Institut für Soziologie


Urbanity in Global Perspective - Lecture Series

  • Urban Abandonment and Civic Belonging. Perspectives from Johannesburg and Murcia
    Manuel Dieterich, Damián Martínez, Boris Nieswand(University of Tübingen)
    Friday, 01. July 22, 16–18 | Großer Übungsraum 101(Hegelbau)
  • Marseille: Networks of Urbanity of a ‘Southern' City
    Claire Bullen (University of Tübingen)
    Friday, 08. July 22, 16–18 | Großer Übungsraum 101 (Hegelbau)
  • The Latin American Paradigm of Urban Studies and the Production of Knowledge about the Global South
    Javier Ruiz-Tagle(Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
    Friday, 15. July 22, 09–11 | Übungsraum 119A (Hegelbau)
  • Relocating Exploitation: Tenant Shopkeepers' Livelihood Struggles in the Speculative City of Seoul
    Yewon Lee (University of Tübingen)
    Friday, 28. October 22, 16–18 | Großer Übungsraum 101 (Hegelbau)
  • The Production of Urban Space in Gauteng
    Richard Ballard (GCRO, Wits University Johannesburg)
    Friday, 18. November 22, 16–18 | Großer Übungsraum 101 (Hegelbau)
  • Africa-India Migrations and City-Making in Delhi
    Bani Gill (University of Tübingen)
    Friday, 09. December 22, 16–18 | Großer Übungsraum 101 (Hegelbau)

Program Poster

