Institut für Politikwissenschaft


Referierte Zeitschriftenartikel

Special Issue Introduction: Flemmer, Riccarda; Gresz, Verena, and Jonas Hein (2024): What Is at Stake? The Ontological Dimension of Environmental Conflicts. Society & Natural Resources 37 (5): 608–622. (Open Access)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2023): ‘Contesting State Monologues. Indigenous Grassroots’ Struggles with Prior Consultation Norms in the Peruvian Amazon.‘ International Studies Quarterly 67 (3). (Open Access)

Schilling, Janpeter, Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, Riccarda Flemmer, and Rebecca Froese (2020): ‘A Political Ecology Perspective on Resource Extraction and Human Security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru.’ The Extractive Industries and Society 8 (4): 1–12. (Open Access)

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2020): ‘Mobilising Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from Below: A Typology of Indigenous Peoples’ Agency.‘ International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 27: 291–313. (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2018): ‘Stuck in the Middle. Indigenous Interpreters and the Politics of Vernacularizing Prior Consultations in Peru’; Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 23 (3): 521–540. (Link)

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut; Flemmer, Riccarda and Anna Hujber (2018): ‘Contesting the Hydrocarbon Frontiers: De-Politicizing State Strategies and Local Responses in Peru (2007–2012)’; World Development, 108: 74–85. (Open Access)

Flemmer, Riccarda and Almut Schilling-Vacaflor (2016): ‘Unfulfilled promises of the consultation approach: the limitations to effective indigenous participation in Bolivia’s and Peru’s extractive industries’; Third World Quarterly 37 (1): 172-188. (Link)

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2015): ‘Conflict Transformation through Prior Consultation? Lessons from Peru’; Journal of Latin American Studies 47 (4): 811-839. (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2015): ‘Lecciones de los primeros procesos de la consulta previa en el sector de hidrocarburos en Perú’; Iberoamericana 15 (58): 166-171. (Open Access).


Artikel und Aufsätze in Sammelbänden

Flemmer, Riccarda; Gill, Bani; Kimmich, Dorothee; Kosgei, Jacky, and Russell West-Pavlov (2024): Introduction: Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present. In Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present, edited by Riccarda Flemmer, Bani Gil, and Jacky Kosgei. Dehli: Routledge, 1–17. (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2024): ‘Brokers of Words and Worlds? Reflections on Skills and Responsibilities of Non-Indigenous Translators in Indigenous Peoples’ Struggles.’ In Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present, edited by Riccarda Flemmer, Bani Gil, and Jacky Kosgei. Delhi: Routledge, 197–210. (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2022): ‘Luchas de pueblos indígenas, académicos y las “políticas de la traducción”.’ In Otro Derecho es Posible: Diálogo de Saberes y Nuevos Estudios Militantes del Derecho en América Latina, edited by Orlando Aragón Andrade, and Erika Bárcena Arévalo. Morelia: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 221–235. (Open Access)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2022): ‘The Implementation Paradox. Ambiguities of Prior Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for Indigenous Peoples’ Agency in Resource Extraction in Latin America.’ In Handbook of Indigenous Development, edited by Katharina Ruckstuhl, Irma A. V. Nimatuj, John-Andrew McNeish, and Nancy Postero, 181–90. London: Routledge. (Link).

Flemmer, Riccarda (2022) ‘Prior Consultation to Halt the Resource Curse? Potentials and Pitfalls of a Participatory Innovation in Peru and Its Implications for the Andean Countries. In Andean States and the Resource Curse: Institutional Change in Extractive Economies, edited by Gerardo Damonte and Bettina Schorr. London: Routledge, 104–121. (Open Access)

Flemmer, Riccarda (2019): ‘Prior Consultation as a Door Opener: Frontier Negotiations, Grassroots Contestation, and New Intercultural Politics in Peru.’ In The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Inside the Implementation Gap, edited by Claire Wright and Alexandra Tomaselli, Routledge Studies in Development and Society. London: Routledge, 106–118. (Link)



Flemmer, Riccarda, Gil, Bani, and Jacky Kosgei (eds., 2024): Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present, Delhi: Routledge. (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda, Gresz, Verena, and Jonas Hein (eds., 2024): ‘Special Issue: What Is at Stake? The Ontological Dimension of Environmental Conflicts’: Society and Natural Resources 37 (5). (Link)

Flemmer, Riccarda (ed., 2018): ‘The Laws of Extraction – Environmental Rights and Legal Regulations in Struggles over Natural Resources in the Americas: An Introduction’ as guest editor of fiar – forum for inter-american research of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS), 11 (3): 7–15. (Open Access)


Weitere Publikationen

Flemmer, Riccarda (ed.): Workshop report "The Transformative Potential of Rights of Nature?" 20 and 21 January 2023, University of Tübingen, Germany (Full report).

Tittor, Anne and Riccarda Flemmer (2016): Educational material (Unterrichtsmaterial für die Sekundarstufe II), Dossier: ‘Ressourcenkonflikte im Nord-Süd Kontext und Rohstoffreichtum in Lateinamerika’; Bielefeld: kipu-Verlag.



Flemmer, Riccarda (2016): ‘Peru: Politökonomische Kurzanalyse 2016 (PÖK)’, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development/ Bundesministerium für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (BMZ).

Schilling-Vacalfor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2015): ‘Rohstoffabbau in Lateinamerika: Fehlende Bürgerbeteiligung schürt Konflikte’; GIGA Focus Lateinamerika, 05/2015, GIGA: Hamburg. (Link)

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2013): ‘Das Recht auf vorherige Konsultationen: Rechtsnormen, P#raxis und Konflikte in Lateinamerika’, Eschborn/Bonn: GIZ/BMZ.

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2013): ‘El derecho a la consulta previa: Normas jurídicas, prácticas y conflictos en América Latina’, Eschborn/Bonn: GIZ/BMZ.

Flemmer, Riccarda (annually, 2012–2015): ‘Peru: Krisenfrühwarnung (KIK)’, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development/ Bundesministerium für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (BMZ).


Blog- und Medienbeiträge


Alina Brad, Riccarda Flemmer, and Jonas Hein (2021): ‘Raum und Ressourcen – Die politics of scale von Landrechtskonflikten.’ DVPW Blog (Link).

Bank, André; Flemmer, Riccarda; Heller, Regina; Hofius, Maren; Pfeifer, Hanna and Jan Wilkens (2021): ‘Die “Politics of Scale” in der deutschsprachigen Politikwissenschaft: Warum sich eine breitere Diskussion des Konzepts lohnt.’ DVPW Blog (Link).

Flemmer, Riccarda (2016): ‘The Wrong Kind of Right? Prior Consultation between Contestation and Meaninglessness in the Peruvian Amazon’, (Link)

Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut and Riccarda Flemmer (2015): ‘Das Recht auf freies, vorheriges und informiertes Einverständnis nicht isoliert sehen!’; Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker Österreich: Kampagnen-Heft Bedrohte Völker 02/2015, S. 6-7.

Interview in Peruvian TV channel Enlace Nacional 16.02.2015, ‘Research about irregularities in the implementation of prior consultation processes’ (Investigan irregularidades en procesos de consulta previa), First part and Second part.