Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Study Contents - Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (NWA) (phasing out examination rules)

Link to new examination rules (starting WS 21/22)

Master of Science

"Archaeological Sciences"

Brief information about this MSc in english and german
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This two-year, in-depth interdisciplinary program provides students with a detailed understanding of the human past, focusing on a combination of disciplines in the natural sciences. Students specialize in one of six subfields and tailor courses and research with top scientists on staff.

Students acquire practical and theoretical knowledge using cutting-edge tools and gain experience in the lab and the field.

An early integration in ongoing research projects and the development of scientific skills allows students to undertake projects of their choice, in consultation with their advisors, to investigate current questions in any field of archaeology.

Below is a summary of the general outline. Depicted in red are the modules during which students select one of the 6 specialisations (archaeometry, archaeobotany, geoarchaeology, paleoanthropology, paleogenetics and zooarchaeology)


The study course consists of 120 credits. Most modules -except for the project and the master thesis- consist of 6 credits. The grades of all modules, including the master thesis, are weighed depending on how many credits they are worth.


Module hand book and examination regulations

For students taking up the course after the winter term 2015/16, this module hand book and these examination regulations Rahmen-PO are relevant.   


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