Fachbereich Informatik

FAQ Medizininformatik - Master

Do you have a question that others may have asked themselves? Then take a look at the frequently asked questions - you may find your answer here. If your question is not listed, you can also send an e-mail to the Student Advisory Service at medizininformatikspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Which language skills are required for the Master's Program in Medical Informatics?

The Master's Program in Medical Informatics can be completed entirely in English, therefore Level B2 skills in English are required. In case you are attending any courses in German, Level B2 language skills in German are required.

Is there an introductory event for the Master's Program in Medical Informatics?

There is no specific introductory event. The Advanced Medical Informatics lecture held by Prof. Pfeifer will introduce you into your discipline.

Who can supervise my Master’s thesis? How many reviewers will I need for the thesis?

Your thesis supervisor (in German: Betreuer/Erstgutachter) must be an authorized examiner for the Master's Program in Medical Informatics. If in doubt, please contact the Board of Examiners. A Master’s thesis requires a second reviewer in addition to your supervisor.

Where can I find additional information about the Master's Program in Medical Informatics?

Please visit Medical Informatics - Master and our Computer Science Downloads page.

Whom can I contact with specific questions about the Master's Program in Medical Informatics?

Please send your request via email to the Program Director, who is responsible for the Master’s program.