of-the-art LC/MS instrumentation to measure metal-organic complexes, focusing on iron complexes to fungal siderophores.

August-September 2024

Congrats to our new graduates!
Shital Khadela defended her Master's thesis (Understanding Rhizobiome dynamics of Spinach under climate-induced heavy metal (Cadmium-Cd) stress in organically and non-organically managed soils) in August.
Lena Haas finished her bachelor's thesis (Impact of root oxygenation versus root exudation on greenhouse gas release in a thawed permafrost soil) in September.

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