
25.04.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Multi-Agent Learning from the Learner’’, by Melodi Kaliscan, Francesco Chini, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023).
25.04.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Distributed Online Clustering of Bandits via Hedonic Game’’, by Xiaotong Cheng, Cheng Pan, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023).
23.04.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Towards Explainable Decision Making with Neural Program Synthesis and Library Learning’’, by Manuel Eberhardinger, Johannes Maucher, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy 2023).
20.04.2022: Mr. Saeed Ghoorchian has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, Saeed. We wish you all the best for your future!
19.04.2022: This semester, we offer the team project “A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework for Movie Recommendation” for two teams of B.Sc. students.
18.04.2022: This semester, we offer the seminar “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning” for M.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
18.04.2022: This semester, we offer the seminar “Ambient Intelligence” for B.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
13.04.2023: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the AI-Grid Workshop on writing scientific papers.
09.04.2023: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom) 2023.
01.04.2023: Mr. Seyed Majid Razavi joins our research group. Majid has received his M.Sc. degree from The University of Tehran, Iran. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Majid!
10.03.2023: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Deep Learning and Image Super-Resolution-Guided Beam and Power Allocation for mmWave Networks’’, by Y. Cao, T. Ohtsuki, S. Maghsudi, and T. Queck, has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
10.03.2023: Mr. Ahmadreza Ehyaei from Tübingen University gives a talk on ‘Algorithmic Recourse“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ahmad, for the great talk.
01.03.2023: Mr. Albert Catalan-Tatjer, a M.Sc. student at the University of Tübingen, joins our research team as a student assistant. Welcome, Albert!
01.03.2023: Mr. Manoj Manike, a M.Sc. student at the University of Tübingen, joins our research team as a student assistant. Welcome, Manoj!
24.02.2023: Ms. Xiaotong Cheng and Mr. Cheng Pang from Tübingen University gives a talk on ‘Distributed Online Clustering of Bandit via Hedonic Game“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Xiaotong and Cheng, for the great talk.
16.02.2023: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘A Bandit Online Convex Optimization Approach to Distributed Energy Management in Networked Systems’’, by I. Tsetis, X. Cheng, and S. Maghsudi has been accepted for publication at IEEE Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing.
10.02.2023: Mr. Keegan Harris from Carnegie Mellon University gives a talk on ‘Bayesian Persuasion for Algorithmic Recourse“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Keegan, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
07.02.2023: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Piecewise-Stationary Multi-Objective Multi-Armed Bandit with Application to Joint Communications and Sensing’’, by A. Rezaei Balef and S. Maghsudi has been accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communication Letters.
03.02.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks” (WiOpt) 2023.
01.02.2023: Mr. Yunwen Wang joins our research group. Yunwen has received his M.Sc. degree from The University of Warwick, UK. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Yunwen!
27.01.2023: Mr. Steven Bilaj from University of Tübingen gives a talk on ‘Meta-Learning in Bandits“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Steven, for the great talk.
13.01.2023: Mr. Ioannis Anagnostides from Carnegie Mellon University gives a talk on ‘Meta-Learning in Games“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ioannis, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
12.01.2023: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Overhead Reduction in UAV-Assisted Federated Learning with Fast-Varying Environment’’, by S. Dai, S. Maghsudi, L. Thiele, and S. Stanczak has been accepted for publication at the at the International ITG 26th Workshop on Smart Antennas and 13th Conference on Systems, Communications, and Coding.
12.01.2023: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Adaptive Energy-Efficient Waveform Design For Joint Communication and Sensing using Multiobjective Multiarmed Bandits’’, by A. Rezaei Balef, S. Maghsudi, and S. Stanczak has been accepted for publication at the at the International ITG 26th Workshop on Smart Antennas and 13th Conference on Systems, Communications, and Coding.
16.12.2022: Dr. Sukankana Chakraborty from University of Southampton gives a talk on ‘Competitive Influence Maximization“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Schuh, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
02.12.2022: Dr. Lu-Vinh Nguyen from Eindhoven University of Technology gives a talk on ‘Uncertainty Representation and Learning“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Vinh, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
23.11.2022: Prof. Maghsudi is the new Equal Opportunity Officer on the Executive Board of the International Max-Planck Research School of Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS).  
