Institut für Angewandte Physik



Kentsch C., Henschel W., Wharam D., Kern DP.,

Spin-polarized edge states of quantum Hall systems on silicon basis.

Microelectronic Engineering, 83(4-9): 1753-6 (2006)


Raudzis CE., Schatz F., Wharam D.,

Adaption of the 3-method for testing of MEMS.

2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show. Nanotech 2003. Nanotech 2003 Joint Meeting. 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, MSM 2003. 3rd International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and Technology, ICCN 2003. 2003 Workshop on Compact Modeling, WCM 2003, 1 486-9 (2003)

Raudzis CE., Schatz F., Wharam D.,

Extending the 3-method for thin-film analysis to high frequencies.

Journal of Applied Physics, 93(10): 6050-5 (2003)


Fortagh J., Ott H., Schlotterbeck G., Zimmermann C., Herzog B., Wharam D.,

Microelectromagnets for trapping and manipulating ultracold atomic quantum gases.

Applied Physics Letters, 81(6): 1146-8 (2002)

Kraft S., Gunther A., Ott H., Wharam D., Zimmermann C., Fortagh J.,

Anomalous longitudinal magnetic field near the surface of copper conductors.

Journal of Physics B (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), 35(21): L469-74 (2002)


Single C., Augke R., Prins FE., Wharam DA., Kern DP.,

Towards quantum cellular automata operation in silicon: transport properties of silicon multiple dot structures.

Academic Press. Superlattices and Microstructures, 28(5-6): 429-34 (2000)

Abusch-Magder D., Simmel F., Wharam DA., Kastner MA., Kotthaus JP.,

Spacing and width of Coulomb blockade peaks in a silicon quantum dot.

Physica E, 6(1-4): 382-7 (2000)

Augke R., Eberhardt W., Single C., Prins FE., Wharam DA., Kern DP.,

Doped silicon single electron transistors with single island characteristics.

Applied Physics Letters, 76(15): 2065-7 (2000)

Fresser HS., Frey H., Prins FE., Wharam DA., Kern DP., Bottcher J., Kunzel H.,

Independent magnetotransport in parallel InGaAs double quantum wells with strongly different properties.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 15(2): 242-6 (2000)


Single C., Augke R., Prins FE., Wharam DA., Kern DP.,

Single-electron charging in doped silicon double dots.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 14(12): 1165-8 (1999)

Tilke A., Blick RH., Lorenz H., Kotthaus JP., Wharam DA.,

Coulomb blockade in quasimetallic silicon-on-insulator nanowires.

Applied Physics Letters, 75(23): 3704-6 (1999)

Tilke A., Vogel M., Simmel F., Kriele A., Blick RH., Lorenz H., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP.,

Low-energy electron-beam lithography using calixarene.

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures), 17(4): 1594-7 (1999)

Simmel F., Abusch-Magder D., Wharam DA., Kastner MA., Kotthaus JP.,

Statistics of the Coulomb-blockade peak spacings of a silicon quantum dot.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 59(16): 10441-4(1999)

Fresser HS., Prins Fe., Wharam DA., Kern DP., Bottcher J., Kunzel H.,

Landau-level interplay in InGaAs double quantum wells.

Academic Press. Superlattices and Microstructures, 25(1-2): 175-80 (1999)


Simmel F., Heinzel T., Wharam DA.,

Statistics of conductance oscillations of a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime.

Europhysics Letters, 38(2): 123-8 (1997)

Haubrich AGC., Wharam DA., Kriegelstein H., Manus S., Lorke A., Kotthaus JP., Gossard AC.,

Parallel quantum-point-contacts as high-frequency-mixers.

Applied Physics Letters, 70(24): 3251-3 (1997)

Wharam D., Transport properties of coupled quantum dot systems.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantum Devices and Circuits.

World Scientific: p.86-91 (1997)


Fujii K., Goedel W., Wharam DA., Manus S., Kotthaus JP., Boehm G., Klein W., Traeankle G., Weimann G.,

Microwave modulation of Coulomb-blockade oscillations in a quantum dot.

Physica B, 227(1-4): 98-101 (1996)

Kotthaus JP., Hansen W., Wharam DA.,

Electronic interactions between quantum dots.

Physica B, 227(1-4): 1-5 (1996)

Tobben D., Wharam DA., Abstreiter G., Kotthaus JP., Schaffler F.,

Quantized conductance in a Si/Si0.7Ge0.3 split-gate device and impurity-related magnetotransport phenomena.

Solid-State Electronics, 4(1-8): 405-8 (1996)


Schuster R., Ensslin K., Wharam DA., Dolgopolov VT., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Phase-coherent electrons travelling along classical electron trajectories. 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors .

World Scientific, 3: 19979-86 (1995)

Heinzel T., Hofmann F., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Modulation of Coulomb-blockade oscillations by coherence and quantisation effects. 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors .

World Scientific, 3: 1871-4 (1995)

Heinzel T., Johnson AT., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Coulomb-blockade oscillations in a quantum dot strongly coupled to leads.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 52(23): 16638-45 (1995)

Schuster R., Ensslin K., Wharam D., Dolgopolov V., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Quantum interference effects in finite antidot lattices. Compound Semiconductors 1994.

Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Symposium: p.831-4 (1994/95)

Tobben D., Wharam DA., Abstreiter G., Kotthaus JP., Schaffler F.,

Transport properties of a Si/SiGe quantum point contact in the presence of impurities.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 52(7): 4707-7 (1995)

Hofmann F., Heinzel T., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Single electron switching in a parallel quantum dot.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 51(19): 13872-5 (1995)

Tobben D., Wharam DA., Abstreiter G., Kolthaus JP., Schaffler F.,

Ballistic electron transport through a quantum point contact defined in a Si/Si0.7Ge0.3 heterostructure.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 10(5): 711-14 (1995)


Heinzel T., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Periodic modulation of Coulomb-blockade oscillations in high magnetic fields.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 50(20): 15113-19 (1994)

Wharam DA., Heinzel T., Manus S., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

High magnetic field investigations of quantum dots.

Superlattices and Microstructures, 15(1): 37-40 (1994)

Heinzel T., Manus S., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Modulation of Coulomb blockade oscillations by coherent resonant tunnelling.

Europhysics Letters, 26(9): 689-94 (1994)

Heinzel T., Wharam DA., de Aguiar FM., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Current-voltage characteristics of quantum point contacts in the high-bias regime.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 9(6): 1220-5 (1994)

Godel W., Manus S., Wharam DA., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Ballistic point contacts as microwave mixers.

Electronics Letters, 30(12): 977-9 (1994)

Schuster R., Ensslin K., Wharam D., Kuhn S., Kotthaus JP., Bohm G., Klein W., Trankle G., Weimann G.,

Phase-coherent electrons in a finite antidot lattice.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 49(12): 8510-13 (1994)


de Aguiar FM., Wharam DA., Heinzel T., Lorke A., Kotthaus JP.,

Gate-controlled conductance oscillations in small one-dimensional electron cavities.

Surface Science, 263(1-3): 428-32 (1992)


de Aguiar FM., Wharam DA.,

Transport through one-dimensional channels.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 43(12): 9984-7 (1991)

Greene SK., Pepper M., Wharam DA., Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Frost JEF., Hasko DG., Ahmed H., Jones GAC.,

Transmission coefficients and Hall resistance in a small cross-shaped semiconductor junction.

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 3(12): 1961-5 (1991)


Pepper M., Smith CG., Brown RJ., Wharam DA., Kelly MJ., Newbury R., Ahmed H., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Frost JEF., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

One-dimensional ballistic transport of electrons.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 5(12): 1185-8 (1990)

Pepper M., Brown RJ., Smith CG., Wharam DA., Kelly MJ., Newbury R., Ahmed H., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Frost JEF., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

One-dimensional transport phenomena in GaAs heterojunction structures.

Physica A, 168(1): 112-20 (1990)

Wharam DA., Newbury R., Pepper M., Hasko DG., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Ritchie DA., Peacock DC., Jones GAC., Thornton TJ., Ekenberg U.,

Ballistic electron transport in quasi-one-dimensional systems.

Surface Science, 229(1-3): 233-8 (1990)


Wharam DA., Thornton TJ., Newbury R., Pepper M., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

Quantisation of resistance in one-dimensional ballistic transport.

High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics II. Transport and Optics. Proceedings of the International Conference: p.366-70 (1989)

Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Frost JEF., Linfield EH., Davies AG., Smith C., Wharam DA., Ford CJB., Thornton TJ., Newbury R., Hasko DG., Ahmed H., Jones GAC., Pepper M.,

The growth and physics of MBE structures.

Physica Scripta, T29: 141-6 (1989)

Kelly MJ., Brown RJ., Smith CG., Wharam DA., Pepper M., Ahmed H., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Frost JEF., Newbury R., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

One-dimensional ballistic resistor in hot-electron regime: nonlinear and negative differential resistance to 10 THz.

Electronics Letters, 25(15): 992-3 (1989)

Wharam DA., Ekenberg U., Pepper M., Hasko DG., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Ritchie DA., Peacock DC., Jones GAC.,

Empirical relation between gate voltage and electrostatic potential in the one-dimensional electron gas of a split-gate device.

Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 39(9): 6283-6 (1989)

Wharam DA., Pepper M., Newbury R., Ahmed H., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Frost JEF., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

Observation of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a narrow two-dimensional electron gas.

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1(21): 3369-73 (1989)

Wharam DA., Hasko DG., Pepper M., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

Physics and fabrication of one-dimensional sub-micron semiconducting channels [MESFETs].

Microelectronic Engineering, 9(1-4): 369-72 (1989)


Pepper M., Wharam D.,

Rewriting the rules of resistanc.

Physics World: p.45-8 (1988)

Wharam DA., Pepper M., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

Addition of the one-dimensional quantised ballistic resistanc.

Journal of Physics C (Solid State Physics), 21(24): 887-91 (1988)

Wharam DA., Thornton TJ., Newbury R., Pepper M., Ahmed H., Frost JEF., Hasko DG., Peacock DC., Ritchie DA., Jones GAC.,

One-dimensional transport and the quantisation of the ballistic resistance.

Journal of Physics C (Solid State Physics), 21(8): L209-14 (1988)

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