You will find recordings of lectures held by Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt on timms.
Please follow this link and search for "Christoph Reinfandt" or the lecture you are looking for:
Also, you can find a list of all recorded lectures of the English Seminar by following this link and clicking on Philosophische Fakultät > Neuphilologie > Englisches Seminar:
Recorded Lectures held by Christoph Reinfandt:
What was Modernism, WS 17/18, WS 10/11
Introduction to Cultural Studies, SS 17, SS 13
Romanticism Today: The Singer/Songwriter-Paradigm, SS 16
Literary Theory: A Historical Survey, WS 15/16
Romanticism, SS 15, SS 09
Literary History: A Systematic Approach, WS 14/15, WS 08/09
Indian Literature in English: An Introduction, SS 14, SS 08
The Novel Today: Recent British Fiction, WS 13/14, SS 10
Introduction to Literary Studies, WS 17/18, WS 14/15, WS 11/12, WS 09/10, WS 08/09, 07/08
Realism, SS 11
The Literary Market in the UK, SS 11
Inaugural Lecture: The Humanities and Technicity in Times of Technology, SS 11
Writing Ireland - Irish Writing, WS 11/12
Literary Theory: A Survey, WS 09/10
A Brief History of Authorship, SS 07