Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


Tom Wallis: New abstract submitted as a poster at ECVP from 27.08.-31.08.2017 in Berlin

Title: "Matching peripheral scene appearance using deep features: Investigating image-specific…

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New book chapter “Methods in Psychophysics” accepted for publication

in the forthcoming 4th edition of the “Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology” by Felix…

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Felix Wichmann travelled to London and Cambridge

He was talking at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit as well as at the Cognition and Brain…

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Felix Wichmann travelled to California, USA

He was talking at the SPIE HVEI conference in San Francisco, at Apple in Cupertino and at UC…

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We have a new BSc student: Carlos Medina

He joined our group in 03/2017 and will work on his bachelor thesis in our lab.

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We have a new MSc student: Bernhard Lang

He will work on his master thesis in our lab.

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Posters accepted at the VSS conference in Florida in May

Heiko Schütt and Robert Geirhos present their posters there.

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New article published in “Journal of Vision”

"Comparing sensitivity estimates from MLDS and forced-choice methods in a slant-from-texture…

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