18.11.2022: Mr. Behzad Nourani gives a talk on ‘Piecewise-Stationary Combinatorial Semi-Bandit with Causally Related Rewards“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Behzad.
04.11.2022: Mr. Misha Khodak from Carnegie Mellon University gives a talk on ‘Meta-Learning with Provable Guarantees“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Misha, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
01.11.2022: Mr. Ahmad Ehyaei joins our research group. Ahmad has received his M.Sc. degree from Sharif University in Tehran, Iran. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Ahmad!
21.10.2022: Mr. Hsiao-Ru Pan from Max-Plank-Institute for Intelligent Systems gives a talk on ‘Direct Advantage Estimation“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Hsiao-Ru, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
17.10.2021: This semester, we offer the seminar “Intelligent Internet of Things” for B.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
17.10.2021: This semester, we offer the lecture “Introduction to Game Theory with Application to Multi-Agent Systems” for M.Sc. students. The lecture begins today.
10.10.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking” (CSCN) 2022.
07.10.2022: Mr. Ricardo Dominguez Olmedo from Max-Plank-Institute for Intelligent Systems gives a talk on ‘The Adversarial Robustness of Causal Algorithmic Recourse“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ricardo, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
26.09.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi attends the Dagstuhl Seminar on “Cognitive Robotics”.
23.09.2022: Mr. Qiang He from the University of Tübingen gives a talk on ‘Easy Regularization on Representation Can Boost Deep Reinforcement Learning“ in our research colloquium.
15.09.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the Bosch Industry on Campus in Tübingen on ‘Distributed Learning from a Multi-Agent System Perspective”.
15.09.2022: Mr. Qiang He joins our research group. Qiang has received his M.Sc. degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Science. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Qiang!
09.09.2022: Ms. Saeed Ghoorchian from the University of Tübingen gives a talk on ‘Piecewise Stationary Multi-armed Bandits with Costly Information Acquisition“ in our research colloquium.
08.09.2022: It is a great pleasure to announce that the German Research Foundation has approved the financial support of project “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework towards Automotive Resiliency and Survivability of Mission-Critical Networks against Volatile Resource Flow” in the Priority Program “Resilient Worlds”. We thank the DFG for the generous support!
07.09.2022: Prof. Maghsudi joins the European Network for High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation as a member.
01.09.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Imitation Learning of Logical Program Policies for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning’’, by Manuel Eberhardinger, Johannes Maucher, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the German Artificial Intelligence Conference, Explainable Machine Learning Workshop (XI-ML@KI 2022).
24.08.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Federated Learning in UAV-Enhanced Networks Joint Coverage and Convergence Time Optimization’’, by M. Yayah, S. Maghsudi and S. Stanczak has been accepted for publication at the European Wireless Conference (EW).
12.08.2022: Ms. Lily Xu from Harvard University gives a talk on ‘Learning and Planning Under Uncertainty for Wildlife Conservation“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Lily, for accepting our invitation and the great talk!
03.08.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference” (WCNC) 2023.
01.08.2022: Ms. Michela Petriconi joins our research group. Michela has received her M.Sc. degree from the Sapienza University in Italy. Now she starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Michela!
01.08.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘A Learning-based Approach to Approximate Coded Computation’’, to which Prof. Setareh Maghsudi is a coauthor has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW).
29.07.2022: Mr. Chao Ma from the Microsoft Research Cambridge gives a talk on ‘Deep End-to-end Causal Inference“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much Chao, for accepting our invitation and the great talk!
23.07.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Diversity and Inclusion Events, on ‘Microaggression in Everyday Academic Life”.
18.07.2022: Ms. Hanyieh Barghi joins our research group. Hanyieh has received her M.Sc. degree from the Sharif University in Tehran. Now she starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Haniyeh!
15.07.2022: Ms. Xiaotong Cheng from the University of Tübingen gives a talk on ‘Distributed Consensus Algorithm for Change Point Detection in Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit“ in our research colloquium.
12.07.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the Conference of the Machine Learning Excellence Cluster in Tübingen on ‘Combinatorial Semi-Bandits with Causally-Related Arms”.
01.07.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on ‘Multi-Agent Multi-Armed bandits: Decision-Making under Uncertainty and Conflict”.
20.06.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi attends the Dagstuhl Seminar on ’Game AI and Human Interaction” as one of the organizers.
