Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


Bernhard Lang gets "Promotionsstipendium nach dem Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG)"

Only qualified students with exceptional good degrees have the chance to get this grant. …

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Felix Wichmann joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vision

Starting on the 1st of January 2018 Felix serves now as an Associate Editor for JOV, initially for a…

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Successful funding: BMBF “IKT 2020 Graduate Training Center Machine Learning” will be established in Tübingen

The BMBF funding will dramatically improve the computing infrastructure for students interested in…

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Talk at the University of Gießen

Felix Wichmann visited the Psychology Department of the University of Gießen...

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New article published in "Journal of Vision"

Title: "An image-computable psychophysical spatial vision model" by Heiko H. Schütt and Felix A.…

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Congratulations! Felix Wichmann got teaching award for the fifth time in succession.

The GTC students of the degree course "Neural Information Processing" present the teaching award of…

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