Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Studying in North America

Studying in Canada and the USA

You can choose from almost 80 universities in Canada and the United States that the University of Tübingen has a partnership with. The exchange programs with Canada and the USA are managed by the International Office at the University of Tübingen. Their extensive webpages illustrate the application process and list the partner universities you may apply for in more detail. Please visit their webpages for more information and to start your application for your semester abroad.

The Student Body (Freie Fachschaft WiWi) offers access to its extensive collection of experience reports during office hours.

The Application deadline for stays in the USA and Canada is August 1! Please pay special attention to articles II.2 and II.4 in the Division for International Affairs’ brochure. The application process requires an extraordinary amount of preparation time.

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