17.06.2020: Prof. Maurizio Parton from the University of Chieti–Pescara, Italy, gives a talk on ‘Machine Learning and Mathematics“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Rianne, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
14.06.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Hypothesis Transfer in Bandits by Weighted Models”, by Steven Bilaj, Sofiane Dhouib, and Setareh Maghsudi has been accepted for publication at the European Machine Learning Conference (ECML) 2022.
13.06.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the Ruhr University of Bochum on ‘Multi-Agent Multi-Armed bandits: Decision-Making under Uncertainty and Conflict”.
03.06.2022: Dr. Francesco Chini from Tübingen University gives a talk on ‘Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Agent Systems“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Francesco, for the great talk.
01.06.2022: Mr. Cheng Pan joins our research group. Cheng has received his M.Sc. degree from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Cheng!
01.06.2022: Mr. Johannes Steinle joins our research team to work on his B.Sc. thesis with the topic ‘Comparison/Evaluation of Different Learning Strategies for Side-Scroller Games“. Good luck, Johannes!
25.05.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the Ruhr University of Bochum on ‘Distributed Task Management in Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Networks”.
24.05.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at the University of Bayreuth on ‘Distributed Task Management in Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Networks”.
20.05.2022: Prof. Rianne de Heide from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, gives a talk on ‘Bayesian Best-Arm Identification“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Rianne, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
06.05.2022: Mr. Sebastian Bordt from the University of Tübingen gives a talk on ‘A Bandit Model for Human-Machine Decision Making with Private Information and Opacity“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Sebastian, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
03.05.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Distributed Task Management in the Heterogeneous Fog: A Socially Concave Bandit Game”, by Xiaotong Cheng and Setareh Maghsudi has been accepted for publication at the IEEE International Workshop of Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2022.
27.04.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk in the High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) Computing Systems Week on ‘Distributed Learning from a Multi-Agent System Perspective: An Overview of Challenges, Models, and Solutions”.
25.04.2022: Mr. Kevin Jeuter joins our research team to work on his B.Sc. thesis with the topic ‘Hide and Seek Games“. Good luck, Kevin!
22.04.2022: Mr. Ian Liu from the Kyushu University gives a talk on ‘Resource Allocation with Delayed Feedback “ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ian, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
21.04.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ’Linear Combinatorial Semi-Bandit with Causally Related Rewards”, by Behzad Nourani Koliji and Saeed Ghoorchian (Joint First Authors) and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2022.
20.04.2022: This semester, we offer the team project “A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework for Movie Recommendation” for two teams of B.Sc. students.
19.04.2022: This semester, we offer the seminar “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning” for M.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
19.04.2022: This semester, we offer the seminar “Ambient Intelligence” for B.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
02.04.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Distributed Beamforming Techniques for Cell-Free Wireless Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning’’, by Firas Fredj, Yasser Al-Eryani, Setareh Maghsudi, Mohamed Akrout, and Ekram Hossain, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
01.04.2022: Dr. Sabrine Chebby joins our research group as a post-doctoral fellow in a collaboration framework with African Institute of Mathematical Sciences in South Africa. Sabrine received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Tunis El Manar. She will spend her tenure partially at the German Research Chair of Data Science at AIMS South Africa and partially at our research group at the University of Tübingen. Welcome, Sabrine, and we look forward to a fruitful collaboration.
01.04.2022: Mr. Robert Klassert joins our research group. Robert has received his M.Sc. degree from the University of Heidelberg. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Robert!
01.04.2022: Mr. Alexander Conzelmann, a M.Sc. student at the University of Tübingen, joins our research team as a student assistant. Welcome, Alex!
28.03.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE Future Network World Forum (FNWF) 2022.
25.03.2020: Dr. Grigory Chernov from the Higher Institute of Economics gives a talk on ‘Directional Learning in Human“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Grigory, for the great talk.
10.03.2022: Mr. Amir Rezaei Balef joins our research group. Amir has received his M.Sc. degree from Sharif University of Technology in Iran. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Amir!
05.03.2022: It is a great pleasure to announce that the German Research Foundation has approved the financial support of project “Cooperation: The Key to the Potential of Edge Computing”. We thank the DFG for the generous support!
01.03.2022: We are glad that Mr. Grigory Chernov, Ph.D., from the Higher School of Economic, Russia, joins our research group as a guest researcher. During his visit, he plans to do research on Directional Learning. Welcome, Grigory!
