
Gutachten für Auslandsaufenthalte (Dezernat für Int. Angelegenheiten)

Wir erstellen Gutachten für Auslandsaufenthalte auf Basis der Vorlesung Makroökonomik I im ersten Semester der Bachelor-Studiengänge. Bitte beachten Sie dazu folgende Informationen:

1. Reichen Sie Ihre Anfrage für Gutachten mindestens 4 Wochen vor der Frist ein. Anfragen, die später eingereicht werden, können nicht bearbeitet werden.

2. Reichen Sie alle Dokumente im Anhang in einer E-Mail ein.

3. Bitte stellen Sie uns außerdem folgende Informationen zur Verfügung:

  • Studiengang
  • Transcript of Records (mit Note im Fach Makroökonomik I)
  • ECTS-gewichtete Durchschnittsnote
  • Zieluniversität im Ausland (NICHT für Auslandssemester in USA/Canada)
  • Begründung/Motivation für das Auslandsstudium
  • Frist für die Einreichung des Gutachtens
  • Lebenslauf

Bitte senden Sie alle Unterlagen an folgende E-Mail-Adresse: economicsspam

Letters of Recommendation for Master/PhD and scholarship application

We are willing to provide letters of recommendation in support of student applications for, scholarships, and master and PhD programs. However, we do so only for students who took at least one course (or seminar) or wrote their Master thesis with Professor Müller or Prof. Mutschler in addition to Macroeconomics 1. Note, that we do NOT provide letters of recommendation without any specific academic reason.

1. Please hand in your request for a letter of recommendation at least 4 weeks prior to your deadline. Requests that are submitted later cannot be accepted.

2. Submit all your material in one e-mail

3. Please provide us the following information:

  • Field of study
  • Courses you took with Prof. Müller/ Prof. Mutschler, in which semester, grade achieved
  • All grades achieved so far (Transcript)
  • ECTS-weighted overall average grade
  • Desired foundation/master or PhD program
  • Reason you want to apply there (including the program's specialization in case of master and PhD studies)
  • Recipient of letter of recommendation, including postal or e-mail address as required
  • Deadline for letter of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae, including extracurricular activities

Please send the e-mail to economicsspam We will complete your letter of recommendation and send it directly to the recipient of the letter of recommendation. Note that we do not disclose letters of recommendation.

Credit accreditation from abroad

Credit accreditation from abroad is centrally organized for all courses related to the field of economics.

For further information please go to the teaching webpage for economics and join the Ilias group for credit accreditation from abroad that is linked at  "Important Links ⇒ Services".

If you have further questions, please contact Christian Manger.