The CLARA (Common Language Resources and their Applications) project is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network in the area of Common Language Resources and their Applications. It provides early stage and experienced researchers with scholarships for specific research tasks and for specific durations. To connect European research and to exchange knowledge between research institutions, researchers are exchanged between European countries. CLARA will train a new generation of researchers who will be able to cooperate across national boundaries on the establishment of a common language resources infrastructure and its exploitation for the construction of the next generation of language models with wide theoretical and applied significance. The scientific objectives of the CLARA research context are twofold: - to develop the next generation of data-intensive language models and applications by integrating approaches across language and country boundaries;
- to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European infrastructure for language resources.
CLARA will supplement basic research competencies in the language and text sciences with specialized knowledge and skills in linguistics, computer science, knowledge engineering, databases, statistical processing and language and speech applications. Participation in advanced research at leading universities will be complemented with additional training at industrial partners contributing to careers in industry |