01.03.2022: Mr. Damir Ravlija starts his M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Maghsudi. The topic is “Load Balancing in Multi-Task Crowdsourcing”. Good luck, Damir!
25.02.2022: Mr. Steven Bilaj gives a talk on ‘Multi-Source Domain Adaptation“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Steven.
22.02.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks” (WiOpt) 2022.
11.02.2022: Ms. Hanie Barghi from Sharif University of Technology gives a talk on ‘Distributed Sparse Feature Selection“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Hanie, for accepting our invitation and for the great talk.
28.01.2022: Dr. Giorgia Ramponi from ETH Zürich gives a talk on ‘Inverse Reinforcement Learning“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Giorgia, for accepting our invitation and for the great talk.
26.01.2022: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Roadmap for Edge AI: A Dagstuhl Perspective’’, to which Prof. Setareh Maghsudi is a coauthor has been accepted for publication at the CAN SIGCOM Computer Communication Reviews (CCR).
16.01.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom) 2022.
14.01.2022: Ms. Xioatong Cheng gives a talk on ‘Distributed Task Sharing under Uncertainty in Fog Computing“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Xiaotong.
10.01.2022: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi presents a poster at the BMBF Artificial Intelligence All Hands Meeting.
17.12.2021: Prof. Quoc Phong Nguyen from Singapore Management University gives a talk on ‘Bayesian Optimization“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Phong, for accepting our invitation and for the great talk.
15.12.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives a talk in the Cybervalley Entrepreneurship Series on ‘Sequential Decision-Making under Uncertainty“.
15.12.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Joint Coverage and Resource Allocation for Federated Learning in UAV-Assisted Networks’’, by Mariam Yayha and Setareh Maghsudi has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).
06.12.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC) 2022.
03.12.2021: Dr. Krikamol Muandet from Max-Planck-Institute of Intelligent Systems gives a talk on ‘Causal Interefence“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Krik, for accepting our invitation and for the great talk.
19.11.2021: Mr. Behzad Nourani gives a talk on ‘Linear Combinatorial Semi-Bandit with Causally Related Rewards“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Behzad.
15.11.2021: Mr. Alireza Nejat from the Technical University of Berlin starts his M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Maghsudi. The topic is “Game-Theoretical Perspective of Client Selection in Federated Learning”. Good luck, Alireza!
05.11.2021: Prof. Mai Anh Tien from Singapore Management University gives a talk on ‘Inverse Reinforcement Learning“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Tien, for accepting our invitation and for the great talk.
25.10.2021: Ms. Thanh Tam Bui joins our research team to work on her B.Sc. thesis with the topic ‘AI-based Situational Awareness in Cybersecurity“. Good luck, Thanh Tam!
22.10.2021: Ms. Melodi Caliskan gives a talk on ‘Scrum Project Management“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Melodi.
22.10.2021: Mr. Evgenii Kortukov, a M.Sc. student at the University of Tübingen, joins our research team as a student assistant. Welcome, Evgenii!
20.10.2021: Dr. Francesco Chini gives a talk on “Geometry and Machine Learning” to our group members. Thank you very much, Francesco.
20.10.2021: This semester, we offer the seminar “Intelligent Internet of Things” for B.Sc. students. The seminar starts today.
18.10.2021: This semester, we offer the lecture “Introduction to Game Theory with Application to Multi-Agent Systems” for M.Sc. students. The lecture begins today.
15.10.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2022.
15.10.2021: Mr. Stefan Thieringer joins our research team to work on his B.Sc. thesis with the topic ‘Deep Learning Methods for Stock Market Prediction: Benefits and Limitations“. Good luck, Stefan!
08.10.2021: Mr. Mohammad Matin Jalaeian Samany from the Technical University of Berlin starts his M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Maghsudi. The topic is “Age of Information: Concept, Impact on Learning Efficiency, and Applications”. Good luck, Matin!
08.10.2021: Prof. Ceyhun Eskin gives a talk on "Communication-Aware and Decentralized Strategic Learning in Networked Multiagent Systems“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ceyhun, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
01.10.2021: Mr. Glenn Angrabeit, a M.Sc. student at the University of Tübingen, joins our research team as a student assistant. Welcome, Glenn!
01.10.2021: Ms. Melodi Caliskan joins our research group. Melodi has received her M.Sc. degree from Bogazici University in Turkey. Subsequently, she has worked as an entrepreneur and also participated in several research projects. Now she starts her Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Melodi!
24.09.2021: Prof. Andrew S. Lan gives a talk on "Communication-Aware and Decentralized Strategic Learning in Networked Multiagent Systems“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Andrew, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
15.09.2021: Dr. Francesco Chini joins our research group. Francesco holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Now he starts in Tübingen as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome, Francesco!
10.09.2021: Prof. Ivegen Redko gives a talk on ‘Putting Theory to Work: From Learning Bounds to Meta-Learning Algorithms“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ivegen, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
08.09.2021: Mr. Yigit Can Akcay from the Technical University of Berlin starts his M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Maghsudi. The topic is “Decision-Making for Optimal Investment in Volatile Crypto Markets”. Good luck, Yigit!
06.09.2021: We are looking for a talented Ph.D. student. For more information, please see here:
03.09.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Data-Driven Online Recommender Systems with Costly Information Acquisition’’, by Onur Atan, Saeed Ghoorchian, Setareh Maghsudi, and Mihaela van der Schaar, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Service Computing.
25.08.2021: We are looking for an excellent post-doctoral fellow with a background in AI and Game Theory. For more information, please see here:
24.08.2021: It is a great pleasure to announce that the Cybervalley Research Fund Board has approved our project, “Communication-Constrained Cooperation under Uncertainty: How to Make Strategic Decisions“, for 3-years. We thank the Cybervalley for supporting our research.
20.08.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi attends the Dagstuhl seminar “Edge Intelligence’ by invitation.
18.08.2021: We are looking for two motivated student assistants. For more information, please see here:
01.08.2021: We are very glad to announce that our research group is a project partner in one of the projects of 6GHub initiative, funded by the BMBF. For more information, please see the following press release:
30.07.2021: Ms. Mine Melodi Caliskan, M.Sc., presents her research in the area of ‘Online Clustering“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Melodi, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
16.07.2021: Dr. Ehsan Kazemi gives a talk on ‘Submodular Optimization“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Ehsan, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
02.07.2021: Mr. Felix Sattler, M.Sc., presents his research in the area of ‘Federated Learning“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Felix, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
01.07.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Automatic Detection of Volcanic Unrest using Blind Source Separation with a Minimum Spanning Tree-based Stability Analysis’’, by Binayak Ghosh, Mahdi Motagh, Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi, Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva, Thomas Walter, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
01.07.2021: Mr. Ioannis Tsetis joins our research group. Ioaniss holds a M.Sc. degree from the University of Cambridge, UK. Now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Ioannis!
18.06.2021: Mr. Matthias Frey, M.Sc., presents his research in the area of ‘Over-the-Air Computation“ in our research colloquium. Thank you very much, Matthias, for accepting our invitation and the great talk.
17.06.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Extraction of INSAR Signals from Large-Scale SENTINEL-1 Interferograms by Improving Tropospheric Noise Correction’’, by Binayak Ghosh, Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi, Mahdi Motagh, and Setareh Maghsudi, has been accepted for publication at the ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
10.06.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference” (WCNC) 2022.
08.06.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘5G-World Forum” (5G-WF) 2021.
04.06.2021: Mr. Saeed Ghoorchian, M.Sc., presents the paper ‘Data-Driven Online Recommender Systems with Costly Information Acquisition“ in our research colloquium.
03.06.2021: IEEE ICC’21 awards Mr. Yuwen Cao a student grant for the paper ‘Mobility-Aware Routing and Caching: A Federated Learning Assisted Approach“, coauthored with Prof. Maghsudi. Congratulations, Yuwen!
01.06.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi attends the Lorentz workshop “Beyond the Mobile-Cloud Computing Paradigm’ by invitation.
31.05.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘IEEE Global Communication Conference” (GlobCom) 2021.
21.05.2021: Dr. Sofiane Dhouib gives an introductory tutorial about “Domain Adaptation” in our research colloquium.
20.05.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an online invited guest lecture at UCLA. The title is ‘Multi-Armed Bandits with Application to Autonomous Wireless Networking”.
19.05.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous Vehicular Edge Networks: On-line and Off-policy Bandit Solutions’’, by Arash Bozorgchenani, Setareh Maghsudi, Daniele Tarchi, and Ekram Hossain, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
18.05.2021: Mr. Alireza Masoumian from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, joins the group as a summer intern. Welcome, Alireza!
17.05.2021: Mr. Steven Bilaj joins our research group. Steven has received his M.Sc. degree from the Heidelberg University in Germany, and now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Steven!
01.05.2021: Dr. Sofiane Dhouib joins our research group. Sofiane holds a Ph.D. in machine learning from National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France. Now he starts in Tübingen as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome, Sofiane!
01.05.2021: Ms. Xiaotong Cheng joins our research group. Xiaotong holds a double B.Sc./M.Sc. degree jointly from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Now she starts her Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Xiaotong!
01.05.2021: Ms. Lena Lörcher joins our research group. Lena has received her M.Sc. degree from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Subsequently, she has worked as a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute of High-Speed Dynamics. Now she starts her Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Lena!
26.04.2021: We are still looking for a post-doctoral associate and a Ph.D. student. For more information, please visit the following link:
23.04.2021: Ms. Mariam Yahya, M.Sc., presents her ongoing research ‘Joint Coverage and Resource Allocation for Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Networks“ in our research colloquium.
13.04.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi gives an invited talk at European Robotic Forum - Workshop Trustworthy Robotics. The title is ‘Decision Making under Uncertainty and Conflict in Autonomous Networks: Challenges and Perspectives”.
12.04.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Distributed Cooperation Under Uncertainty in Drone-Based Wireless Networks: A Bayesian Coalitional Game’’, by Vandana Mittal, Setareh Maghsudi, and Ekram Hossain, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
09.04.2021: Mr. Saeed Ghoorchian, M.Sc., presents the paper ‘Multi-Armed Bandit for Energy-Efficient and Delay-Sensitive Edge Computing in Dynamic Networks With Uncertainty“ in our research colloquium.
26.03.2021: Mr. Alireza Javanmardi, M.Sc., presents the paper ‘Decentralized Dynamic Rate and Channel Selection Over a Shared Spectrum“ in our research colloquium.
20.03.2021: Mr. David Barrera joins the group to work on his M.Sc. thesis with the topic ‘Client Selection for Federated Learning”. Welcome, David!
01.02.2021: Mr. Behzad Nourani Koliji joins our research group. Behzad has recently received his M.Sc. degree from Sapienza University in Italy, and now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Behzad!
28.01.2021: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of ‘International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks” (WiOpt) 2021.
25.01.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Mobility-Aware Routing and Caching: A Federated Learning Assisted Approach’’, by Yuwen Cao, Setareh Maghsudi, and Tomoaki Ohtsuki, has been accepted for presentation and publication at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2021.
19.01.2021: We have two open post-doctoral positions. For more information, visit the following link:
15.01.2021: Mr. Alireza Javanmardi joins our research group. Alireza has recently received his M.Sc. degree from the Bilkent University in Turkey, and now he starts his Ph.D. journey in Tübingen.  Welcome, Alireza!
09.01.2021: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Personalized Education in the AI Era: What to Expect Next? ’’, by Setareh Maghsudi, Andrew Lan, Jie Xu, and Mihaela van der Schaar, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, special issue on Innovation Starts with Education.
06.12.2020: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2021.
02.11.2020: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi joins the International Max Planck Research School of Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) as a faculty member.
10.12.2020: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi serves as a Technical Program Committee member of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2021.
29.10.2020: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘EdgeDASH: Exploiting Network-Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming for Edge Caching’’, by Suzan Bayhan, Setareh Maghsudi, and Anatolij Zubow has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management.
20.10.2020: We are glad to announce that the paper ‘Computational Models of Human Decision-Making with Application to the Internet of Everything’’, by Setareh Maghsudi and Max Davy has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine.
15.10.2020: Ms. Mariam Yahya joins our research group. Mariam has recently received her M.Sc. degree from Jordan University of Science and Technology, and now she starts her Ph.D. journey in Tübingen. Welcome, Mariam!
01.10.2020: Prof. Setareh Maghsudi becomes the BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) young group leader for the project ‘Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandits: Theory and Application to Intelligent Spectrum Sharing (MABISS)”. We thank BMBF for the generous financial support!
01.10.2020: Our research group, ‘Decision-Making”, is established at Tübingen University! :-D

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